

单词 come over
释义 come over 英kʌm 'əʊvə美kʌm 'oʊvər ★★★★★高牛6T短语¹²¹⁷

communicate the intended meaning or impression;

He came across very clearly

come over从远处来come over queer感到眩晕come possum over someone一动也不动come captain stiff over someone对某人采取傲慢的态度…come the bully over someone欺压某人come the religious dodge over someone以宗教名义求某人帮助…come it over 称王称霸凌驾于 …
近义词 come across碰到
用作动词He hascome overto China for the summer.他不远万里来中国度暑假。
You really mustcome oversometime and have dinner with us.你确实应该找个时间过来, 跟我们一起吃顿饭。
He can'tcome overme with his story.他那套鬼话骗不了我。as in.(call
同义词 play,seecrash,hitcome by,drop by,drop in,fall by,fall down,look in on,look up,pop in,run-in,stop by,stop in,swing byas in.come
同义词 become,develop,get,go,grow,join,run,turnaggregate,amount,expand,mature,number,spread,stretch,total,waxadd up,run into,sum toas in.come by
同义词 drop by,drop incall,look in,look in on,look up,meet,pay a call,pop in,run-in,see,step in,stop by,visitas in.drop in
同义词 come by,pop in,turn upblow in,call,call upon,go and see,look in on,look up,run-in,stop,stop by,stop inas in.get
同义词 become,go,grow,realize,run,turnachieve,attain,effect,waxdevelop intoas in.see
同义词 call,conduct,encounter,lead,meet,receive,show,visit,walkattend,date,direct,escort,pilot,route,shepherd,steer,usherassociate with,bear company,come by,consort with,drop by,drop in,go out with,go with,keep company with,look up,pop in,run into,speak to,stop by,stop in,take out
callverb visit at residence or business
come by,crash,drop by,drop in,fall by,fall down,hit,look in on,look up,play,pop in,run-in,see,stop by,stop in,swing by
came byverb visit someone
got,lay hold of,obtained,procured,secured,took possession of,won
comeverb extend, reach
add up,aggregate,amount,become,come over,develop,expand,get,go,grow,join,mature,number,run,run into,spread,stretch,sum to,total,turn,wax
come byverb visit someone
call,come over,drop by,drop in,look in,look in on,look up,meet,pay a call,pop in,run-in,see,step in,stop by,visit
comes byverb visit someone
gets,lies hold of,obtains,procures,secures,takes possession of,wins
coming byverb visit someone
getting,lying hold of,obtaining,procuring,securing,taking possession of,winning Am I supposed to come over there and sweep your enraged self into my arms?
那么我是不是要冲过来,一把牢牢抱住愤怒的你呢? yeeyan

And I think they also realized that right here in the White House they have a movie theater and they can have friends come over.
并且我认为,他们也意识到在白宫里,他们就有一个电影院,他们可以请朋友过来。 yeeyan

Can you come over?
你能过来吗? yeeyan

Can you come over and play with my dog?
你能过来我家和我的狗狗玩儿吗? yeeyan

Can you come over for dinner tonight?
今晚你能过来吃饭么? edu.sina.com.cn

I called David, asking him to come over so we could talk.
我给大卫打电话,找他过来谈谈。 yeeyan

If people want to come over and eat, they're welcome, but this way I save money and I'm taking care of my body by eating all the right things.
如果朋友想过来吃饭,那么欢迎, 总之我还是剩下了不少钱, 还保证自己的合理饮食. yeeyan

I'm wondering whether you could come over for a pizza sometime next week?
我想知道你下周什么时候是否能过来吃比萨饼? ebigear

' It's a new thing that's come over from America, and a lot of the community don't buy into it at all, ' Mr. Peters says.
“这是从美国过来的新玩意儿,但社区里很多人都不接受,”彼得斯说。 ebigear

Ornate is more work. But something seems to come over people when they try to be creative.
但是当人们努力去创造的时候似乎是另一种东西抓住了他们。 yeeyan

Would you please come over later today?
今天晚些时候你能过来一下吗? ebigear




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