

单词 comebacks
释义 comebacks ˈkʌmbæks COCA⁴⁷⁴⁰³BNC⁴⁸²⁷⁸Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
n.恢复;复原comeback的名词复数原型comeback的复数 A closer look at the ones that have staged comebacks suggests three ways in which they could.
近观那些死而复生的技术,可以总结出三条原因。 topsage

Finally, Yao has decided he's done with the comebacks, done with the endless rehabilitations of his reconstructed left foot. Yao Mingdecided to retire, sources told Yahoo!
他受够了疗伤恢复,受够了无休止的左脚的手术重建康复,他决定退役,消息来源于周五的雅虎体育。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Los Angeles Lakers saved their best for the very last. What was nearly one of the greatest collapses in NBA playoff history instead became one of the most unexpected comebacks.
洛杉矶湖人把最好的留到了最后,在短短的十几分钟里, NBA季后赛史上最惨重的失败变成了最美妙的大逆转。 hongen

The skyscraper has had more comebacks than Cher. From its humble, naive beginnings in Chicago after the tire of1871; its idealistic representation in early European Modernism;
摩天大楼比谢尔河复原很多,天真的开始在芝加哥劳累的1871年之后,它的空想主义代表了早期的欧洲现代化; i21st

Actors and musicians occasionally make comebacks, but technology companies almost never do.
演员和音乐家偶尔会东山再起,但技术公司几乎从来不会。 yeeyan

But don't get sidetracked by rambling stories, clever phrases or witty comebacks. Hold onto a vision of what you want to say and keep bringing yourself back to the point.
但是不要被零乱的故事、机智的句子或者话语离题,把握住你要说什么,把自己带回到话题中。 douban

But unlike some other recent Broadway comebacksthe revival of Hair, for example, I didn't come away feeling that a great show had had its place in Broadway history triumphantly renewed.
但是不像其他的新近重映的百老汇舞台剧比如重演版的《发胶星梦》,我看完离开时丝毫没有感觉到这样一部在百老汇历史上里程碑式的舞台剧会再续辉煌。 yeeyan

Completing a hat-trick of comebacks, veteran Spaniard Pedro de la Rosa made his first appearance in three years as a fully-fledged racing driver when he tested the new Sauber.
完成了一个帽子戏法,经验丰富的西班牙人德拉罗萨在三年后以正式车手的身份开着新的索伯赛车开始第一次亮相。 f1-zone

Darren Fletcher described United's performance as“ naive” and Ferguson accused the10 men of being carried away by United's history of improbable comebacks.
弗莱彻把曼联的表现描述为“幼稚”,弗格森认为10人应战的球队受到了曼联总在最后时刻翻盘的影响。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn

Do not feed people who insult you with comebacks or satisfy them with your discontent.
不要对辱骂你的人进行同样的反击或让你的不满使他们高兴。 yeeyan

He was questioned by police for drunk driving and possession of doping products and despite numerous comebacks he never reached the heights of1999.
他提出质疑警察酒后驾车和拥有兴奋剂的产品和众多的复出,尽管他从来没有达到1999年的高峰。 hkci

He returned to Apple11 years later when it was being written off by rivals. What followed was one of the most remarkable comebacks in business history.
11年后他重回苹果,此时苹果公司在与对手的竞争中已近绝境。随之而来便是商业史上最非同寻常的一次回归。 yeeyan

His overturned conviction paved the way for the former Credit Suisse star's return to an industry dotted with notable comebacks.
他的指控被推翻,为这位瑞士信贷Credit Suisse前明星管理者重归一个满是东山再起例证的行业铺平了道路。 ebigear

I told my staff that in those kinds of situations, we should just show some restraint and refrain from some of the snappy comebacks. I think that…
我告诉我的属下,在这种情形下,我们应该克制,不应逞一时口舌之快。我认为… yappr

If I lost again, there would be no more comebacks, at least not for a long time.
如果我再次失败,再次竞选州长就不可能获胜了,至少很长时间之内都不能再次竞选。 yeeyan

In commemoration of United's achievement, we take a look back at19mostly good memories, comebacks and standout players of the2010-11 season.
为了纪念曼联所取得的成就,让我们一起来回顾2010-11赛季19个关于曼联队的记忆、回放和表现突出的球员。 yeeyan

In the midst of all this— the comebacks, the wisecracks, the flapping mouth — I had a dim idea of what I was doing.
从所有这些—反驳、俏皮话、耍嘴皮—里面,我对我的所作所为有了一个模糊的概念。 dxy

On the upside, there were no other injuries from Tuesday while, on the same day, Aaron Ramsey and Manuel Almunia started their comebacks in the Reserves.
好的一方面是周二以来没有更多的伤病出现,而同一天,拉姆塞和阿穆尼亚都开始了他们的回归训练。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn

Sheffield band retain top two prizes while Take That and Kylie crown comebacks.
来自谢菲尔德的北极泼猴乐队摘取两项桂冠,接招乐队和天后凯丽加冕重归。 iciba

What followed was one of the most remarkable comebacks in business history.
随后也成为商业史上最出色的复出之一。 yeeyan




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