

单词 coming upon
释义 coming upon短语⁹⁰⁸⁸⁷⁺

a casual meeting with a person or thing The sword of the Lord rules and there is a ruling anointing coming upon God's people.
主的剑治理,并且一种统治的恩膏正临到神的百姓。 hosanna-tod.com

It serves to keep you from reeling under the impact of years of learning coming upon you in an instant.
这样能保护你免受多年学习成果在一瞬间突然释放带来的精神冲击。 cndkc.net

It was easy to tell that they had been before the others, because in places their marks had been entirely obliterated by the others coming upon the top of them.
他们的足迹,比其他人的在先,这一点是很容易说明的;因为从一些地方可以看出,他们的足印被后来人的足印践踏,已经完全消失了。 tingroom

James5:1 Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries which are coming upon you.
雅5:1 嗐!你们这些富足人哪,应当哭泣,号啕,因为将有苦难临到你们身上。 blog.sina.com.cn

When you have no beauty and love there is no possibility of coming upon that immeasurable thing.
当你没有爱和美,就不可能遭遇那不可衡量之物。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn

Coming upon the soldiers' leader he stabs him with animal savagery.
遭遇士兵将领后,博士兽性大发,用刀猛刺将领。 ecocn

Coming upon this freedom is meditation.
遭遇这自由就是冥想。 blog.sina.com.cn




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