释义 |
Cololabis 基本例句 秋刀鱼¹⁰⁰ Skeleton samples ofCololabissaira were prepared by the normal methods.摘要常规方法制备秋刀鱼骨骼标本,记录观测结果并绘图。 Cololabissaira stick-held net is a kind of buoyant lift-nets, catching fish by attracting lamps.摘要秋刀鱼舷提网属船浮敷式灯诱敷网,利用集鱼灯诱集鱼群至网中,起网捕捞。 The results showed that total lipids content of fish ranging from 1.7g/100g in freshwater cultured baotou fish to 27.7g/100g in marine cololabis saira.结果表明:总脂肪含量为从淡水饲养包头鱼的1.;7g/100g到海水秋刀鱼的27 Cololabissaira capture fishery in the mainland of China is in beginning period.There is a long way to go in fishing gear and fishing method in comparison with foreign countries concerned.摘要我国大陆地区的秋刀鱼渔业处于起步阶段,与国外相比,在渔具渔法等方面尚有较大差距。 Cololabissaira;Cololabisadocetus;竹 刀 鱼 科:Scomberesox saurus; The Study on Designing Method of Stick-held Net forCololabissaira秋刀鱼舷提网渔具设计的研究 |