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词汇 comet
释义 com·et 英'kɒmɪt美'kɑːmət;英ˈkɒmɪt美ˈkɑmɪt ★★☆☆☆6四八TICOCA⁶⁵¹⁹BNC¹⁵³⁶⁵iWeb⁹²⁹⁴Economist¹⁰⁰⁰⁴

an object in space that moves round the sun in a long elliptical path and has a very bright head and a long tail

astronomy a relatively small extraterrestrial body consisting of a frozen mass that travels around the sun in a highly elliptical orbit彗星的特点是身后拖着一道长长的尾巴,形如扫帚,因此中国古人形象地将其称为“扫帚星”。但在浪漫的古希腊人眼中,这道长长的彗尾可不是扫帚,而是一头秀丽的长发。因此,古希腊人将彗星称为kometes,字面意思就是“长发的”,派生自名词kome头发。该词途经拉丁语进入英语后,拼写演变为comet。comet group彗星群Halley's comet天哈雷彗星…comet phenomenon彗尾现象comet grain彗星形晶粒periodic comet周期彗星comet tail彗尾biela comet比拉彗星,比拉彗…comet formation谱带成彗星状即…artificial comet人造彗星Tempel-Tuttle Comet天坦普图特彗星…Swift's Comet天斯威夫特彗星…
故事记忆幻想乘坐 Rocket(火箭飞向遥远 Planet行星费用无从 Budget预算苦闷难以 Interpret说明恍惚走近 Cabinet贮藏柜拿出一个 Racket球拍上面印着 Alphabet字母表行星被打成 Comet彗星非常记忆come来〖熟词〗+t伞〖编码〗⇒彗星来时砸到了我的伞联想记忆come来+t→很多年才来一次的星体→彗星联想记忆come来+t→很多年才来一次的星体⇒彗星联想记忆come来+t→偶尔来一次的星体→彗星联想记忆come来+t→很多年才来一次→彗星用作名词n.Did you ever see acomet.你看见过彗星吗?
Why do you always call himcomet?你为什么老叫他扫帚星呢?Pcometophobia慧星恐怖Pcometica.彗星的彗星似的Pcometarya.彗星的彗星似的

用作名词Thatcometis invisible to the unaided eye.那颗彗星只用肉眼是看不到的。
Comets move around the sun like planets, but in long oval course.彗星象行星一样绕太阳运转,然而其轨道呈狭长的椭圆形。as in.shooting star
同义词 bolide,falling star,fireball,meteorite,meteoroid
meteornoun anything that progresses with spectacular speed
asteroid,buzzword,craze,fad,firework,flare,meme,meteoroid,shooting star,torpedo
shooting starnoun meteor
bolide,comet,falling star,fireball,meteorite,meteoroid A comet is an icy body that releases gas or dust.
彗星是一个释放着气体和尘埃的冰质天体。 yeeyan

In these photographs released by NASA September 9,2010, a fleeting bright dot on each of these images of Jupiter marks a small comet or asteroid burning up in the atmosphere.
这是美国航天局于2010年9月9日发布的两张照片,照片中的亮点是小彗星或小行星进入木星大气层时发生燃烧的情景。 yeeyan

The EPOXI spacecraft imaged the jets in unprecedented detail during its flyby of the comet earlier this month.
EPOXI号航天器在本月途径该彗星时以前所未有的细节拍摄下了其喷射物。 yeeyan

The recombined frames show off both the rich star field and faint details of the comet.
重组的图像既突出富于恒星的星野,也能展现彗星暗弱的细节。 yeeyan

The comet is discovered by an amateur, which until recently was how most comets were discovered.
片中的彗星是个业余爱好者发现的,这确实直到最近以来的彗星发现方式。 yeeyan

This occurs when the comet dives close to the sun and Earth passes through the resulting thick concentration of cosmic debris.
彗星在靠近太阳的地方俯冲留下了浓厚的宇宙尘埃,地球穿过这些尘埃产生了“流星风暴”。 yeeyan

