

单词 column
释义 col·umn 英ˈkɒləm美ˈkɑləmAHDkŏlʹəm ★★★☆☆高四六研IT牛4八COCA²⁵⁵⁸BNC²⁸⁸³iWeb¹⁷⁵⁷Economist⁵⁶⁶⁹


a tall solid upright stone post; anything similar to a column in shape, appearance


a large number of rows of people, vehicles, etc., following one behind the other


part of a newspaper regularly dealing with a particular subject or written by the same journalist

a line of units following one after anothera vertical glass tube used in column chromatography; a mixture is poured in the top and washed through a stationary substance where components of the mixture are adsorbed selectively to form colored bandsa vertical array of numbers or other information;

he added a column of numbers

anything that approximates the shape of a column or tower;

the test tube held a column of white powder

a tower of dust rose above the horizon

a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite

an article giving opinions or perspectivesa vertical cylindrical structure standing alone and not supporting anything such as a monumentarchitecture a tall vertical cylindrical structure standing upright and used to support a structurea page or text that is vertically divided;

the newspaper devoted several columns to the subject

the bookkeeper used pages that were divided into columns

any tubular or pillar-like supporting structure in the body它的词根col表“突出”,-u-为连接字母,-mn为名词后缀,相当于-men。记住这个词的关键是把握住其词根的意思,由“突出”引申为“突出的物体”,那就是柱子了。可用它串记同源词excel优于,胜过,ex表“向外”,cel即“突出”,“比别人突出”即“胜过”。agony column 报刊上…steering column驾驶杆gossip column闲话栏spinal column脊柱personal column(报纸上的私人广告…fifth column第五纵队间谍的通称…fractionating column分馏塔stripping column反萃取柱column chromatography柱层析法column base柱座positive column正柱区,阳极区,正电…packed column填料塔,填充塔,填充…distillation column分裂蒸馏塔water column水柱高度extraction column萃取柱,提取柱…fractional column分馏塔,分馏圆柱体…control column控制卷,控制杆…column binary竖式二进制数,竖式二…mercury column汞柱,水银柱…air column空气柱
col=cel,突起+u连接字母+mn名词后缀,表行为本身或结果,与后缀-men|-ment(表结果同源)→突起之物→圆柱,柱状物⇒纵队,列,专栏。非常记忆co可乐〖熟词〗+lu路〖拼音〗+mn母牛〖拼音〗⇒一列可乐在路上看到一头母牛近义词 postpillararticlecomment
用作名词n.The dome was supported by white marble columns.圆顶由白色大理石柱支撑着。
A column of soldiers marched down the highway.一个士兵纵队沿着公路行进。
There are two columns on each page of this dictionary.这本词典每一页有两栏。
I often read his column in the local paper.我经常在当地的报纸上读他的专栏文章。Pcolumna柱Pcolumnae柱Pcolumnal中柱Pcolumnella小柱Pdorsicolumn后柱Ppre-column前置柱Pfornicolumn穹窿柱Phypercolumn超级柱Pstill-column蒸溜柱Pcolumning棉塞支托法Pcolumnistn.专栏作家Pcolumniforma.圆柱形的Pventricolumna脊髓前角Pintercolumnara.柱间的Pcolumnization棉塞支托法Pcolumniationn.列柱列柱式Pcolumnwise列式的直行式的Pcolumneda.圆柱状的立有圆柱的Pcolumnara.圆柱的圆筒形的分纵栏印刷或书写的



用作名词And in thiscolumn, you write down everything in the parcel.在这一栏里,您要写上包裹里每一件东西。
He used to write acolumnfor this newspaper.他过去曾为这家报纸写专栏文章。
A blankcolumnrow is inserted.此时,将插入一个空白列行。
The temple is supported by massivecolumns.此庙由粗大的柱子支撑。
Thecolumnis surmounted by a statue.柱顶上树立了一尊雕像。noun.line, procession
同义词 file,listcavalcade,company,platoon,queue,rank,row,string,trainnoun.pillar
同义词 monumentbrace,buttress,caryatid,colonnade,cylinder,mast,minaret,monolith,obelisk,pedestal,peristyle,pier,pilaster,post,prop,pylon,shaft,standard,stay,stele,support,totem,tower,uprightunderpinning
armiesnoun military force, usually for land
armed forces,artillery,battalions,batteries,brigades,cavalry,columns,commands,companies,corps,details,divisions,flights,formations,infantry,legions,outfits,patrol units,platoons,regiments,soldieries,soldiers,squads,troops,wings
armynoun military force, usually for land
armed force,artillery,battalion,battery,brigade,cavalry,command,company,corps,detail,division,flight,formation,infantry,legion,outfit,patrol unit,platoon,regiment,soldiers,soldiery,squad,troops,wing
articlenoun piece of writing
beat,blurb,column,commentary,composition,discourse,editorial,essay,exposition,feature,item,paper,piece,scoop,spread,story,theme,think piece,treatise,write-up
beamnoun ray of light
buttressnoun brace, support
featurenoun special article in publication
column,comment,item,piece,report,story Add up the figures in this column.

Add each column in the wants and needs section to get an understanding of where you spend.
在“想要的”和“必须的”里面各加一列,这样就可以了解花费到哪里去了。 yeeyan

Add this column of figures.

Application Handle is the third column in this output.
在这个输出中,第三列就是应用句柄。 ibm

As before, each column represents an information type, with specialization occurring from left to right.
与以前一样,每一列表示一种信息类型,专门化从左到右依次进行。 ibm

But what happens when the order of the index column is random?
但是如果索引列的顺序是随机的,将会发生什么呢? ibm

But what if you want to restrict your search based on some condition that applies to data in an XML column?
但是,如果您想根据某种应用于 XML列中数据的条件对搜索进行限制,那么应该怎么做呢? ibm

Each column represents one test case.
每一列表示一个测试案例。 ibm

Each column turns into an item of the list.
每个列转化成列表中的一个项目。 ibm

For database design, you have to consider that the column sizes have to be defined in bytes, not in characters.
对于数据库设计,必须考虑到列大小是按照字节数定义的,而不是按照字符数。 ibm

For each column in the view, you need to specify where to display the field top, bottom, or hidden and on what line as shown in figure7.
对于视图中的每个列,需要指定在哪里(顶部、底部还是隐藏以及哪一行上显示字段,如图7所示。 ibm

He uses his daily column to whale away at the war.

I read about it in the gossip column.

I've written about both of these courses before in this column.
我以前在这一专栏中对这两门课程都做了介绍。 ibm

If it is in a database, each row describes a user and each column contains an attribute of that user.
如果这些信息在数据库中,则每一行描述一个用户,而每一列则包含该用户的一个属性。 ibm

I'll tell you in my column on Wednesday what happens next.

In this activity, you add documentation to every element in the model, including every column, every table, every constraint, and every trigger.
在这种情况中,你把文档添加到模型的每一个元素中,包括每个列,每个表,每个约束和每个触发器。 ibm

My column this week has more on this subject.
本周我的专栏在这方面有更详细的谈论。 yeeyan

One of these tables contains only traditional relational columns, while the second contains relational columns and one XML column.
这两个表的其中之一仅包含传统的关系列,而另一个包含关系列和一个 XML列。 ibm

Then, the view loops through each of these to provide the value of each column in the database.
然后,该视图通过在列表中的每个列上进行循环,提供数据库中每一列的值。 ibm

This is an example of embedded business logic contained in the column.
这个例子展示可以将嵌入的业务逻辑包含在列中。 ibm

This column should be hidden from the user.
这一列对用户应该是隐藏的。 ibm




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