

单词 commander
释义 com·mand·er 英kəˈmændə美kəˈmændɚAHDkə-mănʹdər ★★★☆☆高四六IT4八COCA²⁸⁵⁸BNC⁴⁴²²iWeb⁴³⁵⁷Economist⁴¹⁰⁸


the officer of any rank who is in charge of a group of soldiers


a naval rank

an officer in command of a military unitsomeone in an official position of authority who can command or control othersa commissioned naval officer who ranks above a lieutenant commander and below a captainan officer in the airforce词根词缀: com-加强意义 + -mand-命令 + -er名词词尾,人Lieutenant Commander少校Wing Commander中校commander-in-chief总司令commander in chief总司令company commander连长commander equipment指令设备knight commander第二级爵士group commander群长; 机群长,大队…military commander军事领导人theater commander战区司令fire commander火场指挥员commander sender指令发送器
非常记忆cammand读音近似come on cammand⇒命令 er 表“…人” 发命令的人⇒司令非常记忆command命令〖熟词〗+er儿〖拼音〗⇒司令官命令儿子去参军com-一起mand-命令er表示人⇒commander n.指挥官,司令官,负责人钱博士command指挥+er者⇒指挥官
近义词 war战争head头部boss老板leader领袖master主人chief主要的overman工头captain首领headman队长officer官员foreman领班manager经理superior上级chieftain酋长general普遍的overseer监督人commandant司令官overlooker检查员commanding指挥的chief officer大副administrator管理人president国家总统taskmaster工头监工commanding officer指挥官commander in chief总司令
用作名词n.All the commanders gathered at the headquarters.所有的指挥官都集合在司令部。
He was a commander who never took risks.他是位从不冒险的海军中校。Pcommanderismn.命令主义Pcommanderista.命令主义的Pcommandershipn.总司令之职

用作名词Thecommanderordered a counterattack.司令官命令反攻。
Commander Rahm arrives, swinging a swagger stick.拉姆司令官挥舞着一柄短手杖来到了。
The army was arrayed before thecommander.部队在指挥官前列好阵势。noun.leader of military or other organization
同义词 administrator,captain,chief,commandant,director,head,officer,rulerboss,co,czar,don,exec,guru,kingfish,kingpin,mastermind,skipperbig cheese,head honcho,head person,high priest/priestess,higher up,lead-off person,point person,top banana,top brass,top dog
反义词 employee,workerfollower
administrationnoun human or group who manages effort of an organization
President,admiral,advisers,board,bureau,cabinet,chair,chairperson,chargé d'affaires,command,committee,consulate,department,directors,embassy,executive,executives,feds,front office,general,governing body,headquarters,legislature,management,ministry,officers,officials,powers,presidency,presidium,stewards,superintendents,supervisors,top brass,upstairs
administratornoun person who manages organization
CEO,President,ambassador,authority,boss,bureaucrat,captain,chair,chairperson,chief,commander,consul,controller,custodian,dean,director,exec,executive,front office,governor,head,head honcho,head person,inspector,judge,leader,manager,mayor,minister,officer,official,organizer,overseer,person upstairs,premier,prez,producer,superintendent,supervisor
captainnoun person in charge
CEO,CFO,authority,boss,cap,chieftain,commander,director,exec,executive,four-striper,guide,head,head honcho,higher up,leader,number one,officer,operator,owner,pilot,skip,skipper,top,top dog
chiefnoun person in charge
President,big cheese,big gun,big wheel,bigwig,boss,captain,chieftain,commander,dictator,director,foreperson,general,governor,head,head honcho,head person,honcho,key player,leader,manager,monarch,overlord,overseer,principal,proprietor,ringleader,ruler,sovereign,superintendent,supervisor,suzerain,top brass,top cat
commanding officernoun officer in command
co,commandant,commander,general,hetman,old man,sirdar
dictatornoun absolute ruler
Hitler,absolutist,adviser,authoritarian,autocrat,boss,chief,commander,despot,disciplinarian,fascist,leader,magnate,mogul,oligarch,oppressor,ringleader,slavedriver,totalitarian,tycoon,tyrant,usurper And I understand, you know, in a time of war everyone rallying behind the commander and chief.
我是这样理解的,这就像一场经济战争,每个人都严阵以待,等待指挥官的命令。 yeeyan

The founders stress the notion that players only need to spend a few minutes each day, checking in with their commander and allocating their armies.
创立者们强调这种概念,玩家每天只需要花几分钟时间,到指挥官那儿签到,再分派他们的部队就行了。 yeeyan

The commander rallied his troops around him.

