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词汇 cold
释义 cold 英kəʊld美koldAHDkōld ★★★★☆常小中高四研牛4COCA⁹⁸⁶BNC¹²³²iWeb¹²⁷⁷Economist¹⁷⁷⁰


of low temperature, especially when compared to the temperature of the human body


of a person, his manner, etc. without friendliness, kindness or enthusiasm; without emotion


lack of heat or warmth; low temperature especially in the atmosphere


infectious illness of the nose or throat or both, with, sneezing, coughing, etc.

a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages but not the lungs;

will they never find a cure for the common cold?

the absence of heat;

the coldness made our breath visible

come in out of the cold

cold is a vasoconstrictor

the sensation produced by low temperatures;

he shivered from the cold

the cold helped clear his head

having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness or having been made cold by e.g. ice or refrigeration;

a cold climate

a cold room

dinner has gotten cold

cold fingers

if you are cold, turn up the heat

a cold beer

extended meanings; especially of psychological coldness; without human warmth or emotion;

a cold unfriendly nod

a cold and unaffectionate person

a cold impersonal manner

cold logic

the concert left me cold

having lost freshness through passage of time;

a cold trail

dogs attempting to catch a cold scent

color giving no sensation of warmth;

a cold bluish grey

marked by errorless familiarity;

had her lines cold before rehearsals started

lacking originality or spontaneity; no longer new;

moth-eaten theories about race

stale news

so intense as to be almost uncontrollable;

cold fury gripped him

sexually unresponsive;

was cold to his advances

a frigid woman

without compunction or human feeling;

in cold blood

cold-blooded killing

insensate destruction

feeling or showing no enthusiasm;

a cold audience

a cold response to the new play

unconscious from a blow or shock or intoxication;

the boxer was out cold

pass out cold

of a seeker; far from the object soughtlacking the warmth of life;

cold in his grave

cold, chilly, cool


1.从温度上说, chilly最冷, cold次之, cool再次之。chilly指“寒冷”, cold指“冷”, cool指“凉爽”。

2.从人的心理上说, chilly是人所不愿; cold多指人所不愿、令人不快,也可指所期望的低温,为人所愿意; cool则多指温度宜人,令人感到舒服。例如:

I felt chilly in the wind.风吹得我感到寒冷。
He has only a cold drink on a hot day.在大热天里他只有一杯冷饮。
We hope for a cool day for the game.我们希望比赛那天天气凉爽。

3.用于人时,cool指心境平和、冷静, cold指冷落、不热情,而chilly则不仅指不热情,而且不友好,甚至“冷酷”。

catch a cold, have a cold

这两个短语都是“患感冒”的意思。其区别在于:前者表示动态“患了感冒”; 后者表示静态“患着感冒”。


I feel cold in the mountain area.


I feel the cold in the mountain area.

我感觉到了山区的寒冷。感受到某 地的气候冷









用作形容词 adj.
~+名词cold atmosphere沮丧气氛cold bath冷水浴cold blast冷风cold blood冷血cold box冰箱cold chamber低温室cold colours冷色cold compacting冷压cold counsel不愿听的忠告cold cream冷霜cold cuts冷吃的肉片cold desert寒冷的不毛之地cold drinks冷饮cold emulsion冷乳液cold fact冷酷的事实cold flow冷流cold hardiness耐寒力cold nature冰冷的性格cold news使人扫兴的消息cold pack冷毛巾cold reception冷漠接待cold response冷淡反应cold room冷藏室cold store冷饮店cold sweat冷汗cold war冷战cold water冷水cold wave寒流副词+~bitingly cold刺痛地寒冷bitterly cold刺骨地寒冷dreadfully cold可怕地寒冷extremely cold极度寒冷freezingly cold冰冷frightfully cold可怕地寒冷icily cold冰冷inconveniently cold令人不便地寒冷increasingly cold日益增加地寒冷intensely cold极其寒冷intolerably cold无法忍受地寒冷piercingly cold刺骨地寒冷slightly cold稍冷terrifically cold非常冷unbearably cold无法承受地寒冷uncomfortably cold不舒服地寒冷unnecessarily cold不必要地冷淡~+介词cold at heart心冰冷cold in death僵死的cold to对…冷淡cold towards冷淡地对待…cold with由于…而发冷用作名词 n.动词+~bear cold忍受寒冷blanket against cold抵御寒冷blast cold吹冷风blow cold吹冷风brave cold冒着寒冷dislike cold不喜欢寒冷endure cold承受寒冷feel cold感到冷guard against cold防御寒冷resist cold抗寒shiver cold冷得发抖stand cold忍受寒冷stem cold堵住寒冷suffer cold忍受寒冷之苦throw cold摆脱寒冷catch cold着凉contract cold得感冒court cold招至感冒engender cold引起感冒have a cold着凉形容词+~ambient cold包围着的冷空气bitter cold严寒biting cold刺骨的寒风encroaching cold侵入的冷气extreme cold极端的寒冷intense cold严寒interminable cold漫无止境的寒冷lingering cold迟迟不去的寒冷paralyzing cold令人麻木的寒冷penetrating cold刺骨的寒冷piercing cold刺骨的严寒unprecedented cold前所未有的寒冷bad cold重感冒cruel cold令人痛苦的感冒deadly cold致命的感冒heavy cold重感冒perpetual cold经久不愈的感冒slight cold轻感冒stubborn cold顽固的感冒terrible cold重感冒
用作形容词adj.blow hot and cold

