

单词 advantaged
释义 ad·van·taged 英əd'vɑːntɪdʒd美əd'væntɪdʒd ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁶⁰¹¹⁴BNC⁶¹⁴⁶⁵iWeb⁴¹¹³⁸
动词 advantage:
give an advantage toadvantage优势
近义词 lucky幸运的fortunate幸运的favored受到优待的honored深感荣幸的privileged有特权的

用作形容词I was moreadvantagedthan Mary.我比玛莉占优势。
Setting up family records is anadvantagedthing for people and the country家庭建档是利国利民的大好事
We aim to improve opportunities for the lessadvantagedin society.我们的宗旨是为社会地位比较低下的人增加机会。
Xinjiang is withadvantagedresource of water, soil, light and heat.新疆具有得天独厚的水、土、光、热资源。
The opening city awards the factory theadvantagedspace to develop.开放的城市赋予了得天独厚的发展空间。as in.favored
同义词 preferred,recommended,selectedblessed,chosen,pet,privilegedbest-liked,elite,fair-haired,lucky,singled out,sweetheart,well-liked
反义词 disfavored,unpopularas in.privileged
同义词 honored,powerfulentitled,indulged,rulingsilk-stocking,special
反义词 disadvantageous,poor,prevented,public
favoredadjective popular
best-liked,blessed,chosen,elite,fair-haired,lucky,pet,preferred,privileged,recommended,selected,singled out,sweetheart,well-liked
privilegedadjective favored, elite
advantaged,entitled,honored,indulged,powerful,ruling,silk-stocking,special It was proposed how to utilize the advantaged positive heterosis, and how to avoid the disadvantageous positive heterosis for grain quality breeding in three- line late indica hybrid rice.
并提出了在进行三系杂交晚稻组合品质育种时,合理利用有利的正向杂种优势和避免不利的正向杂种优势的建议。 cnki

The brief yet splendid history, advantaged geographical environment as well as its powerful economic strength has endowed America with its unique security concept.
短暂而辉煌的历史、得天独厚的地理环境、雄厚的经济实力等赋予美国安全观以其他国家所不具有的独特性。 cnki

The favorable regional environment provides the advantaged strategic condition for the development of the base.
优越的地域环境,为基地的发展创造着得天独厚的战略条件。 sztv-best

The regression analysis is an advantaged tool to process dependency relation between variables and applicable in many domains.
回归分析方法是处理变量之间相关关系的有利工具,在很多领域都有应用。 cnki

Delta of the Changjiang River not only has advantaged predominance, but also has good complexion in the aspect of self- identity of culture because of the historical origin.
长江三角洲区域的历史渊源使得该区域在文化认同方面有着得天独厚的优势,也造就了良好的文化认同现状。 cnki

Even more striking, six of the seven heads of government of the G7 rich countries are alphabetically advantaged Berlusconi, Blair, Bush, Chirac, Chrétien and Koizumi.
更引人注意的是, G7富国中六位都是在音序表中占据地利 Berlusconi-贝卢斯科尼, Blair-布莱尔, Bush-布什, Chirac-希拉克, Chrétien-克雷蒂安和 Koizumi小泉纯一郎。 ecocn

For less- advantaged students, however, not getting to attend college means a lifetime of low- wage jobs instead of economic and social mobility.
然而,对那些不那么有优势的学生来说,不上大学就意味着一辈子做一份低薪水的工作,丧失了改变自己的经济状况和社会地位的机会。 yeeyan

Furthermore, political decisions are typically taken on the basis of the distributional consequences— which groups will be advantaged— rather than the overall welfare of society.
此外,一般而言,根据分配劳动成果来制定政治决策,获益的将只是某些群体,而不是社会整体福利。 yeeyan

He would like to produce prosthetics that can emulate biological limbs so precisely that they ensure that the likes of Mr Pistorius are neither advantaged nor disadvantaged.
他想要做出能够准确模拟生物肢体的假肢,这样就可以保证匹斯腿瑞斯没有优劣之差了。 ecocn

Just as the advantaged are now more likely to tie the knot in the first place, they are also more likely to remarry following a divorce.
正像崇尚利益的人在第一次婚姻中更可能把夫妻双方紧密联系在一起,他们也更可能在离婚后再婚。 yeeyan

National autonomous regions develop foreign trade with advantaged geographical superiority, personal advantage, and advantage of policy and law.
民族自治地方开展对外贸易具有得天独厚的地缘优势、人缘优势和政策与法律上的优势。 cnki

Once these expenses have been covered, the next step should be to fund a retirement plan or some other tax- advantaged vehicle.
一旦这些费用搞定了,下一步就是为退休计划或含税收优惠的车积累资本。 yeeyan

Put yourself in the advantaged position of scenario B.
将自己置身于情形 B般优势的位置。 yeeyan

The successful application of the system has afforded an advantaged platform for the library, and the system can afford decision-making.
通过图书馆用户评价系统的成功应用,为图书馆评价提供一个有利平台,该平台将为图书馆的发展决策提供参考。 cnki

These advantaged souls also score higher in openness, and lower in neuroticism, the tendency to experience negative emotional states like anxiety, anger, guilt, and depression.
这些得天独厚的品质使得他们在开放性方面得分更高,并且能减少焦虑,愤怒,内疚,抑郁等消极情绪的影响。 yeeyan

Xinjiang is with advantaged resource of water, soil, light and heat.
新疆具有得天独厚的水、土、光、热资源。 iciba




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