

单词 commenced
释义 com·mence·d 英kə'mens美kə'mens COCA²⁹¹²⁹BNC¹³⁹⁸⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
vt. & vi. 开始

begin; start

take the first step or steps in carrying out an action;

We began working at dawn

Who will start?

Get working as soon as the sun rises!

The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia

He began early in the day

Let's get down to work now

set in motion, cause to start;

The U.S. started a war in the Middle East

The Iraqis began hostilities

begin a new chapter in your life

get off the ground;

Who started this company?

We embarked on an exciting enterprise

I start my day with a good breakfast

We began the new semester

The afternoon session begins at 4 PM

The blood shed started when the partisans launched a surprise attack

commence, begin, originate, start






5.begin是最常用语; commence多用于书面语; start则多用于口语。

6.originate作不及物动词时,表示“源自”“起始”“发起”等意思; 用作及物动词时,表示“创始”“发明”。








用作动词 v.
~+名词commence the attack开始攻击commence a lawsuit开始提出了诉讼commence the meeting开始开会commence school开始上学commence work开始上班~+副词commence amiably亲切地开始commence busily繁忙地开始commence ceremoniously仪式隆重地开始commence comfortably舒适地开始commence conventionally常规地开始commence daily日常地开始commence prosperously成功地开始commence shrewdly精明地开始~+介词commence as以某职业开始自己的生涯commence on开始从事某事commence with以…开始,从…开始
commence as v.+prep.

以某职业开始自己的生涯 start one's life work by being (a workman in a certain trade, etc.)

commence as sb/sthMany important businessmen commenced as factory workers.许多显赫的企业家都是从工厂的工人做起的。
The newspaper had commenced as a duplicated broadsheet.这家报纸最初为双面版。commence sth as sbShe commenced her life as an actress in the 1930s.从30年代她就开始了舞台生涯。
commence on v.+prep.

开始从事某事( start to work on; start dealing with sth)

commence on sthHe commenced on a piece of work.他着手搞一项工作。
He commenced on a technical innovation two years ago but has made no progress so far.两年前他着手进行一项技术革新,但迄今尚无任何进展。
He has commenced on a new book.他已开始读一本新书。
Has he commenced on another bottle?他已开始喝另一瓶酒了吗?
The children commenced on the chocolate biscuits.孩子们开始吃巧克力饼干。
commence with v.+prep.

以…开始,从…开始 start with

commence with sthYou should commence with this book.你该先读这本书。
We will commence with this work.我们将开始这项工作。
The word commences with a vowel.这个词开头是元音。
The Bible commences with the Genesis .《圣经》开头是《创世记》。The concert commenced with the national anthem.音乐会以奏国歌开始。
Let's commence with the first paragraph.咱们从第一段开始吧。近义词 take拿fire火stem柄get得到away离开begin开始start开始launch发起embark乘船aggress攻击actuate促使set out规划initiate开始take off起飞get down下来lead off领先originate发起instigate教唆set about开始start out开始start up惊跳起来christen为 … 施洗礼…inaugurate举行就职典礼…off表示状态的关闭或离开…embark on上船、飞机等…fire away继续开枪,不断射击,不断…反义词 end结束finish完成conclude推断出
S+~+AThe performance will commence from 7:00 p.m.演出晚上7点开始。
The second term commenced in March.第二学期自三月份开始。
S+~+ n./pron.If everyone has arrived, we may now commence the meeting.如果人都到齐了,现在我们可以开始开会。
The judges commenced a lawsuit.法官们开始提出了诉讼。
Should we commence the attack?我们是否应该开始攻击了?S+~+to- vThe young girl took the cheese and commenced to eat.那个年轻女孩拿了干酪开始吃起来。
The little girl commenced to cry when she saw the snake.这小女孩一看到蛇就开始哭了起来。S+~+ v -ingHe commenced studying law.他开始攻读法律。
After the election the new government commenced developing the roads.选举后新政府开始修建道路。



commence后接介词as,表示“以某职业开始自己的生涯”; 后接介词on,表示“开始从事某事”; 后接介词with,表示“以…开始,从…开始”。

用作动词Icommencefrom this point.我从此点开始。
The second termcommencesin March.第二学期自三月开始。
We willcommencewith this work.我们要着手进行这项工作。
Icommencea round of visit.我开始着手一系列访问。as in.originated
同义词 begun,created,startedas in.present
同义词 currentbegun,being,coeval,contemporary,instant,modern,nowadays,prompt,started,todayad hoc,already,at this moment,contemporaneous,even now,existent,extant,for the time being,going on,immediate,in duration,in process,just now,present-day,topical,under consideration,up-to-dateas in.present-day
同义词 contemporary,modernad hoc,already,at this moment,begun,being,coeval,contemporaneous,current,even now,existent,existing,extant,for the time being,going on,immediate,in duration,in process,instant,just now,new,now,nowadays,prompt,started,today,topical,under consideration,up-to-dateas in.started
同义词 initiatedevoked,institutedas in.underway
同义词 afoot,ongoingadvancing,begun,initiated,in progress,moving,started,undertaken
more presentadjective existing;at this time
ad hoc,already,at this moment,begun,being,coeval,contemporaneous,contemporary,current,even now,existent,extant,for the time being,going on,immediate,in duration,in process,instant,just now,modern,nowadays,present-day,prompt,started,today,topical,under consideration,up-to-date
originatedadjective introduced
presentadjective existing;at this time
ad hoc,already,at this moment,begun,being,coeval,commenced,contemporaneous,contemporary,current,even now,existent,extant,for the time being,going on,immediate,in duration,in process,instant,just now,modern,nowadays,present-day,prompt,started,today,topical,under consideration,up-to-date
present-dayadjective present
ad hoc,already,at this moment,begun,being,coeval,commenced,contemporaneous,contemporary,current,even now,existent,existing,extant,for the time being,going on,immediate,in duration,in process,instant,just now,modern,new,now,nowadays,prompt,started,today,topical,under consideration,up-to-date
startedadjective begun
underwayadjective in motion
advancing,afoot,begun,commenced,in progress,initiated,moving,ongoing,started,undertaken And she would have commenced the execution of her threat directly, but Linton was up in alarm for his dear self again.
她马上就要开始实行她的威胁,但是林惇又为了他所珍爱的自身而惊慌了。 putclub

