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词汇 comb
释义 comb. kəʊm


an instrument used for making the hair tidy


an act of combing

C鸡冠; 鸡冠状的东西; 蜂房

the part on the head of a cock; the red fleshy crest of fowl

vt. 梳理

use a comb on the hair

vt. 彻底搜查

search thoroughly

a flat device with narrow pointed teeth on one edge; disentangles or arranges hairthe fleshy red crest on the head of the domestic fowl and other gallinaceous birdsany of several tools for straightening fibersciliated comb-like swimming plate of a ctenophorethe act of drawing a comb through hair;

his hair needed a comb

straighten with a comb;

comb your hair

search thoroughly;

They combed the area for the missing child

smoothen and neaten with or as with a comb;

comb your hair before dinner

comb the wool






来自PIE*gembh, 咬,齿,词源同gem, 齿状结晶体,宝石。
用作动词 v.
~+名词comb one's hair梳头发comb one's head打人comb the whole city搜遍全市~+副词comb annoyingly愤怒地彻底搜查comb briskly轻松地梳理comb carefully仔细地彻底搜查comb decisively彻底搜查comb dexterously娴熟地梳理comb dreamily恍惚地梳理comb effectively有效地梳理comb gently轻轻地梳理comb languidly懒散地梳理comb thoroughly彻底地搜查
comb for v.+prep.

搜索某地以寻找(look for)

comb sth for sb/sthThey combed the woods for the lost child.他们在树林里到处寻找那个走失的孩子。
He combed all the files for that document.他仔细翻遍了所有卷宗找那份文件。
I've combed the house for your bag, but it's not here.屋子里我都找遍了,可就是没有你的包。
They combed all the drawers for the missing paper.他们翻了所有的抽屉找寻那个不见了的文件。
I have combed my mind for a reason, but can't find one.我绞尽脑汁寻找理由,但是没找到。
She was combing the shops for Jim's present.她为了给吉姆买件礼物,找遍了所有的店铺。
comb out v.+adv.

剔除,去掉,精简 clear out for military service from civil employment, remove as if with a comb

故事记忆生命之源在 Womb子宫长发飘飘爱 Comb梳理天上落下个 Bomb炸弹生命于是进 Tomb坟墓日非常记忆com公司〖编码〗+b笔〖编码〗⇒他在公司拿笔梳头发小学英语速记联想记忆:来come,我给你梳comb头发谐音记忆聪co 明m的宝宝b会自己用梳子梳理头发近义词 sweeprummagen. cresthacklev. hackle
用作名词n.I need a comb so that I can tidy my hair.我需要一把梳子梳头发。
It's a coarse comb.这是把粗糙的梳子。
May I use your comb?我可以借用一下你的梳子吗?
I bought a comb for her in Guangzhou.我在广州为她买了一把梳子。
How do you spell the word “a fine-tooth comb”?“细齿梳”这个词怎么拼呀?
Your hair needs a good comb.你的头发要好好梳一梳。
The cock had a red comb.这公鸡有一个红鸡冠。
The comb on the cock's head looks very beautiful.公鸡头上的鸡冠很好看。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The mother combed the child's hair.母亲给孩子梳头。
She combed her hair.她把头发梳好了。
Her hair keeps sticking up no matter how often she combs it.不管她怎么勤梳头,她的头发总是竖着。
She combed her hair and left her room.她梳了梳头,离开了房间。
He combed his hair with a plasticcomb.他用一把塑料梳子梳了头发。
If you combed your hair more often you wouldn't look so untidy.如果你经常多梳梳头的话,你就不会看起来这么不整洁。
The police combed the whole city in their efforts to find the murderer.警方搜遍全市,力图找到凶手。
We combed the city to find our lost dog.我们搜遍全城寻找丢失的那只狗。
I combed the shops until I found a pair of shoes that I liked.我家家商店走遍,终于找到我喜欢的一双鞋子。
The house was combed very carefully.这所房子被十分仔细地搜查了。Pfinecombvt.仔细搜查Ptoothcombn.细齿梳子Pbluecomb火鸡冠紫绀病Pcoxcombn.花花公子鸡冠花Pwhitecomb白冠病鸡冠癣病Pcombern.梳刷者精梳机卷浪Pcombingn.梳理梳下的毛或发Pfine-tooth-combv.仔细搜查Pcoxcombicala.虚浮的浮夸的Pcurrycombn.马梳vt.用马梳梳Pcockscombn.鸡冠鸡冠花鸡冠帽Puncombeda.没有梳过的乱蓬蓬的Pbeachcombern.巨浪海滩拾荒者流浪者Pcoxcombryn.虚浮浮夸花花公子的行为Pbeach-combern.巨浪海滩拾荒者流浪者Pcomb-outn.彻底消除梳理头发彻底检查Phoneycombn.蜂巢蜂房蜂窝a.蜂巢的vt.使成蜂巢状vi.变成蜂巢状








