释义 |
coloni 基本例句 科洛尼 The free Frankish peasants were in a plight similar to their predecessors, the Romancoloni.自由的法兰克农民陷入了与他们的前辈即罗马的隶农一样的处境。 They included 2,080coloni, 35 lites ;, 220 slaves, and only eight freehold tenants!其中2080户是隶农,35户是半农奴,220户是奴隶,只有8户是自由的佃农! Keemun is produced in the Qimen County of Huangshan City, in Anhui province. (“Keemun” was the English spelling for “Qimen” during thecoloni…祁门红茶,又称祁门工夫红茶,是一种具有酒香和果味的红茶,出产于中国中部的安徽祁门县,简称祁红。祁门红茶是中国十大名茶之中… intraoperative irrigation ofcoloni术中结肠灌洗 |