

单词 commissioners
释义 commissioners kəˈmɪʃənəz COCA¹³⁴⁹²BNC⁶⁷⁷⁰Economist⁹³¹⁷
n.专员commissioner的名词复数;长官;委员;政府部门的长官原型commissioner的复数 Among other things, the220- page report concluded that the relationship between the AU Commission Chairman Alpha Oumar Konare and other commissioners was dysfunctional.
这份220页的报告提出的批评之一是,非盟委员会主席科纳雷同其他委员之间的关系令他们无法正常工作。 voanews

In another trickle of preliminary results released by election commissioners, President Karzai retains his firm lead with more than54 percent of the ballots.
阿富汗选举委员会发布的另一份初步结果显示,卡尔扎伊总统维持了稳固的领先优势,拿到超过54%的选票。 ebigear

In1696, King William III appointed eight paid commissioners to promote trade in the American plantations and elsewhere.
1696年,国王威廉三世钦点八名正式委员参与英国对美国及其他地区的贸易事务。 yeeyan

The committees of general Party branches and Party branches shall have discipline inspection commissioners.
党的总支部委员会和支部委员会设纪律检查委员。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The election commissioners are on trial in the criminal courts.
选举委员会成员则正在接受法庭审讯。 ecocn

The main goal of the Commissioners is to leverage policy change by turning existing public health knowledge into actionable policy agendas.
各位委员的主要目标是通过将现有公共卫生知识转变为可操作的政策议程推进政策变化。 who

The parliament has to approve the choice of commission president and can dismiss the entire commission, but not individual commissioners.
议会必须通过理事会理事长的决议,它也可以解散整个委员会,但不能解雇单个的委员。 ecocn

The Commissioners of Inland Revenue control British national taxes.
国家税收委员管理英国全国的税收。 kekenet

AFTER being subject to commissars in Moscow, some east Europeans are twitchy about commissioners in Brussels.
在受制于莫斯科的委员后,一些东欧领导人在面对布鲁塞尔的委员时就有些纠结了。 ecocn

All five commissioners of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission were on hand to answer senators’ questions.
核能管制委员会的五名委员全部列席这次听证会,回答参议员们的提问。 hxen

Both of the FCC's Democratic commissioners expressed disappointment that the rules had not met all of their expectations, but argued that having some rules is better than none.
联邦通讯委员会的两名民主党委员都对条例出台表示一定程度的失望,说这些条例并不完全符合他们的预期,但是有总比没有要好。 www.voanews.com.cn

Even getting the five commissioners—a feisty bunch, some of whom had expressed their mistrust of big finance in public before they got the tap from the Treasury— to agree was an achievement.
尽管有了五名委员会成员,但要达成一致,道阻且长——五名成员个个都争强好辩,财政部还没拍板呢,他们中的一些人就公然表示出对大体财务状态的不信任。 ecocn

He declared that, at the next European Union summit, he would demand a ban on all public statements by commissioners and their presumably redundant spokesmen.
他宣称在下次欧盟峰会上他将要求禁止所有的委员及其大概已被解雇发言人们发表公开政治评论。 ecocn

Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, will meet the commissioners soon, and they will have some hard questions for her.
国务卿希拉里克林顿即将与委员们会晤,他们会有些棘手的问题丢给她。 blog.sina.com.cn

In America the SEC shares authority with the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, state insurance commissioners and so on.
在美国,证监会与期货交易委员会,联邦储蓄保险公司,联邦保险委员会及其他部门分享这些监管责任。 ecocn

It controls all budgets and appoints judges, prosecutors, generals, state governors and election commissioners.
它控制所有的政府预算案,任命法官,公诉人,将军,州长和选举委员。 ecocn

Let me once again extend a warm welcome to President Barroso, High Representative Ashton and the EU commissioners.
我对巴罗佐主席、阿什顿高级代表和各位欧盟委员来访再次表示热烈欢迎。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Mr Karzai made no secret of his loathing for the meddling foreign commissioners and has cut their number to two.
卡尔扎伊丝毫不掩饰他对几个管闲事的外国委员的厌恶之情,已将其人数减至两人。 ecocn

One of the SEC’s commissioners said the plan should only be waved through once it is clear that secure, independent funding is in place.
一个证券交易委员的委员说,这个计划除非其稳定独立的资金筹备到位,才能获得通过。 ecocn

Quite a few of our commissioners are in prison and others have been convicted of awaiting their sentence.
我们很多委员会成员现在都在监狱中,其他一些也在收押等判刑。 hjenglish

Some commissioners do not agree: “ This application assumes the public cannot learn new words,” said one.
有些委员不同意这个观点:“你当大众学不来新词吗?” ecocn

The leaders of the House and Senate appoint the commissioners.
委员会的委员由众议院和参议院的领导人任命。 www.etiri.com.cn

This month, several EU Commissioners will be visiting China for the Third High Level Economic and Trade Dialogue.
本月,多位欧委会委员还将赴华出席第三轮中欧经贸高层对话。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Commissioners forge trade deals with the outside world, and scrutinise countries wanting to join the EU.
委员们的工作是与非欧盟国家达成贸易协议,审查申请加入欧盟国家的资料。 ecocn.org




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