

单词 collective
释义 col·lec·tive 英kəˈlektɪv美kəˈlɛktɪvAHDkə-lĕkʹtĭv ★★★☆☆高四六研T4八COCA⁴¹⁸⁵BNC⁵⁰⁰³iWeb⁴⁸⁰⁴Economist²⁹⁹³

集体的; 共同的; 共有的

of, by or relating to a group or society as a whole; joint; shared

members of a cooperative enterprise
done by or characteristic of individuals acting together;

a joint identity

the collective mind

the corporate good

forming a whole or aggregateset up on the principle of collectivism or ownership and production by the workers involved usually under the supervision of a government;

collective farms

词根词缀: col-共同 + -lect-采集 + -ive名词词尾
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词collective action〔effort, wisdom〕集体行动〔努力,智慧〕collective leadership〔ownership〕集体领导〔共同所有权〕
col=com,一起+lect采集,挑选+ive形容词后缀,表功能和倾向→用来或倾向于采集到一起的⇒集体的,共同的,集合的。非常记忆collect收集〖熟词〗+ive衣服〖谐音〗⇒我们共同去收集衣服蒋争熟词记忆collect聚集;集合-ive…的⇒集合体的词根记忆collect+ive=集中到一起=集体的近义词 group群farm农场body身体crowd人群outfit配备joint联合的commune公社enclave飞地united联合的mutual共同的shared共享的colony殖民地common常见的crew全体船员social社会的multitude大量combined组合的communal公有的gathered聚集的compound化合物corporate法人的aggregate合计的aggregation集合composite合成的connected相关的co-op消费合作社…cooperative合作的kibbutz以色列的集体农场…massed动词mass的过去式,动…clustered动词cluster的过去…反义词 distributive分布的
~+ n.We all bear collective responsibility for this decision.我们大家共同承担这项决定的责任。
This success was the result of a collective effort.这次成功是全体努力的结果。Pcollectivelyad.集合聚合性共同集体主义集团集体

用作形容词Chorus is acollectivevocality performing art.合唱是集体的声乐表演艺术。
Have you any excuse to offer for frequent absence fromcollectivepractice?你经常不参加集体训练有什么解释吗?
They hold together forcollectivesecurity.他们为了共同安全而团结在一起。
We all bearcollectiveresponsibility for this decision.我们大家共同承担这项决定的责任。用作名词I also learned the strength of thecollective.我还认识到了集体的力量。
Any individual is a member of thecollective.个人是集体的一分子。
We were welded into a fightingcollective.我们结成一个战斗集体。adj.composite
同义词 concerted,corporate,cumulative,mutual,shared,unifiedaggregate,common,cooperative,jointassembled,collated,combined,compiled,concentrated,conjoint,consolidated,gathered,grouped,heaped,hoarded,massed,piled,united
反义词 separate,unshared,disjointdivided
aggregateadjective forming a collection from separate parts
collaborativeadjective cooperative
commonadjective generally known;held in common
accepted,coincident,collective,communal,communistic,community,commutual,congruous,conjoint,conjunct,constant,corporate,correspondent,customary,general,generic,in common,intermutual,joint,like,mutual,popular,prevailing,prevalent,public,reciprocal,shared,social,socialistic,united,universal,usual,well-known,widespread
commonestadjective generally known;held in common
accepted,coincident,collective,communal,communistic,community,commutual,congruous,conjoint,conjunct,constant,corporate,correspondent,customary,general,generic,in common,intermutual,joint,like,mutual,popular,prevailing,prevalent,public,reciprocal,shared,social,socialistic,united,universal,usual,well-known,widespread
communenoun group living together
collective,commonage,commonality,community,cooperative,family,kibbutz,municipality,neighborhood,rank and file,village
conjointadjective combined
collective,combined,common,communal,conjoined,cooperative,joined,joint,linked,mutual,shared,united But in our collective cultural consciousness, if there is a such thing, whether we like him or not we tend to think of John Milton as powerful.

Rather, they are influenced by collective behavior of which we may or may not be consciously aware.
在一定程度上,它们是受集体行为的影响,这点我们或者并没有意识到。 yeeyan

The collective intelligence of an ant colony can serve as inspiration to help us solve complex human problems.
蚁群的集体智能能够作为一种启发,帮助我们解决人类所面临的复杂问题。 yeeyan

Africans could have built upon this system. In the West, the basic economic and social unit is the individual; in Africa, it is the extended family or the collective.
非洲人本可以建立了这样的机制。在西方,基本经济和社会单位是属于个体的;而在非洲,这是属于大家庭或者是集体的。 yeeyan

All available facts should convince you that the billions of individual and collective actions that are taken every minute are improving life upon this planet.
所有已有的事实都应该说服你:每一分钟,十几亿的个体和集体行动都在改善着这个星球的生存状态。 yeeyan

But because the notion of the collective persists, the system is wide open to abuses.
但是因为国民的集体主义倾向,这个体制因大开口子而被滥用。 kekenet

By collective activity, they find friendship and warmth.
通过集体活动,人们得到友谊和温暖。 ebigear

He takes the road of collective prosperity instead of trying to build up family fortunes.

However, Asia needs to put collective security first for once.
不过,这一次亚洲需要将集体安全放在首位。 ecocn.org

I do feel deeply the strength of the collective.

If two heads are better than one, the collective brainstorming of an entire group can be the best ever.
如果两个头脑比一个强,那么整个团队的集体头脑风暴就能成为最佳的方式。 yeeyan

It is mysterious because we can only“ borrow it”: it is not our property but is social and collective.
其神秘之处还在于我们只能“借用它”:它并非我们的财产而是社会化和集体化拥有。 yeeyan

It expresses our collective hope for a bright future, one that allows us to be all that we can be.
它表达了我们的共同心愿:希望未来更加光明、希望我们的潜能能够得到全方位的发挥。 hjenglish

King Harald of Norway led this first opportunity for the nation to come together and confront the scale of collective grief.
挪威国王哈拉尔第一次有机会领导国民团结到一起,集体面对如此大规模的悲痛。 hxen

Managing such networks is not only complicated but requires lot of collective effort and collaboration.
这类网络的管理不仅复杂,而且还需要大量的集体努力和协作。 ibm

So did we, which is why Foreign Policy once again brings you the collective wisdom of this unique crowd.
我们也是,这就是《外交政策》再次为你带来这一独特人群集体智慧的原因。 yeeyan

Stimulate and exploit collective value.
刺激和利用集体价值。 ibm

The gang were a collective and either did everything together or, at least, shared the profits.
这伙工人是一个集体,做每件事情都在一起,至少分钱时是这样。 yeeyan

This kind of collective review should happen in an organized way at least after every release, preferably after every iteration.
这种共同评审应该以有组织的方式至少在每次发布后进行一次,最好在每次迭代之后进行。 ibm

This sort of activity damages the reputation of the collective.

This may not have been an official joint operation, but it was almost certainly a collective effort.
也许这次并不是官方的联合行动,但几乎可以肯定是一次集体的努力。 yeeyan

To accomplish his own end, he placed collective interests in the back of his mind.

Whatever validity the concept of collective guilt may or may not have, morally and legally—for my generation of students it was a lived reality.
无论集体犯罪的概念在道义上和法律上怎样可以自圆其说——就我们这一代学生而言,那是活生生的事实。 yeeyan




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