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词汇 coerce
释义 co·erce 英kəʊˈɜːs美koˈɝsAHDkō-ûrsʹ ★☆☆☆☆高四GIS宝八COCA¹⁷¹³¹BNC⁴¹⁷³⁰iWeb¹⁶⁵⁶²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :

She forced him to take a job in the city

He squeezed her for information

co-, 强调。-erk, 限制,保护,词源同ark, arcane.coerce sb. into doing sth.强迫某人做某事…
GRE红宝书co共同, erce读: 饿死: 想让我们共同饿死? 除非使用暴力.
co=com,加强语气+erc=arc,容纳,局限+e→完全束缚住,完全限制住⇒强迫,胁迫。GRE难词记忆coerce→co一起,共同+erce=ert 使用,用力→一起用力→强迫发音记忆可扼死 → 可以扼死 ⇒压制GRE难词记忆coerce→force v.强迫→近义词 press按force武力drive开车shame羞愧compel强迫oblige迫使prey牺牲者inhibit抑制squeeze挤压pressure压强oppress使烦恼conscript征兵intimidate胁迫bully欺凌弱小者strong-arm强制的hale尤指老人健壮的…

用作及物动词You can'tcoerceher into obedience.你不能强制她服从。
Do you think there is any way that we cancoercethem otherwise?你认为我们有什么办法强迫他们不那样吗?
His plan was to resist every effort tocoercehim to the last ditch.他的计划就是要同那欺凌他的力量抵抗到底。
The policy of the prohibition against using tortures tocoercea statement is provided clearly and definitely.严禁逼供信政策明确规定了公安机关及其人员在讯问过程中不得刑讯逼供。verb.compel, press
同义词 browbeat,bully,intimidate,repress,strong-arm,suppress,terrorizebeset,bulldoze,concuss,constrain,cow,dragoon,drive,force,hinder,impel,make,menace,oblige,pressurize,push,restrict,threaten,urgehigh-pressure,lean on,make an offer they can't refuse,put the squeeze on,shotgun,twist one's arm
反义词 allow,encourage,help,let go,aid,assist,discourage,dissuade,free,halt,release,repress,stop,suppressleave alone
blackmailverb intimidating for money
badger,bleed,compel,demand,exact,extort,force,hold to ransom,milk,put the shake on,ransom,shake,shake down,squeeze,threaten
browbeatverb castigate, nag
badger,bludgeon,bluster,bulldoze,bully,coerce,cow,despotize,domineer,dragoon,frighten,harass,hector,intimidate,lean on,lord it over,oppress,overawe,overbear,put heat on,put the chill on,put through the wringer,threaten,tyrannize
bulldozeverb bully, intimidate
bulliesverb intimidate, push around
bludgeons,blusters,browbeats,buffalos,bulldozes,coerces,cows,despotizes,domineers,dragoons,enforces,harasses,hectors,lean on,menaces,oppresses,overbears,persecutes,rides roughshod,showboats,swaggers,terrorizes,threatens,torments,tortures,turns on the heat,tyrannizes,walks heavy
bullyverb intimidate, push around
bludgeon,bluster,browbeat,buffalo,bulldoze,coerce,cow,despotize,domineer,dragoon,enforce,harass,hector,lean on,menace,oppress,overbear,persecute,ride roughshod,showboat,swagger,terrorize,threaten,torment,torture,turn on the heat,tyrannize,walk heavy
bullyragverb intimidate
annoy,antagonize,badger,bait,browbeat,bulldoze,bully,chivy,coerce,harass,heckle,hector,hound,menace,mistreat,taunt,tease,terrorize,threaten,torment All surrounding countries, including China, are widely concerned about the situation. We are against such actions as sanctions or coerce, least to mention war.

And if the attacker should coerce the program into executing another file, all capabilities will be dropped and the file will be executed as an unprivileged user.
另外,如果攻击者迫使这个程序执行另一个文件,那么所有能力都会撤消,将作为非特权用户执行这个文件。 ibm

During the news conference, officials outlined measures such as stopping electricity and halting bank loans in order to coerce certain companies to close.
政府官员在新闻发布会上表示,将采取诸如断电和停止银行贷款等手段迫使企业停产。 ebigear

The crane capacity is also controlled, and of coerce stability criteria's for sudden drop of load.
起重机的能力也是控制,稳定和强制标准负载的突然下降的。 landho

The return from this operation is a list of numbers that meet my filter criteria, which I coerce into a set to remove duplicates.
从此操作返回的是一组满足过滤标准的数字列表,我将其放入一个集合来删除重复值。 ibm

What it does not have is a right to coerce.
它所不拥有的是强制权。 ecocn

An American diplomatic cable, released through WikiLeaks, suggests that the palace uses government institutions“ to coerce and solicit bribes.”
维基解密公布的美国外交电报显示,王宫利用政府机构,软硬兼施以从别处获得贿赂。 yeeyan

And this is important: the buyers and sellers cannot coerce either the website or other sellers and buyers to enter into an exchange.
这一点非常重要:无论是买方还是卖方,都不能强迫网站方或是其他的买者卖者来参与交易。 yeeyan

And, when sufficiently annoying, the sound may actually coerce them from bed to fill a food bowl.
而且,这种令人抓狂的声音竟然还能强迫主人离床为他们添一碗粮。 yeeyan

But some argue that it does, in practice, coerce.
但是一些人认为,事实上教会确实在强迫他人。 ecocn

God is not a cruel slave driver, or a bully who uses brute force to coerce us into submission.
上帝不是一个苛刻的上司或暴徒,使用暴力迫使我们就范。 yeeyan

God is not a cruel slave driver or a bully who uses brute force to coerce us into submission.
神不是一名残暴的奴隶监工或恶霸,用武力迫使我们去降服。 ebigear

He considers the nature of power, stressing how it equals not just the capacity to coerce, but also to set agendas and condition other countries’ ambitions.
他思考了权力的本质,强调权力不等同于强迫和控制他人的能力,也不是为其他国家安排事务和设置约束的野心。 ecocn

I also modified the code in an attempt to coerce escape analysis into working.
我也修改过代码,希望可以强制逸出分析运行。 infoq

If a weak country cannot coerce a more powerful country through force of arms, then it cannot coerce the other country with law either.
如果一个弱国不能用武力使一个强国屈服,那么它也就休想用法律的手段让另一个国家就范。 yeeyan

In the short run, you might be able to coerce a child to eat, but in the long run, they will be less likely to eat those foods.
从短期来看,您或许可以强迫孩子吃,但长远来说,他们不太可能吃这些食物。 yeeyan

My workaround is to coerce the code into believing it's running on a720x400- pixel screen, which seems to work nicely.
我的解决方案是强制代码相信自己是在一个720x400像素的屏幕上运行的,这看起来似乎可以很好地工作。 ibm

Some critics of the products believe the appealing toys unfairly coerce children into wanting unhealthy food, including hamburgers, sugary soda and french fries.
有些批评家认为麦当劳里有吸引力的玩具也会诱发儿童吃不健康食品的欲望,比如汉堡包,含糖苏打水和薯条。 kle100

Though he was granted political asylum by Switzerland, he later claimed that Swiss authorities were trying to coerce him into infiltrating and spying on the country's Arab community.
虽然他在瑞士取得了政治庇护,他后来说瑞士官方一直试图强迫他渗透和监视埃及的阿拉伯民族局势。 yeeyan

You cannot coerce someone into learning.
你不能强迫别人学习。 yeeyan




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