

单词 coming-of
释义 coming-ofBNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Being involved in this kind of coming-of- age ceremonies often makes a teenager reflect on what it means to be crossing the threshold of adulthood.
在这样的成年仪式上往往会使一个青少年意识到这是一个成年的开端。 gedu

It is a personal story, too, an account of the author’s own “ coming-of- age as an oncologist, ” and its historical narrative is crosscut with Mukherjee’s present predicaments.
这个故事也非常人性化,讲述了作者成为一名“成熟的癌症学家”经历,而且历史性的叙述被慕克吉眼下所面临的困境冲断。 yeeyan

Like “ Huckleberry Finn”, “The Catcher in the Rye” is a coming-of- age novel.
《麦田守望者》跟《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》一样,都是成长纪事小说。 wwenglish




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