comb只用作及物动词作“梳理”解时,主要接hair作宾语; 作“彻底搜查”解时,其后可跟房屋、地区等之类的名词或代词作宾语。


用作名词She wore a smallcombas an ornament.她佩戴了一把小梳子作为装饰品。
She swept her hair back with acomb.她用梳子将头发往后梳。
Morris said taco sauce makes hercomblight up bright red.莫里斯说,吃蘸酱墨西哥煎玉米卷让小鸡的鸡冠变得油亮鲜红。
Hiscombwas as red as fire, and his feathers were as yellow as gold.他的鸡冠鲜红似火,羽毛橙黄如金。用作动词Shecombedthe mud out of the dog's fur.她梳去狗的皮毛中的泥土。
The police havecombedthe city for the murderer.警察在全市到处搜查凶手。
Hecombedthrough the files searching for evidence of fraud.他详查档案,寻找欺诈行为的证据。verb.arrange hair
同义词 straightenadjust,card,cleanse,curry,disentangle,dress,groom,hackle,hatchel,rasp,scrape,separate,smooth,sort,tease,untanglelay smooth
反义词 disorder,disorganize,twist,upset, by ransacking
同义词 examine,forage,inspect,investigate,rake,ransack,rummage,scour,scrutinize,siftbeat,grub,hunt,probe,screen,sweepbeat the bushes,finecomb,go through with fine-tooth comb,leave no stone unturned,look high and low,search high heaven,turn inside out,turn upside down
反义词 ignore
crestnoun topknot on head of animal
curryverb prepare
dressverb physically prepare;groom
adjust,align,arrange,comb,decorate,dispose,do up,fit,make ready,ornament,set,straighten,trim
dressesverb physically prepare;groom
adorns,apparels,arrays,attires,bedecks,bundles up,changes,clads,clothes,costumes,covers,decks,decorates,dons,drapes,embellishes,fits out,furbishes,garbs,ornaments,outfits,primps,puts on,raiments,rigs,robes,slips into,slips on,spruces up,suits up,trims,turns out,wears
forageverb search madly for
beat,cast about,comb,explore,fine-tooth-comb,grub,hunt,pilfer,plunder,raid,rake,ransack,ravage,rummage,scour,scrounge,seek
groomverb make ready, prepare physically
brush,clean,coach,comb,curry,dress,drill,educate,lick into shape,make attractive,make presentable,nurture,preen,prep,pretty up,prim,prime,primp,put through grind,put through mill,ready,refine,refresh,rub down,shape up,sleek,slick up,smarten up,spiff up,spruce up,tend,tidy,train,turn out A simplified graphic of a corresponding frequency comb is shown below.
上图所对应的频率梳的简化图如下图所示。 yeeyan

An actual optical comb does not begin at zero on left, but at a very high number,300 trillion hertz.
实际光梳左端的起始频率不是从零开始,而是一个很高的频率——300万亿赫兹。 yeeyan

But scholars who comb the available data about suicide attacks are often sceptical about religion's role.
但是,学者在梳理了现有的有关自杀式袭击数据后,常常会怀疑宗教的作用。 ecocn

The story of the humble comb's makeover is part of the much larger story of how we ourselves have been transformed by plastics.
微不足道的梳子的巨大变迁是更大的历史的一部分。 那就是,我们如何被塑料改变的历史。 yeeyan

The Chicago Museum of History maintains a Lincoln Relics Registry that includes a comb, bed and the two half- dollars said to have been placed over his eyes after he died.
芝加哥博物馆登记在案的林肯遗物包括有他的梳子、床,以及据说是他去世时用以覆盖他眼睛的两张半边美元。 yeeyan

