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词汇 cognos
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n.Cogno人名;意科尼奥原型cogno的复数 In the next section, see how to use Cognos to access the stored procedure and build up a report using dynamic association rule mining.
在下一节中,将会介绍如何使用 Cognos来访问这个存储过程并用动态关联规则挖掘构建一个报告。 ibm

In the following sections, examples will be provided on how to effectively use IBM Cognos BI as a data source for Transformer.
在下面的章节中,我们将介绍一些关于如何有效地使用 IBM Cognos BI作为 Transformer数据源的示例。 ibm

The IBM Cognos security model allows you to manage users as member of roles and groups.
IBM Cognos安全模型允许将用户作为角色和组的成员来进行管理。 ibm

The purpose of this document is to provide focus on the knowledge elements that are essential for almost every IBM Cognos8 SDK application.
本文档的目的就是提供一些对于几乎所有 IBM Cognos8 SDK应用程序来说都非常基本的知识点。 ibm

The recipients list can include IBM Cognos administrators and application architects who would run this agent as and when required for deployment.
接收人列表可以包含 IBM Cognos管理员和应用程序设计人员,他们在部署需要时会运行这个代理。 ibm

There are actually only two calls involved in the process of generating rules and transferring them to Cognos.
实际上,生成这些规则并将它们传递给 Cognos的过程所涉及到的调用只有两个。 ibm

You may also use a standard IBM Cognos8 audit logging database, which should also have been configured in this way.
可能还需要使用一个标准的 IBM Cognos8审计记录数据库,且此数据库也要以这种方式配置。 ibm

Analytic content, such as reports, are deployed to the Cognos BI10.1 environment via export archives which are copied between the BI servers.
分析内容,比如报表,通过在 BI服务器之间复制的导出归档文件被部署到 Cognos BI10.1环境。 ibm

As we discussed during the configuration stage instead of having2 IBM Cognos8 environments we only have one.
正如我们在配置阶段所讨论的,我们不是具有2 个,而是只有一个 IBM Cognos8环境。 ibm

Backup any files that you may have customized in your IBM Cognos8 directory structure.
备份任何您可能已经定制在 IBM Cognos8目录结构中的文件。 ibm

But it is easy to consume the result tables containing the text analysis results, like any other database table in the Cognos report.
但是可以很轻松地使用包含文本分析结果的结果表,就如同使用 Cognos报告中的任何其他数据库表一样。 ibm

Click your organization’s tree, like COGNOS in this example.
单击组织的树,比如这个示例中的 COGNOS。 ibm

Database tables, views, and stored procedures can be added to a Cognos package as query subjects.
数据库表、视图和存储过程都可以作为查询主题添加到 Cognos包中。 ibm

For someone just starting out with the IBM Cognos8 SDK, all of this information can be overwhelming and finding a place to get started can be difficult.
对于刚开始接触 IBM Cognos8 SDK的人来说,这样巨大的信息量会令人感到无从选择,并且很难从中找到合适的起点。 ibm

For this reason each request sent to an IBM Cognos8 entry point will have to be routed to some target service which can handle it.
由于这个原因,发送给 IBM Cognos8入口点的每个请求必须被路由到某个能够处理它的目标服务。 ibm

IBM Cognos BI can be configured to not go through fact query subjects in dimension only queries.
可以配置 IBM Cognos BI,在只有维度的查询中,不对事实查询主题起作用。 ibm

IBM Cognos BI consists of server and modeling components, which are described in the following section.
IBM Cognos BI由服务器和建模组件组成,这将在下一小节进行描述。 ibm

In some environments, Cognos administrator might not have rights to delete and create databases in the given database instance.
在有些环境中, Cognos管理员可能没有权限在所给数据库实例中删除并创建数据库。 ibm

In this article, we provide some general guidelines and architecture recommendations to support a large-scale deployment of Cognos8 onto the IBM Cloud.
在本文中,我们提供了一些常见的指导方针和架构建议,来支持在 IBM Cloud上的 Cognos8大规模部署。 ibm

Request can be routed to any running instance of the targeted IBM Cognos8 service.
请求可以被路由到目标 IBM Cognos8服务正在运行的任何实例。 ibm

The effect of this, however, will produce local data processing on the IBM Cognos BI servers.
但是,这样做的结果是在 IBM Cognos BI服务器上生成本地数据处理。 ibm

The concepts and backgrounds published in this document apply to all versions of IBM Cognos8.
本文档中描述的概念和背景知识适用于 IBM Cognos8的所有版本。 ibm

The extracted rules of the association models are returned by the stored procedure and imported into Cognos as query subjects.
这些从关联模型中提取出来的规则由此存储过程返回并导入到 Cognos作为查询主题。 ibm

This is the first in a series of best practices and installation and configuration tips for Cognos in the cloud.
这是本系列的第一篇,本系列介绍在云中部署 Cognos的最佳实践以及安装和配置技巧。 ibm




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