

单词 colours
释义 colours 英'kʌləs美'kʌlɚs COCA⁴²⁵⁶⁴BNC¹⁹³⁸Economist⁷³⁹⁸
n.国旗²⁷;旗帜²¹;船旗¹⁴;军旗¹⁰;衣帽;徽章;绶带相关词组:.come off with flying colours.haul down one's colours.lower one's colours.give sb his colours.put false colours upon.see sth in its true colours.show one's colours.show oneself in one's true colours.stick to one's colours.strike the colours.joun the colours.lay on the colours.with flying colours.原型colour的三单

a distinguishing emblem;

his tie proclaimed his school colors

a flag that shows its nationalitycolour-s复数⇒n.国旗²⁷;旗帜²¹;船旗¹⁴;军旗¹⁰;衣帽;徽章;绶带相关词组:.come off with flying colours.haul down one's colours.lower one's colours.give sb his colours.put false colours upon.see sth in its true colours.show one's colours.show oneself in one's true colours.stick to one's colours.strike the colours.joun the colours.lay on the colours.with flying colours.近义词 colors彩色
用作名词Most buildings had a flagpole with the nationalcoloursflying.大多数的建筑物都有悬挂着国旗的旗杆。
But above all, he had recognized thecoloursof Earl Risingham.最主要的是,他已经认出了赖辛汉伯爵的旗帜。
St David's flag was adopted as the collegecoloursof the University of Wales, Lampeter in 1888.圣大卫之旗帜的颜色被作为威尔士大学的学校之色。
The ship is wearing itscolours.那条船挂着船旗。
The troops marched on with thecoloursgoing on before.部队以军旗为前导向前行进。 Do you have this any other colours?
还有其他的颜色吗? hjenglish

The colours match well.

The colours of the evening sky slowly merged into blue.

“ Well, we are glad to hear that, ” said the two weavers, and then they named the colours and explained the strange pattern.
“啊,我们很高兴听您这么说,”两个织工说,然后他们说出布上的颜色,又解释那奇异的纹理。 yeeyan

For example, insects can see polarised light— light to them appears as different colours, depending on the angle at which reflects off different surfaces.
例如,昆虫能够看到极光——光对它们来讲会根据从不同的表面反射的不同角度而显现出不同的颜色。 yeeyan

Histogram: Histogram shows us range of the all colours or a single colour.
分布图:分布图给我们显示了一个或者多个颜色的范围。 yeeyan

I used different wallpapers to make a patchwork of rich colours and patterns, borrowing from the geometric effect of the50s table.
我用不同的壁纸做成了一个有着丰富色彩和图案的拼凑物,借鉴了50年代桌子的几何效果。 yeeyan

It can produce an eye- popping80% of the range of colours that the human eye can see.
这种放映机采用激光,惊人的是,它的色彩范围能达到人眼能感知范围的80%。 ecocn

It looks better than the other colours.
它看起来比其他颜色更显眼。 hxen

So I started experimenting with other ways of laying out the home page using shapes, colours and textures.
所以我开始用各种形状、颜色和纹理来以不同方式实验主页的设计。 yeeyan

That demand colours the debate over whether North Korea should be granted food aid.
这一要求为是否对朝鲜进行食品援助的争论增添了色彩。 ecocn

The different colours were created by adding no, little or lots of milk to each cup of black coffee.
画面上不同的色彩是通过不加奶、加一点奶、或者加很多奶的黑咖啡创造出来的。 iciba

The yellow and purple hues that should emerge in the spring will match their school colours.
在春天冒出来的花有黄色和紫色的,这些颜色正吻合他们学校的颜色。 ecocn

The colours match well.

These two colours blend well.

Tune the crystals appropriately and you can create different colours.
适当地调节晶体你能创造出不同的色彩。 ecocn

We have three main colours and they are RGB, Red, Green and Blue.
我们有三个主要的颜色,他们是 RGB,也就是红色、绿色和蓝色。 yeeyan

When designing for this industry, you should be using colours that encourage hunger.
在为此行业做设计时,你应当使用能刺激食欲的颜色。 yeeyan

When edible fruits ripen, they change their colours or scent which appeal to humans, to ‘ invite’ us to take them.
当可食用的水果成熟时,它们改变自己的颜色和香味,以吸引人类,邀请我们食用它们。 yeeyan

You can make them in all sorts of colours and, if you so wish, assemble them to make a mobile.
你可以把它们做成各种颜色的,如果你愿意的话,也可以把它们做成可以走动的。 yeeyan




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