

单词 cold wave
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a wave of unusually cold weathercold wave寒潮
用作名词It looks as if we were in for a cold spell.看样子要过一段寒潮天气。
The vegetables froze out during the cold spell.蔬菜在寒潮期间都冻死了。as in.cold front
同义词 cold snap,cold spellcold sector,polar front,snap,squall lineas in.cold snap
同义词 cold spell,cold weather
cold frontnoun advancing front of colder air
cold sector,cold snap,cold spell,polar front,snap,squall line
cold snapnoun very cold weather
cold spell,cold wave,cold weather A sudden cold wave hitting most of China is due to end Wednesday, an official from China Meteorological Administration said.
中国气象局官员表示,近日突袭我国的寒潮将于明天结束。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

It would be the strongest cold wave so far this winter.
据悉,这也是入冬以来最强的一场冷空气。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The effect of cold wave, layer thickness of construct and sluice to temperature field and stress field are studied.
重点研究了寒潮、浇筑层厚和蓄水等对拱坝混凝土温度场和应力场的影响; cnki

The numerical results show that the cracks are caused by cold wave by lack of temperature reinforcements in the structure.
计算结果表明,裂缝是由于结构未配置温度钢筋,由寒潮作用引起的。 dictall

The source of the arctic air for this cold wave may be traced upstream to the Arctic Ocean to the east of Greenland.
此次寒潮的冷空气源地,一直可以溯源至格林兰东方的北冰洋上。 http://dj.iciba.com

Together we partake the cold wave, storm, and firebolt; Together we share the fog, flowing haze, and rainbow, It seems we are always apart, but are life-long companion.
我们分担寒潮、风雷、霹雳;我们共享雾蔼、流岚、虹霓,仿佛永远分离,却又终身相依。 rainlane

A fairly strong cold wave will hit most of China within3 days, bringing massive snow and rains, the National Meteorological Center reported.
据中央气象台报道,未来3天,较强冷空气将影响中国大部地区,带来大范围雨雪天气。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

A strong cold wave process in November in Bohai Sea is analyzed in the way of combining synoptic meteorology and dynamic diagnostics.
本文利用天气学和动力诊断相结合的方法,对渤海秋末初冬一次强寒潮天气过程进行了分析。 dictall

A cold wave comes from the north.
从北方来了一股寒流。 peonysquare

China extends alert against cold wave, heavy snow.

If any thermal control measure will not be adopted before the cold wave comes, the upstream and downstream surfaces of the dam must definitely be cracked by the strike of the cold wave.
如不采取任何温控措施,寒潮冷击必然会给坝体上下游面带来破坏性的影响。 cnki

Orchard without precaution will suffer heavy loss in case cold wave occurs.
如果寒潮发生,不采取预防措施的果园将会受到严重损失。 putclub

The results show that the adjustment of circulation pattern, is the direct outcome of the cold wave brewing and outbreak.
结果表明,环流经纬向型的调整是寒潮酝酿和爆发的直接原因。 cnki

The relationship between the orange freeze injury and different cold wave paths, intensity and spatial distribution of the extreme minimum temperature are calculated.
计算了不同寒潮路径、强度和极端最低气温的空间分布与柑桔冻害关系。 cnki

The second cold wave this winter brought north and east China heavy snow on Sunday, causing drastically fall in temperature nationwide.
在今年冬天第二股冷空气的作用下,全国范围大幅度降温,并导致华北华东地区周日大量降雪。 blog.sina.com.cn

This cold wave is severe enough to freeze over all the rivers and ponds.
这次寒潮很厉害,河流和池塘都得结冰。 iciba

Cold Wave. Frost and typhoons caused by the disastrous weather, the harvest of crops harm.
寒潮、霜冻和台风引起的灾害性天气,危害农作物的收成。 blog.sina.com.cn

Snow and cold wave hit many countries worldwide.
近日,世界多国遭暴雪寒潮侵袭。 www.chinadaily.com.cn




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