

单词 columned
释义 col·umned 英'kɑləmd美'kɑləmd 高COCA⁷⁸⁴⁶⁶BNC⁶⁴⁹⁸⁴iWeb⁵¹⁰³³

having or resembling columns; having columns of a specified kind often used as a combining form;

a columned portico

trees with columned trunks

white-columned houses

column-ed如|被…的⇒adj.圆柱状的⁵⁰;立有圆柱的⁵⁰反义词 noncolumned非圆柱状的

That was all the road meant now—a road to Ashley and the beautiful white- columned house th a t crowned the hill like a Greek Temple.
此时,这条路的全部意义就在这里----它是通向艾希礼和那幢美丽的像希腊神殿般高踞于山冈上的白圆柱房子。 kekenet

The new construction consists of two elements: a generic volume of the hall and a columned portico that creates a new public square within the monastery.
新建筑包括两个元素:一个普通结构的大厅和一个圆柱状的门廊,共同组建一个新的修道院公共广场。 jst-cn

The columned west portal of Chartres cathedral marks the beginning of the re- emergence of three-dimensional sculpture.
沙特尔大教堂的圆柱西波特尔商标的重新开始的三维雕塑的出现。 ebigear

Based on the analysed results of columned sinter filling model, the calculational methods of minimum size and recommended size of columned sweat-sinter have been given.
论文根据圆柱发汗体填充模型分析结果,给出了圆柱体发汗体试件的最小尺寸和推荐尺寸的计算方法。 cnki

Hindu temples vary regionally, but generally consist of a towering shrine and a columned hall surrounded by an elaborate wall.
印度教的庙宇在各地区各不相同,常包括高耸的神龛和带柱子的大殿,墙面雕刻丰富。 chinafanyi.com

Its main function is igniting the solid charge columned in the charge pot in the infrared strengthen pod.
其主要功用是引燃位于红外增强吊舱药罐内的固体药柱。 cnki

Refusing to let go of fond memories, fans are once again flocking to Graceland, Elvis—white- columned Memphis mansion.
歌迷们拒绝忘掉甜蜜的回忆,再度簇拥前往猫王位于孟斐斯的白色圆柱住宅,“雅园”。 edu.beelink.com.cn

Results Cilia and ciliated columned epithelium were found with degeneration and swelling in the trachea mucosa.
结果气管粘膜层的纤毛及柱状上皮细胞变性、脱落; cnki

Texas' longest-serving governor moved into his temporary home in the fall of2007, leaving the white columned, two- story governor's mansion so it could undergo repairs.
这位在任时间最长的州长是在2007年的秋天搬进临时住所的,这样一来,那座有着白色柱子,二层楼的州府就能得到修葺。 yeeyan

The paper researches on the technique and methods of the columned sample processing of the seabed sediment in hydrographic survey.
研究海道测量海洋底质沉积物柱状样品处理技术与方法。 dictall

The two institutions are majestic and columned, with the ersatz Roman look that Americans bestow on important civic buildings.
雄伟的艺术学院和图书馆带有美国人赋予重要市政建筑的仿罗马风格,圆柱林立。 ecocn

This consists of two smaller units: the residential palace built from cold white natural stone and a columned audience hall.
这包括两个较小的单位:住宅宫建于冷战白色天然石和一个圆柱大厅。 uzmart




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