释义 |
ColintonBNC⁵⁴³⁷³ 基本例句 n.科林顿在加拿大;西经 113º16' 北纬 54º38' More recently, President and MissisColintonClinton had a small garden.最近,克林顿总统和夫人有了一个小花园。 In Nevada, where there is a large Hispanic population, most of that vote to HillaryColinton.在拥有众多的西班牙人口的那华达州,大多数选票是投给希拉里的。 More recently, Presidents President and MisColintonMissis Clinton had a small gardon but yet with garden.But it was planted in containers on the rurf roof of the WWhite House.再过些时候,总统和克林顿小姐有了一个小蔬菜园,但是它只是在白宫屋顶上的一个小地方。 |