

单词 come across as
释义 come across as短语⁴⁶⁵⁰³
Don’t fall back into using‘ you’ and‘ I’, which might come across as confrontational, and risk tipping the discussion into a point-by-point argument.
不要又使用回“你”和“我”,这样可能会造成冲突,还会产生把讨论发展成争辩的风险。 yeeyan

A wig and makeup might come across as a gimmick in this case, but cross-dressing has made for memorable movie experiences in the past.
使用假发或是化妆在这种情况下只是一种伎俩,但是男女性别互换这一点确实从过去就为人们创造了很多难忘的电影。 ebigear

By listing what you already have going on but offering to do more, you come across as willing to go the distance.
列出你已经完成的,将要做的,并表示你愿意做更多,表明你愿意坚持到底。 yeeyan

Compliments in same-sex interviews can also come across as insincere because the interviewer might think you're just sucking up or trying to get on his good side.
同性之间的赞美甚至被认为是不真诚的,因为这可能被看作你只是为了得到一定的好处。 yeeyan

People who are effective speakers come across as more comfortable with themselves, more confident, and more attractive to be around.
那些有效的演说者通常更适应自我,更有信心,并且对于身边的人来说更有吸引力。 yeeyan

This isn’t by accident: their intention is to come across as calming, reassuring and clean.
这并非偶然:它们的意图是要传递平静、安心和洁净的感觉。 yeeyan

Without a clear structure, your post is likely to come across as abrupt or confusing.
如果没有清晰的结构,你的博文表述可能会显得唐突或者混乱。 yeeyan




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