The story of comb would not be worthy of mention, but for a closely related word no one today associates with it.
梳子的故事不值得在这里讲,不过我们要讲一个密切相关而现在没有人想到的词。 yeeyan

But I do like knowing that when I go to a black-tie affair clutching the satin evening bag that holds exactly one key and a pen, Johannes is the keeper of my Kleenex, lipstick and comb.
我喜欢当我提着一个只装着一把钥匙和一支笔的晚礼包出席一个盛大的活动的时候,约翰内斯替我保管着我的纸巾,口红还有梳子。 yeeyan

Everything that happens this morning— like Mark’s decision to wear a blue shirt, or Bill’s latest attempt to comb over his bald spot— is completely caused by whatever happened before it.
今天早上发生的所有事——例如张三决定要穿一件蓝色短袖,而李四呢则试图把头发梳来掩盖住秃掉的部分——都完全是因之前的事情所引发的。 yeeyan

Give me my soap and comb.
给我肥皂和梳子。 ebigear

Here, while getting a pedicure and a comb-out, she fondles one of her breasts and gives us a smug, seductive glance.
这里,她正被伺候着梳头,修脚指甲,一手抚弄着自己的乳房,并对观众报以得意洋洋挑逗的一瞥。 yeeyan

I keep a few hygiene products in my traveling bag at all times: underarm deodorant, toothpaste, a toothbrush, some mouthwash, some facial cleanser, a comb, and some cologne.
我一直在我的旅行包里放些卫生产品:腋下除臭剂,牙膏,牙刷,一些洗面奶,梳子,以及古龙水。 yeeyan

If it was meant as a disguise, he should have grown it out more for a“ comb-over” effect.
如果这个装扮是为了不被别人认出,那他应该蓄更多的胡子,形成一个“梳子”效应。 yeeyan

If you recreated this universe starting with the Big Bang and let all events proceed exactly the same way until this same morning, then the blue shirt is as inevitable as the comb-over.
如果你能从宇宙洪荒之始重造这个世界,然后让今天早上以前的所有事件都跟从前一模一样,接着也照样是蓝短袖和梳发盖秃头。 yeeyan

If you're looking for a therapist, all I have is a tail comb and an opinion.
如果你需要的是一个理疗医师 ,那你找错人了,因为我就只有一把尾梳和一点个人意见而已。 yeeyan

In practice it's more like a ragged comb.
事实上那更像是一个破烂的梳子。 yeeyan

Kearns’ first invention was a comb that dispensed its own hair tonic.
卡恩斯的第一个发明是一个能够自行分配生发油的梳子。 yeeyan

Nevertheless, when she combed her beautiful hair in the morning with an old broken comb, and it flowed about her like floss silk, she experienced a moment of happy coquetry.
但在早晨,每当她拿着一把断了的旧梳子去梳她那一头光泽黑人,细软如丝的头发的那片刻,她还能得到一种顾影自怜的快感。 ebigear

Ocean tides comb the waters of coastal Alaska into fanciful eddies and whorls.
海洋的潮汐把阿拉斯加沿海流域梳理成为奇特的漩涡和螺旋环。 yeeyan

Other items wrenched from Marley's jaws during the course of this story“ so that's where my comb went!” include a paycheck and a gold necklace.
在写这个故事的过程中,从马利的嘴里还抢回其他一些东西“我的梳子就是这样被他叼走了!”包括一张付薪金用的支票和一条金项链。 yeeyan

She pawed through her purse for a comb.

The horses liked this grooming, and I think, if they could talk, they would tell you where to scratch or comb.
马应该很喜欢这种喂食方式。我想,如果它们能够说话的话,一定会告诉你哪儿需要抓一下或者梳一下。 yeeyan

The resulting comb spans several hundred thousand frequencies, or teeth, enabling flexible and accurate measurements of wide-ranging or widely varied phenomena.
用此脉冲产生的频率梳横跨数十万的频率范围或齿,能够灵活精确的测量十分宽泛多样的现象。 yeeyan

Think about that one the next time you put a comb or brush through your hair.
下一次,你梳头的时候,想一想这种神奇的小梳子吧。 yeeyan

Your hair needs a good comb.




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