

单词 colloquialism
释义 col·lo·qui·al·ism 英kəˈləʊkwiːəˌlɪzəm美kəˈlokwiəˌlɪzəmAHDkə-lōʹkwē-ə-lĭz'əm ☆☆☆☆☆高TCOCA⁶⁸⁸⁰⁵BNC⁷¹¹⁶⁰iWeb⁴⁰⁷⁴⁴

a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech词根词缀: col-共同 + -loqu-说 + -ial形容词词尾 + -ism名词词尾colloquial口语的,会话的-ism性质/状态表语言⇒colloquialism n.俗话,白话,口语近义词 slang俚语idiom成语dialect方言vulgarism粗鄙

用作名词The writer aerateed his writing with a persuasivecolloquialism.作者用一种有说服力的口语体使他的文章显得生动。noun.idiom
同义词 expression,informality
idiomnoun manner of speaking, turn of phrase
argot,dialect,expression,idiosyncrasy,jargon,language,lingo,localism,locution,parlance,patois,phrase,provincialism,set phrase,street talk,style,talk,tongue,usage,vernacular,vernacularism,word
idiomsnoun manner of speaking, turn of phrase
argot,colloquialisms,dialects,expressions,idiosyncrasies,jargons,languages,lingos,localisms,locutions,parlance,patois,phrases,provincialisms,set phrases,street talks,styles,talks,tongues,usages,vernacularisms,vernaculars,words
jargonnoun specialized language;dialect
abracadabra,argot,balderdash,banality,bombast,bunk,buzzwords,cant,cliché,colloquialism,commonplace term,doublespeak,drivel,fustian,gibberish,hackneyed term,idiom,insipidity,lexicon,lingo,mumbo jumbo,neologism,newspeak,nonsense,overused term,palaver,parlance,patois,patter,rigmarole,shoptalk,slang,slanguage,speech,stale language,street talk,tongue,trite language,twaddle,usage,vernacular,vocabulary
parlancenoun idiom
argot,colloquialism,dialect,diction,expression,idiosyncrasy,jargon,language,lingo,localism,locution,patois,phrase,provincialism,set phrase,speech,street talk,talk,tongue,vernacular
slangnoun casual dialect
argot,cant,colloquialism,informal speech,jargon,lingo,neologism,patois,patter,pidgin,shoptalk,slanguage street talk,vernacular,vulgarism,vulgarity Big deal. You can use an idiom to interpret a colloquialism.
可以呀。会用成语解释口语了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Paraphrase the ancient Chinese prose in colloquialism language.
把这篇古文译成白话文。 dict.v.wenguo.com

The merits of alertness and apprehensibility in Bai Juyi's poetry were not due to its colloquialism or vernacularism, but came from its concise themes, specified literary speech and vivid description.
白诗的浅切易懂并非来自它的口语化或近俗,而是由于它题旨清楚、合于书面语规范和言事真切。 cnki

This variety reflects such features of allusions as colloquialism, variability, refinement, artistry and nationality. Previous studies on allusions mainly focus on linguistic perspectives.
典故语的多样性同时还表现在口语性、变异性、高雅性、艺术性和民族性等特征。 fabiao

While paying more attention to the study of the Chinese written language, we neglect the study of colloquialism.
长期以来,人们只重视书面语语法的研究,而忽略了口语语法的研究。 cnki

“ Gouqiang” is a frequently used colloquialism.
韩佳:“够呛”是我们常用的口语。 cctv

Chinese teaching in primary school and high school should dispose the relation between classical Chinese, colloquialism, mandarin and dialect in order to meet the demand of current Chinese.
中小学语文教学要根据现代语的要求,处理好文言、白话和普通话、方言之间的关系。 dictall

Her speech is informal and filled with colloquialism.
她的演讲是非正式的,很口语化。 editor.www.iciba.com

In American English, Slang is mingled with jargon and Colloquialism, but they are different from each other.
在美语口语当中,俚语常与行话,口语体交织在一起,但又相互区别。 dictall

It's a colloquialism in north China.
这找不着北啊是口语里的一种说法。 blog.sina.com.cn

Literary sketches of the Qing Dynasty record and explain lots of colloquialism and provide quite precious materials for the study of Chinese vocabulary.
清代笔记小说记录并解释了大量的俗语词,为汉语词汇研究提供了十分珍贵的语言材料。 cnki

Secondly, the poets pursue colloquialism and plain narration, and has abandoned the expression techniques.
二是表现技法上的,仅以叙述和口语化为时髦,而放弃诸多的表现手法。 cnki

So we should pay attention to the classical Chinese teaching in the condition of making the colloquialism teaching to be the principal part.
因此,在保障语体文作为现在语文教学主体的前提下,也要重视文言文的教学。 cnki

This paper studies the application of the adjectives in colloquialism, and gives an analysis of the distribution of the adjectives in colloquialism.
文章探讨了口语语体中形容词的实际运用情况,具体分析了形容词在口语语体中的分布情况。 dictall

This is a colloquialism.
这是一句口语。 blog.sina.com.cn

When hearing an idiom or colloquialism they may feel frustrated and confused.
只要听到习语或口语讲法,就会感到深受挫折、疑惑不解。 calm-sea

While it may be acceptable in email or in chat rooms, excessive colloquialism can diminish the quality of a formal written text.
虽然在邮件中或聊天室里使用口语表达可以接受,但是过度的口语用法会降低一篇正式的书面文本的质量。 newchannel

' Bike' is a colloquialism.
是口语中使用的词。 hotdic

Colloquialism that is different from written language has some special grammatical traits, inversion, overlapping of the words , mending words and so on.
口语语体不同于书面语体,具有一些独特的语法特征,如:易位、追加、话语重叠、会话修补等等。 cnki

Colloquialism said:“ honesty is the best stratagem”.
俗话说,“诚实为上策”。 ebigear




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