释义 |
column name短语⁵³⁰⁸ 基本例句 计列名 The last piece of the puzzle is to obtain the column name. 最后一步是获取列名。 ibm The column information includes column name, derivation, type, and so on. 列信息包括列名、来源、类型等。 ibm What about using the column name as an attribute of the cell? 使用列名作为单元格属性怎么样? ibm You can use an expression anywhere in a query where you can use a column name. 在查询中任何可以使用列名的地方都可以使用表达式。 microsoft An object or column name is missing or empty. 缺少或为空的对象或列名。 hoclab Columns to display and column name aliases. 要显示的列和列名别名。 microsoft Filter criteria are specified as the column name, followed by an equality, inequality, or Boolean operator, followed by the filter value. 过滤条件可以指定为列名,其后跟等式、不等式或布尔运算符,然后是过滤值。 ibm Fully qualify the column name by preceding it with the correlation name. 通过在列名前面加上关联名,对它进行完全限定。 ibm If the Query and View Designer cannot choose a match, you must provide the column name. 如果查询和视图设计器无法选择匹配列,则必须提供列名。 microsoft If sorting is implemented in the grid, the user can click on column name and sort the column. 如果网格中实现了排序,那么用户可以单击列名,然后对这个列进行排序。 ibm In the first cell of the new table, type a column name. 在新表的第一个单元格中,键入列名。 microsoft In this scenario, the master replicate definition needs to be created with the column name verification attribute turned off. 在这个场景中,需要在关闭列名检验属性的情况下创建主复制定义。 ibm Note that it's possible to use these common base fields even if the column name differs for each table. 注意,即使每个表使用不同的列名,仍然可能使用这些通用基字段。 ibm The patterns defined in this page use variables, such as table name and column name, and don’t reference terms. 这个页面中定义的模式使用变量,比如表名和列名,而不引用词汇。 ibm These labels are quantifiers which qualify the column name. 这些标签是对列名进行限定的限定符。 ibm When you create an Insert Values query, the Criteria pane changes to reflect the only options available for inserting a new row: the column name and the value to insert. 当创建“插入值”查询时,“条件”窗格发生变化以只反映可用于插入新行的选项:要插入的列名和值。 microsoft You can sort on a specific column by simply clicking on the column name. 只要单击列名,就可以按指定列进行排序。 ibm You are free to choose any table name and any column name because Tomcat can be configured to use the names you have chosen. 因为可以将 Tomcat配置为使用您所选择的名称,所以您可以自由选择表名和列名。 ibm |