三心二意,出尔反尔 change one's likes or way often

get cold

置某人于掌握之中 make sb under one's control

get sb coldThe boss has got the young man cold.老板控制住了这个年轻人。leave cold

没有打动某人的心 fail to impress on

leave sb coldThe speaker tried hard to impress the audience but left them cold.讲演者试图感动听众,但他没有打动听众的心。
I must say that the film left me cold.我不得不承认,那部电影完全不能打动我。out cold

失去知觉 unconscious

用作名词n.come in from the cold

摆脱孤独,不再受冷落 no more be ignored

leave out in the cold


stop cold

突然停止不动 stop moving suddenly

故事记忆身上衣服 Old旧的自幼就很 Bold大胆的武功秘籍 Unfold打开不顾冰床 Cold寒冷力把呼吸 Hold屏住不惹姑姑 Scold责骂非常记忆c月牙〖编码〗+old年老的〖熟词〗⇒月牙变老了会非常寒冷近义词 unfeelingunfriendlyunemotionaladj. heartless反义词 warmfriendlyoutgoingadj. compassionate
~+ n.Don't drink cold water.不要喝冷水。
He used to drink cold water.他过去习惯喝冷水。
You'll have to wash with cold water.你只好用冷水洗了。
He numbed through in the cold room.他在寒冷的屋里冻得浑身麻木。
The rain brought a cold wind.雨带来一阵寒风。
A cold wind was coming down the valley.一阵冷风吹过山谷。
Such cold weather is quite unusual here in Nanjing at this time of this year.南京今年这时竟有这样冷的天气确属罕见。
Steam is condensed into water when it touches a cold surface.蒸气接触冷的表面时,即凝结为水。
Anything that smells of cold war should be avoided.凡有冷战意味的言行都应避免。
His sister was a cold person.他姐姐是个冷漠的人。
He gave me a cold reception.他冷淡地接待我。
You shouldn't give him a cold look.你不应冷冷地瞥他一眼。
She immediately threw cold water on the proposition.她立即给这个建议泼冷水。
He has cold feet in the face of difficulty.他在困难面前胆怯畏缩。
I shall not go to that house again, those people are too fond of giving others the cold shoulder when they feel irritable.我再也不去那一家了,那些人感到厌烦时十分乐于给人白眼。
S+be+~I am cold.我好冷。
The weather is cold.天气寒冷。
It's colder today than yesterday.今天比昨天冷。
It was bitter cold that day.那天天气寒冷。
The concrete floor is freezing cold.水泥地板冰冷。
She could feel cold waiting for a bus.在等公共汽车时,她感到冷。
Did you feel cold standing in the rain?站在雨里,你不觉得冷吗?
I arrived cold and shaking in Liverpool early the next morning.第二天一早我到达了利物浦,冷得瑟瑟发抖。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseIce cream is too cold for me.冰淇淋对我来说太冷。
He is cold by nature.他天生怕冷。
I don't know about you, but I think it's very cold in this room.我不知道你感觉如何,但我觉得这屋子非常冷。
It was cold to the touch.这东西摸上去很凉。
She was cold to me.她对我冷淡。
His blood grows cold with fear.由于害怕,他的血变得冰冷。
She went cold with fear when she heard the footsteps outside her door.听到门外的脚步声,她的手脚吓得冰凉。
She is cold to everyone.她对谁都那么冷淡。It is/was+~+that-clauseIt was so cold that nobody can make his hands naked.天气太冷,没有人能把手露在外面。
S+V+O+~The weather makes water cold.天气使水变冷了。
Don't you find it cold in this room?你不觉得房间里冷吗?
Shall I heat up the pies or shall we eat them cold?我把馅饼热一下还是我们就吃凉的?