As the comet nears the sun, its ice melts, releasing gas and dust that stream away into space.
当彗星靠近太阳时,它的冰层融化,释放的气体和尘埃远远地飘向太空。 yeeyan

But ammonium, found along with the nitrates, contains hydrogen that most likely came from an incoming object rich in water— like an icy comet.
但是,在硝酸盐的周围发现包含氢气的氨,很有可能是来自富含水的外来物体---冰冷的彗星。 yeeyan

But how do astronomer detectives know if an impact is caused by a comet or asteroid?
但是天文学家是怎样区分某次撞击是到底彗星造成的还是小行星造成的呢? yeeyan

Can you find, in the above image, a comet, a spiral galaxy, an open star cluster, and a supernova remnant?
在上面图中,你能找到:一彗星,一旋涡星系,一疏散星团和一超新星遗迹吗? yeeyan

Deep Impact also found evidence of ice on the surface of the comet, not just inside it.
深度撞击项目组还发现了证据表明冰不仅仅存在于彗星内部,也存在于彗星表面。 yeeyan

Given enough time, the comet-like planet could theoretically evaporate away completely, but it would take about a trillion years.
理论上只要有足够时间,彗星样的行星最终会完全蒸发掉。但那大约需要一万亿年。 yeeyan

He was an early proponent of the theory that life on Earth may have come from Mars in rocks ejected by asteroid and comet impacts.
他是这项理论早期的支持者:地球生命也许来自火星,通过小行星和彗星冲撞而由岩石喷射而出。 yeeyan

I can hardly wait to see the new comet.
我急不可待地要见到新彗星的出现。 examw

If I had binoculars, I could see that comet clearly.
如果我有望远镜,我就可以清楚地看见那颗彗星。 examw

If they are different, a more plausible explanation is that the water came from comet and meteorite impacts.
如果它们不同,冰块源自彗星和撞击的陨石将是更有说服力的解释。 yeeyan

Many scientists believe the Earth suffered a direct hit from an asteroid or that a comet could be to blame for the extinction.
许多科学家认为,地球遭受小行星或彗星的直接撞击可能是恐龙灭绝的原因。 yeeyan

Maybe, the researchers say, that's because the oceans have an extra dose of melted comet ice.
研究人员说,也许这是因为海洋有着彗星上的冰融化而来的水。 yeeyan

Of course, the comet and background stars move at different rates through planet Earth's skies.
当然,彗星和背景恒星在行星地球的天空中运行速度是不一样的。 yeeyan

Perhaps we'll fail to mitigate the threat posed by asteroid and comet collisions.
我们也许会没能成功地减轻小行星和彗星碰撞所带来的威胁。 yeeyan

Professor Napier's theory suggests the devastation took place when the Earth strayed into a dense trail of fragments shed by a large comet.
内皮尔教授的理论认为,当地球进入一颗大彗星脱落的密集的尾状碎片带时,那次灾难性的毁灭就发生了。 yeeyan

Scientists used the mothership of NASA's recycled Deep Impact comet probe to look at light reflected off Earth, the moon and Mars.
科学家们利用美国宇航局可回收的“深度撞击”彗星探测器的母船,来观测地球、月球和火星的反射光。 yeeyan

The square windows on the original Comet jetliner were found to be the primary cause of its disintegration.
原彗星喷气式航空班机的方形窗被发现是其碎裂的主要原因。 ecocn

This was of only passing interest until someone realized that Earth would pass through the tail of Halley's comet in1910.
当有人认识到地球可能将会在1910年被彗星尾巴扫到后,这一事件成了盛极一时的话题。 yeeyan

This is number27 on his now famous not- a- comet list.
这是在他现在著名的非彗星列表中的第27 个星体。 yeeyan

Watch a comet, where is it going?
观察一颗彗星,它将往何处去? yeeyan

Why is the comet like Micky Mouse?
为什么是彗星像米老鼠? hjenglish




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