

单词 coerced
释义 co·erce·d 英kəʊ'ɜːs美koʊ'ɜːrs 高COCA³¹¹⁹⁹BNC³⁵⁰⁹⁷iWeb⁴⁴²⁷⁶Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :

She forced him to take a job in the city

He squeezed her for information

coerce sb. into doing sth.强迫某人做某事…
近义词 press按force武力drive开车shame羞愧compel强迫oblige迫使prey牺牲者inhibit抑制squeeze挤压pressure压强oppress使烦恼conscript征兵intimidate胁迫bully欺凌弱小者strong-arm强制的hale尤指老人健壮的…

用作及物动词You can'tcoerceher into obedience.你不能强制她服从。
Do you think there is any way that we cancoercethem otherwise?你认为我们有什么办法强迫他们不那样吗?
His plan was to resist every effort tocoercehim to the last ditch.他的计划就是要同那欺凌他的力量抵抗到底。
The policy of the prohibition against using tortures tocoercea statement is provided clearly and definitely.严禁逼供信政策明确规定了公安机关及其人员在讯问过程中不得刑讯逼供。as in.bound
同义词 constrained,enslaved,obligated,restrainedapprenticed,articled,bent,compelled,contracted,doomed,driven,fated,firm,forced,impelled,indentured,intent,made,necessitated,obliged,pledged,pressed,required,urgedbounden,certain,duty-bound,having no alternative,sure,under compulsion,under necessity
反义词 irresoluteallowed,free,permitted,unbounded,unobliged,unrestrictedas in.forced
同义词 compelled,contrived,enforced,involuntary,mandatory,unwillingaffected,begrudging,binding,bound,conscripted,constrained,grudging,labored,slaveartificial,coercive,factitious,false,inflexible,insincere,obligatory,peremptory,rigid,stiff,stringent,unnatural,wooden
反义词 voluntarynoncompulsory,spontaneous,unforcedas in.urged
同义词 adjured,advised,allured,asked,begged,charged,coaxed,commanded,desired,exhorted,forced,implored,influenced,lured,motivated,moved,prompted,requested,solicited,wheedled
反义词 condemned,opposed,prohibited
boundadjective obligated;destined
apprenticed,articled,bent,bounden,certain,compelled,constrained,contracted,doomed,driven,duty-bound,enslaved,fated,firm,forced,having no alternative,impelled,indentured,intent,made,necessitated,obligated,obliged,pledged,pressed,required,restrained,sure,under compulsion,under necessity,urged
forcedadjective compulsory, strained
urgedadjective pressed
adjuredadvised,allured,asked,begged,charged,coaxed,coerced,commanded,desired,exhorted,forced,implored,influenced,lured,motivated,moved,prompted,requested,solicited,wheedled He relented after parliament members made a show of unity that India's democratic structures must be allowed to operate normally and not be coerced by crowd tactics.
在议会成员团结一致的表示出,印度的民主结构必须是正常运作而不是受制于群众策略,之后,哈扎尔的态度有所软化。 tingvoa

In our legislative activities of prescribing coerced accomplice's criminal responsibility, we could learn from the other countries.
被胁迫行为的规定对我国胁从犯刑事责任立法具有一定的借鉴意义。 cnki

In-fighting including with cricket bats, drug-taking, feigned injury, allegations of players being coerced into Islamic fundamentalism and other scandals have plagued the national side.
内部混战包括用板球拍当武器,吸毒,假摔,球员声称被强迫加入伊斯兰原教旨主义以及其他丑闻,使国家队处于苦恼之中。 ecocn

The mother coerced Tom into playing piano.
母亲强迫汤姆弹钢琴。 hotdic

The official Korean Central News Agency reports Wednesday that a foreign espionage agency coerced the North Koreans with money, sex and blackmail.
官方的朝中社星期三报导,一个外国间谍机构利用金钱、美色和勒索威逼利诱了这些北韩人。 blog.sina.com.cn

The terrorists coerced the government into paying them a million pounds.
恐怖分子强迫政府付给他们一百万镑。 hotdic

But the led must not be coerced, the must be able to choose their leader.
但是,被领导者不能受到强迫,他们必须能够选择自己的领导人。 blog.sina.com.cn

He was coerced into signing the contract.

He coerced her to reveal the information.
他胁迫她说出了相关信息。 www.ef.com.cn

If you've been through a few of these well-rehearsed applause nests, you'd probably feel it's a mechanical thing one does only when coerced.
如果你参加过这么一些预先排练好鼓掌的盛会,你很可能会感觉这只是人被强迫作地机械动作。 blog.sina.com.cn

Japan’s judiciary boasts a 99% conviction rate, usually based on confessions, at times coerced.
日本的司法部夸口其99%的定罪率,经常基于犯人的坦白,有时是逼供。 yeeyan

Similarly, he says, a wife or a parent cannot be coerced to accuse a loved one.

Some combinations of types give errors because the resulting type of the addition cannot be coerced into the required output type.
某些类型的组合会因加法的结果类型无法强迫为所需的输出类型而出错。 microsoft

The second chapter discusses the attribution and position of the coerced guilty.
第二章讨论了被胁迫犯的归属与定位。 fabiao

They have countless tactics too many to mention, the best way to recognize them is when you feel yourself coerced into responding in away that just doesn’t feel right.
他们有无数的诡计,识破它最好的方法是当你感觉到在某种程度上你被强迫去回应并且这种感觉不好时。 yeeyan

This opens the way for many young people girls especially to be coerced and exploited by those who do not love them.
这让很多年轻人特别是女孩被那些并不爱他们的人哄骗及利用。 yeeyan

This time interval will be coerced to an integer number of data blocks.
这个间隔必须是一个数据类型的整数。 cpubbs




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