释义 |
Colucci 基本例句 科卢奇¹⁰⁰ Colucci, Sheldon Hiebert, Nicholas D.作者:Mark Lautens;* John T. ColucciWS. Apoptosis in the heart;. N Engl J Med, 1996,335: 1224- 1226.赵明镜;王硕仁;李敏;等.;心梗后大鼠左室重构与心肌细胞凋亡时相相关性研究; My mom still laughs about this, but I saved thousands in forgone impulse purchases.-- KellyColucci, Cumming, Ga.我妈妈经常笑我,但我确实省掉了因冲动而可能用掉的钱。 Stephen Makinwa, Fabio Moro, Francesco Scardina, Kerlon and GiuseppeColucciare injured.伤停的则有马金瓦、莫罗、斯卡迪纳、凯尔隆和科卢奇。 Wilson S,ColucciMD. Apoptosis in the heart;. The New England Journal of Medicine, 1996,335:1224.王向宇;吴可贵;林经安.;病毒性心肌炎小鼠模型的建立; Colucciplays to Mozart at the near post. Vieri intercepts and plays out of defence.雷吉纳左翼赢得一个任意球。科鲁奇找近门柱的莫扎特,被维埃里中途拦截。 |