

单词 collectables
释义 collectables kəˈlektibəlz COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
n.可收集的;可代收的collectable的名词复数原型collectable的三单 Popular places to buy vintage clothing include charity-run second hand clothing shops, flea markets, antique markets, auctions, vintage clothing shops, textile or collectables fairs.

It is my hope that these dolls will be appreciated as collectables.
这是我的希望,这些娃娃将作为收藏品的赞赏。 qingquleyuan.net

It provides us an extra space for displaying collectables.
又给我们提供了一个陈列收藏品的地方。 yeeyan

On sale at royal palaces and a website, profits from the collectables will be donated to the charity which curates the royal family's artworks, known as the Royal Collection.
纪念品在皇家宫殿和一家网站出售,所获利润将捐赠给负责管理皇家艺术品的慈善机构——皇家珍藏。 iciba

You start with the little things, the things on the shelves and in drawers, the knickknacks, the collectables. You feel the weight that adds up.
先从小的东西开始,架子上抽屉里的小玩意,小摆设,收藏品,感受一下这些给你带来的压力。 onlytoya




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