

单词 codon
释义 co·don 英ˈkəʊˌdɒn美ˈkoˌdɑnAHDkōʹdŏn' 高COCA⁵⁴¹⁹¹BNC²⁹¹⁴⁷iWeb²⁴⁸⁹²
a specific sequence of three adjacent nucleotides on a strand of DNA or RNA that specifies the genetic code information for synthesizing a particular amino aciddegenerate codon简并密码子minority codon稀少密码子, 调谐密…amber codon琥珀密码子ambivalent codon相克性密码子…chain-terminating codon链终止密码子…chain terminating codon链终止密码子…ambiguous codon多义密码子chain termination codon链终止密码子…chain initiating codon链起始密码子…codegenerate codon互简并密码子…
A sequence of three adjacent nucleotides in transfer RNA designating a specific amino acid that binds to a corresponding codon in messenger RNA during protein synthesis.
在蛋白质合成过程中,传送者 RNA中的相关密码子与某种氨基酸结合,在传送 RNA过程中出现的三个相邻的核苷酸序列。 poptool

But, with more codons than amino acids, many amino acids have more than one codon to describe them.
由于基码的数量比氨基酸多,许多氨基酸有超过一个基码来表述它们。 ecocn

Moreover, species with near homology relationship on evolution share the near codon usage frequency and preference index or the similar index.
在同源性方面,在进化上比较接近的物种,基因的密码子使用频率和使用偏性指标比较接近或基本相同。 cnki

The change in the gene comes at a position called codon127.
问题出在该基因第127号密码对上。 yeeyan

The result shows that this method is able to distinguish the initiation codon ATG from the non initiation codon ATG with an accuracy of about 75%.
以此分类器的标准判断真正的起始密码子和非起始甲硫氨酸密码子,其准确率可达75 % 。 cnki

The analysis of DNA composition and codon usage reveals many factors that influence the evolution of genes and genomes.
DNA组成和密码子使用的分析揭示了影响基因和基因组进化的很多因素。 chinapubmed.net

The structure of HSP72 gene, codon preference, and the constitution of amino acid of HSP72 protein in yak are analyzed by a series of bioinformatics software.
利用一系列的生物信息学软件分析了该基因的结构、密码子偏好性和 HSP72蛋白的氨基酸组成。 cnki

The underlined nucleotides are the first upstream in- frame stop codon and the two putative polyadenylation signals, respectively.
带下划线的核苷酸序列分别为第一个上游区域的框内终止密码子和两个可能的多腺苷酸化信号序列。 dxy

The codon composition were variable in different species, which were specific in each species.
密码子碱基组成的差异因物种不同而异,具有种属特异性。 cnki

Each codon either codes for an amino acid or tells the cell to stop making a protein chain.
每一个密码子或者编码一种氨基酸,或者告诉这些细胞停止生产这个蛋白质链。 yeeyan

Having more than one codon specify the same amino acid. Used of a genetic code.
有不止一个密码子来指定同样的氨基酸。用于一种遗传基因。 dictall

Our studies suggest that non- random selection of nucleotide changes in codon space may represent an evolutionary characteristics of apolipoprotein genes.
这些研究提示密码子空间中核苷酸替换的非随机选择可能是载脂蛋白基因进化的一种特征。 cnki

Species is a minor factor and it will cause further difference in codon usage in a given class.
即功能和类型决定密码子使用模式的大的分类,而物种决定该大类中进一步的差异。 cnki

The first ATG rule for recognizing the start codon of gene coding sequences is given.
提出了一个识别基因起始密码子的第一 ATG规则。 cnki

The variant's position in the gene, at codon129, is just two units away from the new one.
该变异位于第129号密码对上,距离新近发现的密码对仅2个单位。 yeeyan

The codon usage pattern between nuclear and chloroplast genomes was significantly different.
核基因组与叶绿体基因组的密码子使用模式明显不同。 cnki

There is distinct position bias for the same codon repeat segments in synonymous codon repeat sequences.
在同义密码子重复序列中相同的密码子重复片段有非常明显的位置偏好。 cnki

Throughout the animal kingdom, the codon contains the same amino acid, called glycine or “ G”, from each parent, giving the form G127G.
所有的动物基因密码对包含相同的氨基酸,又名甘氨酸,标记为“ G”,来自父母任何一方的密码对是 G127G。 yeeyan

We find that the uneven distribution of bases in coding region is interrelated with the abundance distribution of amino acids and the synonymous codon usage;
发现编码区碱基分布的非均匀性与氨基酸丰度的分布和同义密码子的非均匀使用紧密相关; cnki

We further explored the correlation between synonymous codon bias and gene expression level and gene length.
进一步研究基因表达水平和基因长度与密码子使用偏爱之间的关系。 cnki

We propose a self-consistal information clustering method to predict gene expression level and synonymous codon usage.
提出一个预测基因表达水平和同义密码子使用的自洽信息聚类方法。 cnki

Codon usage varies throughout the animal and plant kingdoms.
动物界和植物界密码子使用频率不同。 cnki




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