

单词 coming back to
释义 coming back to短语⁸²⁶³
One of the exhilarating things about coming back to Cambridge every spring is walking through the streets at dusk, when you can see into the houses.
每年春天回到剑桥,最令人愉快的事情就是黄昏时在街上散步,你能透过窗户看进路边的房子里。 yeeyan

Despite the markup, not much is coming back to the Chinese manufacturers.
尽管这样大利润,没有多少是回到了的中国制造商。 yeeyan

Now coming back to the question with which I started the speech, is China a power?
回到我演讲开始时提出的那个问题:中国是一个强国吗? putclub

Resting and coming back to the same thing later on gives us a renewed perspective and fresh focus.
休息过后回到同一件事上可以使我们获得全新的想法和新的注意力。 yeeyan

Yet we kept coming back to the same question: Will there ever be a better time?
但我们一再回到一个老问题上来:真的会有更好的时机吗? kekenet

Coming back to the beginning of the article, emerging markets like China, are going through an adjustment period.
回到文章的开头,新兴市场例如中国正在经历一段调整期。 yeeyan




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