The commander stops at a place where stones set in the soft sand mark out three graves.
指挥官在一处停下来,那儿石头被摆放在柔软的沙里,搭出了三个坟墓。 yeeyan

What future Prime Minister of Israel was the commander of the special forces unit that carried out the attack?
那位指挥特种部队分队进行袭击的司令,后来成为了以色列首相的人,是谁呢? yeeyan

‘ Excuse me, Commander, ’ the guard said.
“对不起,司令。”那个卫兵说。 ebigear

“ They will go through a significant search regime, ” Commander Jones said.
琼斯司令官说:“他们将经历一番重要的搜查机制。” cri

“ When we don't fight, we take religious classes with the emir commander, ” explained the tall fighter.
“当不打仗时,我们就和埃米尔司令官一起上宗教课,”瘦高的战士解释道。 yeeyan

At last we got through to the commander, who ordered the Talib to let us pass.
最后,我们接通了指挥官,他命令这个塔利班战士放我们过去。 yeeyan

But he managed to carry out the clean-up because, without thinking, he did what his commander ordered.
但他还是圆满地完成了清理工作,因为他要毫不犹豫地听从指挥官的命令。 i21st

But his views, expressed in a column entitled“ Reflections of the Commander” that is published every few days in the state newspapers, still dominate Cuba.
但他将他的见解发表于国家报纸的一个名为“指挥官的沉思”专栏中,每隔几天就出版一次,这些观点仍控制了古巴。 ecocn

But we need to talk to Earth commander again.
但是我们需要再和地球司令谈谈。 ebigear

General David Richards, the British commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, says the operations have been a military and political success, so far.
驻阿富汗北约军队的英国总司令,理查兹将军说,目前为止,行动在军事和政治上都是成功的。 ecocn

Instead, the commander gave him another chance, assigning him to a new platoon.
幸运的是,指挥官给了他另外一次机会,并分配他到一只新的排队。 yeeyan

Major General John MacDonald, the new deputy commander of US forces in Afghanistan, told the Guardian the insurgents were “ most dangerous when they begin to collaborate with one another”.
美军驻阿富汗的新任副司令官少将约翰·麦克唐纳,告诉卫报说,当叛乱分子“开始彼此合作时就是他们最为危险的时候”。 yeeyan

The American commander in Kabul said he will need the troops for the long term to fight the growing insurgency.
美国在喀布尔的指挥官说,他需要这些部队长期驻守阿富汗,打击日益增多的反叛活动。 ebigear

The general was relieved of his office as a supreme commander.

The officer talks about what the weapons can do, not why he's showing them off, but the squadron commander says the answer is obvious.
这名军官讲述了这些武器的用途,却没有告诉我们为什么要展示它们。不过,中队指挥官认为答案显而易见。 yeeyan

The Sunday Times in London quotes the British commander in Afghanistan as also saying the Taleban cannot be defeated on the battlefield.
伦敦的星期日泰晤士报援引英国在阿富汗的指挥官的话表示,不可能在战场上打败塔利班。 ebigear

Their commander wisely judged to be safer in their works than in the field.

Warning of“ IMMINENT THREAT, ” the commander said he would“ destroy” the man and his equipment— in other words, kill him.
在发出“危险逼近”的警告后,指挥官说他会“击毁”那个阿富汗人和他的设备,换句话说就是杀了他。 yeeyan

We would like you to talk to Earth Commander.
我们希望您能和地球司令高格谈一谈。 ebigear

Where it comes from, again, it's not relevant to the commander.
它从哪里得来,再次认证,对指挥官来说已经不重要。 yeeyan




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