

单词 coil spring
释义 coil spring kɔilspriŋ 短语¹⁴⁴⁹⁷²⁺²

a spring in the shape of a coil近义词 volute spring蜗卷弹簧
The coil,or helical,spring consists of a wire or rod wound into a helix and is primarily intended for axial direct compression or tension loads.卷簧,或者说螺旋形弹簧包括一条盘成螺旋形的金属丝盘条,它起初是用于轴向直接压力和拉伸。
After removing the first check from the backflow valve body, place on a flat surface with thecoil springfacing up.从防回流阀阀体上拆卸第一止回阀后,要使螺旋弹簧面朝上放在平面上。
The multilinkcoil springsuspension wasn't too stiff or too loose, which would make the driver feel uncomfortable.在多重螺旋弹簧悬架不是太硬或太松,这将使司机感到不舒服。 The new vehicle uses the coil spring suspension of the Range Rover in a new stronger chassis frame.
新的车型为使用弹簧制动系统,拥有全新更坚固底盘的揽胜。 carxoo

The coil spring contacts are designed with a unique spring tension ability and they accurately adjust to variations in battery length.
弹簧接点弹簧拥有独特的张力,能够精确地按照电池的不同长度进行调节。 www.e-gtm.com.cn

Loss of the shim from the coil spring seat on the coil- spring suspension will cause the spring to seem shorter and to sag.
螺旋弹簧悬架上弹簧座的垫片丢失,也会引起弹簧变软和下垂。 jukuu




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