

单词 cognitively
释义 cog·ni·tive·ly 英'kɒɡnətɪv美'kɑːɡnətɪv 高COCA³²¹⁷⁰BNC⁵⁴³⁷⁰iWeb²⁷⁵⁹⁸

of or relating to cognition

of or being or relating to or involving cognition;

cognitive psychology

cognitive style

用作形容词 adj.
~+名词cognitive development儿童认识能力的发展cognitive learning认知性学习cognitive psychology认识心理学
近义词 thought思想mental思想的thinking思考reasoning推论cerebral大脑的rational合理的perceptive敏感的intellectual凭理智做事者…
用作形容词adj.He is reading a book on cognitive psychology.他正在读一本有关认识心理学的书。
A growing body of research by sociologists and behavioral economists finds a dazzling array of cognitively, culturally and socially distinct ways in which people approach money.
社会学家和行为经济学家做了越来越多的研究,发现一系列烟花缭乱的人们处理钱的认知地、文化地、社会地独特的方式。 yeeyan

According to the authors, social interactions are cognitively complex experiences that may lead to rapid fatigue in brain regions that regulate attention and alertness.
著者们提到,社交活动是复杂的认知经历,可能对控制注意力与警惕性的大脑区域容易迅速造成疲劳。 yeeyan

And there was no difference cognitively between the two groups.
而两组对照并无认知差异。 yeeyan

This is how tagging works, cognitively speaking.
从认知的角度说,标注就是这么回事。 yeeyan

Those in the top third for adherence, she said in a telephone interview, were cognitively the equivalent of two years younger than those in the bottom third.
她在电话采访中表示,得分前三名者的认知能力所处水平相当于后三名者年轻两岁时的水平。 yeeyan

“In villages where lead exposure is highest, a generation of cognitively and physically disabled children will need significant and ongoing support,” it says.
“铅中毒问题最为严重的村庄,有一代的儿童患上认知和身体残疾,将需要大量和持续的支持,”报告表示。 okread.net

As noted, among those who were cognitively normal at the start of the study, moderate alcohol drinkers appeared to be protected against dementia.
特别的提到是,在那些研究最初,认知正常,饮酒适度的人表现出对老年痴呆更好的防御能力 。 yeeyan

Broad sense of thinking is the preconscious type of awareness that we have in sensational cognitively relevant sensations.

Compared with people with optimum vitamin D levels, those in the lowest quartile were more than twice as likely to be cognitively impaired.
与维他命 D水平最佳的研究对象相比,维他命 D 水平最低的四分之一的研究对象,认知机能受损的可能性上升了一倍还多。 yeeyan

Especially to cognitively complex humor, full of twists and surprises.
特别是认知复杂的幽默,充满曲折和惊喜。 yeeyan

However, humans, unlike other mammalian species, have the unique ability, consciously and cognitively, to override their internal biological clock and its rhythmic outputs.
然而,人类不同于其他哺乳动物,具有独特的感知觉和认知能力,以覆盖其内部的生物钟和节奏输出。 yeeyan

If you don't already know then the easiest way to find out is listen for whether they describe the world cognitively or affectively.
如果你还不知道对方的类型,最简单的方法就是倾听,他的言语中更多的是客观描述还是情感表达。 yeeyan

In addition to achieving higher performance, these cognitively overqualified employees were less likely than others to quit.
这些被认为超资格的员工不仅表现更好,而且比别人更加不易辞职。 yeeyan

In other words if people tend to think cognitively about, say, economic policy, then the most persuasive arguments are likely to be those that are deeply cognitive.
也就是说,如果人们倾向于对某事物——比方经济政策——采取认知性的态度,那么最有说服力的就是认知描述型的信息。 yeeyan

It is where you cognitively decide that you are going to work towards a goal and achieve that goal without being sidetracked by “ instant” distractions.
那是你认知地决定你将要朝着一个目标努力并达到那个目标而不会被即刻的分心的事物导入旁轨的状况。 xici

Only8.5 percent of those active during adolescence were cognitively impaired later on, compared with16.7 percent of those who had been inactive teenagers.
在青春期时期积极锻炼的人晚年时认知能力受损的机率只有8.5%,相比而言青少年时候没有积极运动的人认知能力受损的机率是16.7%。 yeeyan

Participants were asked to rate how frequently they engaged in cognitively stimulating activities.
参与者被要求评价自己参加认知激发活动的频繁程度。 ecocn

That could explain why our sleep-deprived selves are so cognitively challenged: We are, if not precisely half- asleep, partially asleep.
这解释了为什么我们缺少睡眠时,认知能力会下降:这时的我们即使不是半睡状态,也是部分睡眠。 yeeyan

This involves superior performance in problem solving, which is cognitively demanding, including abstract thinking skills, higher concept formation skills and creative hypothesis formulation.
这涉及了在需要认知能力来解决问题的优良表现,包括抽象思维技巧,更高的概念形成技巧和创意制定。 yeeyan

We spend millions and millions of dollars for water that is cognitively, if not actually, free of contamination.
我们花费了上千万美元,如果不是实际上的,也是认识上的,使水免受污染。 yeeyan




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