

单词 Colosseum
释义 col·os·se·um 英ˌkɒlɪˈsiːəm美ˌkɑlɪˈsiəm 高COCA⁵⁴⁰⁷⁴BNC⁴⁰⁸³³iWeb²¹¹²³

a large amphitheater in Rome whose construction was begun by Vespasian about AD 75 or 80
用作名词One of the largest Mithraic temples built in Italy now lies under the present site of the Church of St.Clemente, near theColosseumin Rome.其中一个最大的密特拉教庙宇现在位于圣克莱门教堂之下,在罗马圆形大剧场附近。 For the first time, the Colosseum plans to let visitors explore an underground corridor that has previously been off limits.
斗兽场罗马圆形大剧场计划让游客去参观它地下走廊,这还是第一次,以前已成为禁地。 yeeyan

The damaged part of the Colosseum or the Sphinx can be replaced virtually on the screen of this device.
设备的屏幕可以实实在在的显示罗马圆形大剧场被损坏的部分或者狮身人面像。 yeeyan

The remarkable ancient design and construction is a marvel and the Colosseum still gets a unanimous thumbs-up.
这座非凡的古建筑,其设计和建造都是一个奇迹,因此仍然获得了世人的一致称赞。 edu.sina.com.cn

The Colosseum and Trevi Fountain aren't even mentioned in a hot-off-the-press guide to Rome.
一本新鲜出炉的罗马指南中对罗马竞技场和许愿池只字未提。 ebigear

About500, 000 people and over a million wild animals died in the Colosseum games.
大约有500,000人和一百多万只动物死于角斗游戏中。 yeeyan

Although the Colosseum does not feature in the guide, it appears on this map.
指南中虽然没有提到罗马竞技场,地图上却标出来了。 ebigear

But not much has happened since—in part because of public outrage at scare stories about flogging the Colosseum.
但自那以后,情况并未改变多少,这部分是因为公众对批评罗马圆形大剧场的恐怖故事感到愤怒。 ecocn

Capable of seating50, 000 spectators, the Colosseum was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles.
能够容纳50,000观众的斗兽场被用来角斗和进行公共表演。 yeeyan

Efforts to find sponsors to help fully restore the entire Colosseum, including more of the underground section, are underway.
努力寻找赞助商以帮助全面恢复整个斗兽场,包括地下部分的更多的区域的工作,正在进行之中。 yeeyan

In spite of its glorious design, the Colosseum was built largely for the distraction of the masses in a cynical age, providing dramatic and often gruesome entertainments.
尽管设计得金碧辉煌,建造罗马竞技场的主要目的是,在愤世嫉俗的时代中,供人们忘情娱乐,演出戏剧张力十足、不时令人毛骨悚然的娱乐节目。 kekenet

Inside of the mighty Colosseum, gladiators would fight each other and animals.
在雄伟的竞技场里,战士会与其它战士及动物打斗。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn

Nevertheless, Osasuna have taken several points at the White Colosseum in the last five years, with one victory and one draw.
不过,奥萨苏纳在过去五年在白衣军团的主场也拿到了积分,得到过一场胜利和一场平局。 blog.sina.com.cn

Opening the underground corridor for the public will coincide with an extensive restoration of the Colosseum, the office said.
为公众地开放地下走廊将与广泛的斗兽场恢复的目标相一致,办公室的官员说。 yeeyan

Perhaps the Colosseum is not really such an“ ancient” artifact after all.
或许是罗马竞技场毕竟不是一座真正的“古迹”。 kekenet

The stately Colosseum is surrounded by a whirl of lights in this long exposure at night.
在庄严的罗马圆形大剧场被环绕着的通过一个旋转的灯光在这长曝光在夜里。 mflady

The Colosseum says a lot about the Romans.
古罗马圆形竞技场会告诉我们很多关于罗马人的故事。 edu.sina.com.cn

These ancient Roman sights— including the Colosseum and the Forum— bring history to life.
这些古老的罗马名胜,包括古罗马圆形竞技场与古罗马广场,使历史重现。 edu.sina.com.cn




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