

单词 commodity
释义 com·mod·i·ty 英kəˈmɒdɪtiː美kəˈmɑdɪtiAHDkə-mŏdʹĭ-tē ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIT宝6八COCA⁶¹⁷¹BNC⁶⁷¹⁴iWeb⁴⁹⁰⁹Economist²⁷⁷³


things bought in a shop and put to use


a thing of use or value

articles of commerce
commodity, goods

这两个词的共同意思是“商品,货物”。commodity是经济学词汇,其单数形式往往指某一类、某一方面的商品; goods是一般生活和商业词汇,无单数形式。

词根词缀: com-共同 + -mod-模式 + -ity名词词尾 → 共同模式的物品 → 商品
用作名词 n.
动词+~trade in -ties做物资交易形容词+~marketable commodity可销售的商品profitable commodity赚钱的商品daily〔household〕 -ties日用品〔家庭用品〕介词+~the prices of the -ties物价~+介词-ties for export出口商品
GRE红宝书com共同, mod = moden 样式-把样式共同摆出来-商店-商品
com,DOT com指商业网站 + modern 现代社会是商品社会
com+mod样式+ity→ 各种各样的东西→商品
方振宇词汇奥秘com一起+mod方法,样式+ity表名词,指具备某种性质→放在一起的同样式的东西→商品,货物com一起+mod模式+ity抽象名词后缀,表性质和状态→模式一样,相互匹配→便利性→给人便利之物⇒商品,货物。非常记忆com公司〖编码〗+modi摩的〖拼音〗+ty踢〖谐音〗⇒公司的摩的司机踢烂了所有商品词根记忆com共同+mod样式-ity表名词→市场上的商品种类繁多→商品,货物词根记忆com共同+mod样式-ity表名词→市场上的商品种类繁多,样式齐全词根记忆com + mod方式,范围+ ity → 在大范围内流通的东西 ⇒商品词根记忆com共同+mod+ity=有共同模式的东西=商品近义词 goodsproductmerchandise
用作名词n.The prices of the commodities are quite stable this year.今年各种物价相当稳定。
Tact is a valuable commodity.圆滑老练是很有用处的。
用作名词Coal is becoming a rarecommodity.煤正在成为一种稀缺商品。
In spite of the depression, the price ofcommodityis still high尽管有些萧条,但商品的价格仍然很高。
The country is heavily dependent on its exports of agriculturalcommodities.这个国家很大程度上依靠农〈产品〉的出口。
Time is our most valuablecommodity.时间是最有价值之物。noun.merchandise, possession
同义词 asset,goods,material,produce,product,property,stockarticle,belonging,chattel,line,object,specialty,thing,warevendible
articlenoun item, object
linenoun merchandise carried by store
merchandisenoun goods for sale
commodity,effects,job lot,line,material,number,produce,product,seconds,staple,stock,stuff,truck,vendible,wares
objectnoun thing able to be seen/felt/perceived
productnoun result or goods created
somethingnoun an unspecified thing
article,being,commodity,existence,existent,individual,object,substance,thing The mining giants do not deny that they have profited handsomely from high commodity prices but do dispute that figure.
矿业巨头们并不否认他们因为高的商品价格而收益颇丰,但他们对那些数据表示有争议。 ecocn

There is an abundance of commodity supplies on the markets.

A reader asked me if I feared the correction in commodity prices.
一个读者读者曾经问我是否害怕商品价格的修正。 yeeyan

As the world economy continues to recover, commodity prices will continue to rise again, with or without speculators.
随着世界经济持续复苏,无论有或没有投机家,商品价格都将再次继续攀升。 yeeyan

As the world economy continues its recovery from the crisis, commodity prices will continue to rise again, with or without speculators.
正如全球经济从危急中持续复苏的今天,商品价格将再次持续上涨,无论投机者参加与否。 yeeyan

But attention is neither a currency nor a commodity.
但是注意力既不是货币也不是商品。 yeeyan

But if the economy is weak, why have equity and commodity prices done so well?
但如果经济疲软,股市和商品价格又怎么表现这么好? ecocn

But if you talk to agriculture experts and commodity analysts, most of them will tell you that the role of speculation in high food prices is overstated.
但只要你向农业专家与商品分析者们询问,他们多数会告诉你:投机活动在高物价里所扮演的角色被过分夸大了。 yeeyan

But more recently, scientists have begun to realise that distributed human brain power itself can be a useful commodity, as in working out the shape of proteins.
但最近,科学家们已开始意识到分布式的人脑资源本来就可以是一件很有用的商品,如在计算蛋白质外形时的情况。 ecocn

Cars may well be a commodity, but they come in all shapes and sizes, for every lifestyle and need.
汽车无疑也是日用品,但针对每一种生活模式和需求,其拥有各种各样的形状和大小。 ecocn

Experience is to be had by all, it is a shared commodity, and the Chinese know and appreciate this better than others.
经历是所有人拥有的,它是一种分享的商品,而中国人比其他人都更理解它和感激它。 yeeyan

For commodity services, this may not be an issue.
对于商品服务,也许这不能算是问题。 ibm

Its effect on everything from commodity markets to global supply chains and military plans is undeniable.
中国对世界的影响,从商品市场到全球供应链和军事计划,是不可否认的。 yeeyan

My grandfather Ruby once told me that time is the most precious commodity; I never understood what he meant until2002.
我祖父鲁比曾对我说过,时间是最贵重的商品。我从未真正理解这句话的含义,直到2002年。 ecocn

She supervised the Commodity Department.
她管理日用品部门。 ebigear

So if you've got to get the best mate for the money because it may be the only one you will have, mate value becomes an important commodity.
所以如果你想要找到最好的配偶的话,就不能只为钱,因为现代社会一个人可能只允许一个配偶,所以择偶值就成为一项重要的商品。 yeeyan

Software is a commodity and the value a business can provide on top of that, beyond service, is where it gets interesting.
软件是一种商品,除了服务之外,人们能够从它上面获取价值的,这也是软件有趣的地方。 yeeyan

There may be no better example of a commodity that China has and other countries need.
没有比这个更好的只有中国有而其他国家必须要有的商品例子了。 yeeyan

They want to merge the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

This question often turns on whether the manufacturer produces a commodity product or a proprietary one and the relative size of the parties.
这一问题经常表现为供应商是否制造商品产品或一个所有权产品,以及当事各方的相对规模大小。 yeeyan

Time is the most precious commodity we have; do not waste it.
时间是我们最宝贵的商品,不要浪费它。 yeeyan

We have the best surveyor, China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau.
我们有最好的公证行,即中国进出口商品检验局。 kekenet

Whether or not water is a right, it is also a commodity which, unlike liberty of expression or freedom from torture, is costly to provide.
因为不论用水是否一项人权,水同时也是一样商品,它不象言论自由或免受酷刑这样的人权,供应水要花很多钱。 ecocn

Yet high commodity prices are only part of the story.
然而高高的商品价格只是故事的一部分。 ecocn

You need to check each commodity or futures contract since each of them is unique.
你必需去留心每件商品或期货合同,因为它们每一份都是唯一的。 yeeyan

You see, November is the season for this commodity in our market, and our Customs formalities are rather complicated.
你知道,在我们那儿十一月是这个商品上市季节,另外我们的海关手续相当复杂。 examw

Commodity prices remain stable and there are plenty of goods on the market.




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