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词汇 colonel
释义 colo·nel 英ˈkɜːnəl美ˈkɝnəlAHDkûrʹnəl ★★★☆☆高四六研T4八COCA¹⁰¹⁴³BNC⁶³⁹⁸iWeb⁸⁰⁹²


army officer,above a major,commanding a regiment

a commissioned military officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines who ranks above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier generalcolonel陆军上校来自意大利语,是compagna colonella小纵队的简略形式,指一个军团中负责指挥一个纵队的军官,在集合时他站在纵队的最前面。
用作名词 n.
~+名词C- Blimp毕林普上校漫画人物;老顽固,反动家伙
词源解释colonel陆军上校来自意大利语,是compagna colonella小纵队 的简略形式,指一个军团中负责指挥一个纵队的军官,在集合时他站在纵队的最前面。
非常记忆col丛林〖拼音〗+one一〖熟词〗+l棍子〖编码〗⇒上校在丛林里举着一根棍子colon=column,柱,纵队+el指小名词后缀→小纵队→小纵队的指挥官⇒上校。词根记忆colon=column柱子…像柱子…样站着的人…上校用作名词n.The colonel gave the command to attack.上校下达了进攻的命令。
The colonel advanced him from lieutenant to captain.上校把他从中尉提升为上尉。
The colonel paraded his troops.上校检阅了自己的部队。
The colonel seemed to lose his head as we went into action, and as a consequence the regiment suffered many casualties.当我们投入战斗时,上校的样子很慌张,结果这个团遭受了大量的伤亡。
I'm in command of the regiment while the colonel's on leave.上校休假时,我指挥这个团。
The Colonel gave me advice on how to comport myself in the White House.上校建议我在白宫该如何表现。
Colonel Sailing has command over is command the Guards Regiment.赛林上校统帅着近卫团。
Colonel Higgins was lent by the army to the Institute of Inter American Affairs as a specialist in the military fields.希金斯上校被作为军事专家借调到了美洲事务研究所。
Don't address me as Colonel. I'm only a major.别称我为上校,我只是个少校。
He gained the rank of Colonel.他获得上校军衔。
A colonel is three steps above a captain.上校比上尉高三级。
A lieutenant colonel ranks above a major.陆军中校比少校军衔高。
An army major ranks between a captain and acolonel.陆军少校的军阶在上尉与中校之间。Pcolonelcyn.上校衔



用作名词Acolonelis subordinate to a brigadier general.上校级别低于准将。
Thecolonelparaded his soldiers.上校集合士兵列队接受检阅。 The difficult decision is whether Colonel Qaddafi’s removal, dead or alive, should be an explicit aim of the enforcers.
困难的决定是卡扎菲上校到底是搬迁是死还是活,这应该是实施者要明确的目的。 yeeyan

The idea that the colonel might be allowed to live out his days in a luxury villa, surrounded by his Amazonian bodyguards, while a new government blithely ignores him strains credibility.
新政府也许会允许上校离开住的豪华别墅,解除他的印第安人来自亚马逊保镖,然后就将其完全忽视——这种想法缺乏可信度。 ecocn

The one on the floor was the colonel.
躺在地上的那个便是上校。 ebigear

The outcome of this debate could decide the fate of Libya and its dogged colonel.
这场辩论的结果可能决定利比亚和这位顽固上校的命运。 ecocn

What if they go on to behave as murderously as the colonel and his paid killers?
如果他们像他们的是上校和他的杀手们一样继续表现为杀气腾腾的又该怎么办? yeeyan

Alas for Colonel Qaddafi, accusations that he once plotted to assassinate the then crown prince, now king, Abdullah, mean he is unlikely to be offered succour by the House of Saud.

And then there’s talk, obviously, about an indictment possibly for Colonel Qadhafi in the International Criminal Court.
另外,很显然,有这样的说法,那就是可能会在国际法庭上对卡扎非上校提出起诉。 yeeyan

As a retired US Army colonel, I would particularly enjoy helping the staff of the Military Museum.