They found the man cold at heart.他们发现这个人冷心肠。用作名词n.The cold was more than the children could bear.严寒使孩子们几乎难以忍受。
Don't stand outside in the cold.别站在外面冻着。
She doesn't seem to feel the cold.她似乎不觉得冷。
I had never known such bitter cold.我从来不知道有这样刺骨的寒冷。
The exterior cold had stolen into the car.外部的寒冷已不知不觉地侵入车内。
I was so excited to see snow that I was indifferent to the cold.我看到雪激动得连寒冷都不在乎了。
He dislikes both the heat of summer and the cold of winter.他既不喜欢酷暑,也不喜欢寒冷。
The cold makes the skin smart.寒冷使皮肤刺痛。
I cannot stand the cold in the North.我忍受不了北方的寒冷。
He is shaking with cold.他冷得发抖。
You ought to know better than to go out in this cold weather in those thin summer shoes; no wonder your feet got cold!你应当明白,这么冷的天不应穿夏天的单鞋出去,难怪你的脚冻了!
They were miserable with hunger and cold.他们饥寒交迫。
He is patient of cold and hunger.他能忍饥挨冻。
The machine is designed to work in extremes of heat or cold.这部机器经特殊设计,可在极热或极冷的环境下运转。
One catches cold more often in summer than in winter.人们在夏天比在冬天更容易着凉。
Weak people are prone to catch cold.虚弱的人易于感冒。
Put on your coat, or you'll catch a cold.穿上衣服,不然你会感冒的。
He caught a cold in the storm yesterday.昨天下暴雨时他挨淋了,所以感冒了。
The boy has caught a bad cold.男孩患了重感冒。
I get a cold every year at this time.我每年这时候都会感冒。
I've had a cold since my arrival.我到这里以后就一直感冒。
Mary has a bad cold and sore throat.玛丽患了重感冒,而且咽喉痛。
The apparent cause of his absence was a bad cold.他缺席的原因表面上看来是重感冒。
He has been flat on his back for two weeks with a bad cold.他患重感冒已卧床两周。
Is there any cure for the common cold?有治一般伤风的办法吗?
Is my cold catching, doctor?医生,我的感冒会传染吗?
I cannot shake off mycold.我的感冒总是不好。
Half the boys in the school were absent withcolds.学校中一半学生因感冒而缺席。
Johnny was absent from school with acold.约翰尼因感冒而没有上学。
This new medicine is better for acold.这种新药治感冒疗效更好。
He is down with acold.他患了伤风。
He was hoarse from acold.他因感冒而声音沙哑。
Try to get rid of your nastycold.想法除去你那讨厌的感冒。
In his weakened condition, he is very susceptible tocold.他身体很弱,因此很容易患感冒。
Daddy still has a bit of hiscold, but otherwise all are well.爸爸还有点感冒,此外一切都好。
Don't worry, it's simply acold.别担心,不过是感冒而已。Pcoldisha.微冷的Pcoldlyad.冷淡地Pcold-drawvt.冷拉Pcold-forging冷锻Pcold-rollvt.冷轧Pcold-storage冷藏Pcold-shorta.冷脆的Pcoldcockvt.把…打昏Pcoldnessn.寒冷冷冷淡Pclay-colda.土一样冷的Pcold-pigvt.用冷水泼醒Pcoldcreamn.冷霜润肤膏Pice-colda.冰冷的冷漠的Pstone-colda.冰冷如石的Pcoldhearteda.冷酷无情的Pcoldproofa.抗寒的耐寒的Pcold-hammern.冷锤vt.冷锤Pcold-bloodednessn.无情残酷Pcoldheartednessn.冷淡冷心肠Pcold-hardening常温自硬性合成Pcold-shortness冷脆性低温脆性Pcold-shouldervt.冷淡疏远轻视Pcoldheartedlyad.冷淡地无情地Pcold-bloodedlyad.无情地残酷地Pcold-livereda.不动肝火的冷静的Pcoldbloodeda.冷血的怕冷的残酷的Pcold-bloodeda.冷血的无情的残酷的Pcold-hearteda.冷心肠的冷漠的冷淡的Pcold-packvt.给…敷上冷裹用品以低温装罐法处理食物