She began singing in church choirs at age five, commenced piano lessons two years later, and briefly played alto saxophone in junior high.
诺拉-琼斯五岁开始在教堂唱诗班唱歌,两年后开始学习钢琴,初中时候一度演奏过低音萨克斯管。 edu.sina.com.cn

The investigation opened formally in August2007, one of the few times NHTSA commenced a full-fledged investigation into reports of Toyotas accelerating unexpectedly.
2007年8月曾展开过正式的调查,在为数不多的几次调查中,美国国家交通安全管理局曾开始对丰田车的异常加速问题的报告进行了全面的调查。 yeeyan

The Ministry of Health has a policy to expand the RDF to the whole country and has already commenced roll-out to seven more states.
卫生部颁布政策将药品周转基金扩展至全国,并已在其他7个州开始实施药品周转基金。 who

The war commenced in March.
战争从三月份开始。 ebigear

There was some shadow of an attempt of this kind in the mode of celebrating the day on which the political year of the colony commenced.
在殖民地开始其政治年度的这一天庆祝活动中,还有这种意图的影子。 hjenglish

Before the mission commenced the SEALs had created a checklist of code words that had a Native American theme.
在行动开始前,海豹队员们建了一个以美国印第安人为主题的密语清单。 yeeyan

Before Cycle24 commenced, the position and strength of the torsional oscillation correctly predicted the late arrival of this cycle's sunspot activity.
在第24个周期开始前,人们通过太阳的扭转振动的位置和强度准确的预知了第24周期内太阳黑子活动的推迟。 yeeyan

But nearly twenty years have passed since the construction of the first national road was commenced.
但是,自从第一条国道的建设开始以来将近二十年已过去。 kekenet

FedEx commenced its operations in April1973 in Memphis, U.S.
1973年4月联邦快递于美国孟菲斯开始运作。 putclub

Furthermore, in recent months BAE Systems has commenced a project to do the same in India as the country emerges as a key military spender.
此外,近几个月, BAE系统公司已开始一项计划,向新生的重要军品消费国——印度实施相同战略。 www.etiri.com.cn

I drank two glasses, and felt much better, and we went into the drawing- room, where they had commenced dancing.
我喝了两杯,觉得好多了。然后我们进入客厅,此时他们已开始跳起舞来。 club.edu.sina.com.cn

I may say this: it commenced in a quarrel.
我可以说的是:这是一场争吵引起的。 putclub

I unknotted the handkerchief, and commenced dropping them in from an angle, and the flame curled up the chimney.
我解开手绢,开始把它们从手绢角里向外倒,火焰卷上了烟囱。 putclub

I commenced again.
我又开始说话。 ebigear

I commenced, when we were out of the house.
当我们走出这所房子时,我就说。 putclub

No evacuation is commenced, and the airplane then sits with its engines running for more than three minutes.
而且之后没有开始撤离,飞机继续开着发动机超过3分钟。 yeeyan

Prior to these cases, wild poliovirus has not been found in Yemen since AFP surveillance commenced in1996.
在这些病例之前,自1996年开始急性弛缓性麻痹监测以来在也门未发现野生脊髓灰质炎病毒。 who

She commenced studying chemistry.

The final phase of the hunt for Bin Laden had commenced, and all the various elements which had been so out of line previously fell slowly into place.
寻找本·拉登的最后阶段开始了,原先各种不协调的因素也开始慢慢步入正轨。 yeeyan

Then, with his knife, he began to carve all sorts of objects in wood; it was thus that Pinelli, the famous sculptor, had commenced.
然后他又用小刀来雕刻各样的木头东西,大名鼎鼎的雕刻家庇尼里也就是这样开始的。 jukuu

We reached home, and the rest of our lives commenced.
我们到了家,我们日常生活又开始继续了。 yeeyan

Well folks, commerce for the day has commenced and I am sure we are in for a great day of commodity trading.
各位,今天的商业节目现在开始,我敢肯定今天是个商品交易的好日子。 kekenet

When operations in Libya commenced at the weekend, President Obama was in Brazil on a pre- arranged trip.
当上个周末在利比亚的军事行动开始的时候,奥巴马总统正在巴西进行一次预先安排好的访问。 yeeyan




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