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COFDM 基本例句 Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing DRM has become to a international standard of AM broadcast. It modulate byCOFDMtechnology.DRM数字调幅广播已经成为国际标准,它使用COFDM调制技术。 An implementation method of the Viterbi decoder using CSI inCOFDMdigital TV broadcasting system is also investigated in this paper.研究COFDM数字TV广播系统中使用CSI的维特比译码器的一种实现方法。 In DVB satellite transmission system used QPSK, using QAM cable transmission, terrestrial transmission usingCOFDMway.在DVB系统中卫星传输采用QPSK,有线传输采用QAM方式,地面传输采用COFDM编码正交频分复用方式。 Firstly, this paper generally introduces the development of HDTV at home and abroad, and expounds the principle of the OFDM and theCOFDMscheme of the HDTV broadcast transmission system.本文首先介绍了国内外高清晰度电视发展的概况,阐述了OFDM原理和高清晰度数字电视广播系统的COFDM方案。 The U.S. transmission format is called 8-VSB , which is more susceptible to multipath distortion than the European system, called coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, orCOFDM.美国的传送格式是八阶残边带8-VSB,这种格式比欧洲的编码正交分频多工COFDM系统,更容易受到多路径问题影响。 By using the de-interleaving memory combined with memory address computation for the interleaved data, frequency de-interleaving, block de-interleaving and time de-interleaving are performed in one-stage approach in theCOFDMreceiver.藉由利用反交错记忆体结合对该记忆体存取位址的计算,频域反交错、区块反交错与时域反交错在正交编码分频多工接收器中以单一阶段技术来执行。 |