be cold用作谓语时,后面可接动词的现在分词形式。


cold作名词时有二个意思:一是指相对于身体的温度来说,温度较低,使人感到冷,即“冷,寒冷”; 二是指由于天气寒冷而引起的“伤风,感冒”。

cold作“冷,冷天气”解时只用单数形式,且其前须加定冠词the。cold在作“感冒”解时可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词,在与catch, take, get连用时,不定冠词a可有可无英式英语用catch cold,而美式英语用catch a cold,但如果cold前面有形容词修饰,无论哪个动词与之搭配,不定冠词a均不可省略。


用作形容词We lunched out oncoldmeat and salad.我们午饭在外面吃的是凉肉和色拉。
It was bitterlycoldthat night.那个夜晚,天气十分寒冷。
Hiscoldmanner holds people off.他的冷淡态度使人们不敢接近他。
Our enthusiasm for the plan faded in thecoldlight of day and we realized how impractical it really was.经过客观冷静的分析,我们对这个计划的热情消失了,因为我们认识到它实在不实际了。用作名词The dampness is unpleasant,not to mention thecold.潮湿就令人不快,更不必说寒冷了。
Put on your coat, or you may catch acold.穿上你的外套,否则你会感冒的。
A good sweat often cures acold.好好发一次汗往往可以治愈伤风。
Get out of those wet clothes before you catchcold.把湿衣服脱掉,不然要伤风的。用作副词John knew the businesscold.约翰对此事了如指掌。
The actor had his lines downcold.这演员把台词背得滚瓜烂熟了。adj.chilly, freezing
同义词 bitter,bleak,brisk,chilled,cool,crisp,frigid,frosty,frozen,icy,intense,raw,snowy,wintrySiberian,arctic,chill,cutting,hyperborean,icebox,keen,sharp,stingingalgid,below freezing,below zero,benumbed,biting,blasting,boreal,brumal,frore,gelid,glacial,have goose bumps,hawkish,hiemal,iced,inclement,nipping,nippy,numbed,numbing,one-dog night,penetrating,piercing,polar,rimy,severe,shivery,sleety,snappy,two-dog night
反义词 hot,mild,nice,pleasant,temperate,warmadj.aloof, unresponsive
同义词 cool,distant,frigid,frosty,icy,inhospitable,lukewarmdeadapathetic,cold-blooded,emotionless,glacial,impersonal,imperturbable,indifferent,inhibited,joyless,matter-of-fact,passionless,phlegmatic,reserved,reticent,spiritless,standoffish,stony,unconcerned,undemonstrative,unenthusiastic,unfeeling,unimpassioned,unmoved,unresponsive,unsympathetic
反义词 excited,friendly,kind,responsive,warmanimated,ardent,eager,enthusiastic,fervid,interested,sympatheticnoun.frigid conditions
同义词 chill,snowalgidity,chilliness,coldness,congelation,draft,freeze,frigidity,frost,frostbite,frostiness,gelidity,glaciation,iciness,inclemency,rawness,refrigeration,shivering,shivers,wintertimealgor,frozenness,gelidness,wintriness
反义词 heat,warmth
aloofadjective remote
above,apart,casual,chilly,cold fish,cool,detached,distant,forbidding,hard-boiled,hard-hearted,haughty,incurious,indifferent,laid back,lone wolf,loner,offish,on ice,putting on airs,reserved,secluded,solitary,standoffish,stuck up,supercilious,thick-skinned,unapproachable,unconcerned,unfriendly,uninterested,unresponsive,unsociable,unsympathetic,uppity,withdrawn
antisocialadjective nonparticipating;avoiding company
apatheticadjective uncaring, disinterested
blah,callous,cold,cool,could care less,couldn't care less,don't give a damn,draggy,emotionless,flat,impassive,indifferent,insensible,laid-back,languid,moony,passive,stoic,stolid,unconcerned,unemotional,unfeeling,uninterested,unmoved,unresponsive,untouched,what the hell,wimpy
austereadjective severe in manner
bareadjective simple, unadorned
barestadjective simple, unadorned




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