But any Western belief that Colonel Qaddafi would be quickly clobbered on the battlefield has, for the moment, been shaken.
但是,西方认为卡扎菲上校会在战场上被快速击倒的任何信念,此刻都已经动摇。 ecocn

But in general the mood on the street, six weeks after the colonel and his forces were sent packing, remains happy.
不过总体来讲,在上校和他的部队打包走人已有六个星期之后,街上的情绪仍然轻松愉快。 ecocn

But that would make the oilfields and pipeline a target for the colonel.
但是,这样一来将使油田和输油管成为卡札菲上校的进攻标靶。 ecocn

By then a US army colonel had admitted to the Afghans that the shootings were a“ terrible, terrible mistake” and“ a stain on our honour”.
至此,美国陆军上校才向阿富汗方卖弄承认这次枪击事件是一件“非常非常糟糕的错误”和“有辱于我们的荣誉”。 yeeyan

Early in the Libyan crisis he carelessly said he would“ not dare disturb” his friend, Colonel Qaddafi, about the violence in his country.
利比亚危机初期,他漫不经心地说他将“不敢”就利比亚国内暴力事件“打扰”他的朋友卡扎菲上校。 yeeyan

Even worse, Colonel Eugene Holmes, who had agreed to let me join the program, now claimed that I had misled him to get out of the draft.
更糟糕的是,同意让我加入后备役军官训练计划的尤金.霍尔姆斯上校现在却说,我对他进行误导而逃避服兵役。 yeeyan

He hopes for warm ties with the West, and aspires to recover his pulpit in the mosque from which the colonel expelled him.
他希望同西方保持良好的关系,渴望能回到清真寺的讲道坛——卡扎菲上校正是从这里逐走了他。 ecocn

I spent a year and a half in Seoul, typing classified documents for evacuation of weapons for generals, with my lowest ranked officer being a colonel.
我在汉城呆了一年半,和我最低级别的上校军官一起,我们打印整理文件,这些文件时为了将军疏散武器用的。 yeeyan

If Colonel Qaddafi were unconditionally to accept the need for all of this, it might be worth negotiating with him.
如果卡扎菲上校能够无条件的接受这些的话,或许还有和他谈判的价值。 ecocn

Ms. Qaddafi has appeared in public twice since the bombings began, before cheering crowds at the colonel’s compound, but she seldom speaks in public.
自空袭开始以来,卡扎菲小姐在公众场合出现两次,此前,在上校官邸受到人群的欢呼,但她很少在公众演讲。 yeeyan

Neither Bahrain or Yemen is susceptible to an air campaign as Libya is, with its long stretches of desert that expose Colonel Qaddafi’s advancing tanks.
无论巴林或也门都像叙利亚似的易受到空袭,以其长长的沙漠延伸,都会暴露出卡扎菲上校的前进的坦克。 yeeyan

Nothing remained of the colonel.
上校身后毫无遗物。 ebigear

One always has a certain grudge against Thackeray for making his Colonel Newcome so silly at times, though perhaps the irony, the pathos, the tragedy of the book required it.
人们对萨克雷一定没有好印象,因为他让其上校纽科姆经常表现得特傻,虽然也许具有讽刺意味的悲情,这本书的悲剧需要它。 yeeyan

Perhaps the two explosions that echoed around Tripoli this afternoon were backing up the message from Doha that Colonel Gaddafi must go.
或许今天下午的黎波里的两起爆炸的回响是为了支持来自多哈的信息:卡扎菲上校必须离开。 hxen

The answer came quickly enough, once they got to the beach. A colonel that Father knew slightly came to meet them, saluting them.
他们一到海滩,答案立即明了了,一个父亲大概认识的陆军上校走过来,向他们行礼致意。 yeeyan

The opposition say they think Colonel Gaddafi himself is still in the Tripoli area.
反对派称,他们认为卡扎菲上校本人仍在的黎波里地区。 hxen

The captain jumped several grades and now was a colonel.

Under his bubble canopy, the Colonel scans the gloom of the forest.
在肥皂泡一样的驾驶舱罩里,上校扫描着阴暗的森林。 yeeyan




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