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and to withdraw the league’s backing from ANC leaders who refuse to adopt its stance on the mines when they come up for re- election in2012.
并且在2012大选中不再支持国民大会中部分领导者,如果他们不支持矿产国有化。 ecocn

But as those loans come up for refinancing, losses will have to be taken unless owners put up more capital.
但是随着这些贷款需要再融资,除非银行筹集更多资金,否则的话这些贷款的损失不避免。 ecocn

By contrast, he admits to buying 40% of the Hirst paintings that have come up for sale at Sotheby’s and Christie’s in the past year.
与此形成对比的是,他承认过去的一年中购得赫斯特在索斯比和佳士得拍卖行出售的全部油画的40%。 ecocn

The bill was approved last week by the Wisconsin Assembly, but has not come up for a vote in the Senate.
这个法案上个星期在威斯康辛州众议院获得通过,但是参议院还没有就此进行表决。 tingvoa

The bill was condemned by foreign governments and human rights groups, and has yetto come up for a vote.
这一法案受到外国政府和人权组织的谴责,至今还没有进行表决。 www.voa365.com

They often come up for sale, but this more intimate and later artwork is quite rare and very collectable.
希特勒的画作常被拍卖,但这张卡片显得更为亲切,并且非常罕见,收藏价值很高。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

They rarely come up for auction.
这些作品很少公开拍卖。 ecocn




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