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词汇 Colo
释义 Colo. kəˈləun
Matching strains of the disease were found on equipment and cantaloupe samples at Jensen Farms' packing facility in Granada, Colo.
在位于科罗拉多州格拉纳达的延森农场包装设施,人们从设备和蜜瓜样本上找到了和该病符合的菌落。 yeeyan

Michael Murdoch remotely tracks the well- being of his mother, Elizabeth Roach, from his home in Aurora, Colo.
迈克尔.默多克正在科罗拉多州,奥罗拉的家中远程追踪他的母亲,伊丽莎白.罗琦的情况。 yeeyan

Since retiring from the National Park Service in 1997, a job that took him to many of America's most beautiful places, he chose to settle in Colorado Springs, Colo.
他1997年从国家公园服务部退休,这份工作让他去了美国许多美丽的地方,他选择科罗拉多州的斯普林斯定居。 yeeyan

That was the consensus at a lunchtime roundtable discussion at Fortune's Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen, Colo.
日前,在美国科罗拉多州阿斯潘市召开的《财富》科技头脑风暴的一次午餐圆桌讨论中,与会者达成了上述共识。 fortunechina

The reddish glow from the city lights of Boulder, Colo., is the result in part of the light being scattered by haze particles.
科罗拉多州博尔德市晚上发出的红光部分灯光被烟雾粒子散射的结果。 yeeyan

Topping says previous studies have shown an increase in dietary fibre reduces the risk of colo- rectal cancer and a number of other conditions.
文章还说,先前的研究表明膳食纤维摄入量的增加减少了肠和直肠癌症和大量其它状况的风险。 yeeyan

“Pretty much all of the Arctic is above normal, ” said Dr. Walter Meier of the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colo.
位于科罗拉多州波尔多的全国冰雪资料中心博士沃尔特·梅耶表示:“北极大部分地区的气温高于常年。” yeeyan

A new type of solar thermal system for homes that can provide heat, hot water, and electricity is being tested in Boulder, Colo., over the next few months.
一个太阳能光热转换系统的新类型,以为家庭可供热,提供热水,并且可以发电。未来数个月,在科罗拉多州博尔德测试。 yeeyan

After gorging itself, the colo retreats to its cave dwelling to hibernate and digest.
进食完毕后,科洛爪鱼退回自己栖息的洞中,进入休眠和消化状态。 starwarsfans

Concept artist Terryl Whitlatch wanted the colo claw fish to have an invertebrate look, so her early designs were based on an earwig.
概念画家特丽尔·惠特拉奇希望科洛爪鱼拥有无脊椎动物的外表,所以她的早期设计是以蠼螋为基础的。 starwarsfans

He's a senior researcher at the National Snow and Ice Data Center and the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colo.
他是美国国家冰雪资料中心和科罗拉多大学的高级研究员。 yeeyan

His wife, Dee, an accountant at their home in Colorado Springs, Colo.
他的家在科罗拉多州的科罗拉多泉市,他妻子迪伊 Dee在那里做会计。 longwenedu

Jeff Seacrest prepares kindling for a campfire with his youth group at Redlands Community Church in Grand Junction, Colo.
科罗拉多大枢纽点,杰夫和雷德兰兹社区教会的青年队准备点燃营火。 yeeyan

Jensen Farms in Holly, Colo. , recalled the tainted cantaloupes earlier this month after they were linked to listeria illnesses.
在哈密瓜卷入李氏杆菌疾病后,科罗拉多州霍里市的延森 Jensen农场于本月初召回了受感染的哈密瓜。 yeeyan

Mr. Everest, of Durango, Colo., is among a new breed of young entrepreneurs seeking their fortune online in imaginary worlds.
科罗拉多州,杜兰戈的 Everest先生是虚拟世界中,寻求财富的年轻企业家中的一个新典型。 yeeyan

MSI is a Littleton, Colo. , company that offers high-performance microsatellites and spacecraft subsystems for military, government, and commercial customers.
MSI公司位于科罗拉多州的利特尔顿,提供高性能微型卫星和航天器子系统,主要面向军用、政府和商业用户。 com

Now, he's trying to share the lessons he learned from his experience. Recently, he spoke to a class in Greenwood Village, Colo.
现在,他将要分享他从这次经历中学到的教训。他最近在科州一个叫绿林的乡村课堂上作过报告。 blueidea

Objective To study the effect of perioperative health education on recovery among rectal carcinoma patients with colo story.
目的探讨直肠癌结肠造口患者围手术期的健康指导对术后康复的影响。 chemyq

She’s gone on archaeology digs near Durango, Colo., and she’s taking a class at the local college this summer.
她去多拉格附近进行考古发掘,今年夏天,她还参加了当地大学的一些课程。 yeeyan

Students at some schools, including one in Valley Stream, N. Y. , and another in Boulder, Colo. , proposed such a change but were overruled.
一些学校的学生,包括纽约 Valley Stream地方和科罗拉多州 Boulder地方的两所学校,也有这样的提议,但是都被否决了。 blogbus

The child is colo u ring the picture.
那孩子正在给这幅画着色。 iciba

The plan to populate the world with Crocs CROX was hatched in the late1990s by three pals from Boulder, Colo.
用卡洛驰鳄鱼鞋风靡世界的计划产生于1990年代后期,是来自科罗拉多州博尔德的三个老友记制定的。 yeeyan




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