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词汇 codex
释义 co·dex 英ˈkəʊˌdeks美ˈkoˌdɛksAHDkōʹdĕks' ☆☆☆☆☆高TCOCA³¹¹²¹BNC⁶⁴⁹⁷⁷iWeb¹⁹⁹³⁸Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
an official list of chemicals or medicines unbound manuscript of some ancient classic as distinguished from a scroll来自拉丁语名词codex,原本指古代一种用木板做成的书,类似中国的竹简,最初用来记载律法。单词code代码,法典就是由它演变来的。codex保留了拉丁语的拼写和初始含义,常表示正式的法典或药典。British Pharmaceutical Codex英国药典
codex-从⇒n.法典³⁸;古抄本¹⁹;药典⁴³近义词 book书text正文volume卷scroll卷轴papyrus纸莎草leaf-book抄本manuscript手稿collection收集parchment羊皮纸palimpsest原有文字已擦去的重写…

用作名词The Codex Alimentarius Commission is friendly.食品法典委员会是友好的。
The last twelve pages of thiscodexwere mutilated by fire.这本药典的最后十二页被火烧得残缺不全了。as
同义词 album,booklet,brochure,copy,dictionary,edition,essay,fiction,magazine,manual,novel,pamphlet,paperback,publication,text,textbook,tome,volume,work,writingBible,atlas,bestseller,compendium,dissertation,encyclopedia,folio,handbook,hardcover,leaflet,lexicon,monograph,nonfiction,octavo,offprint,omnibus,opus,periodical,portfolio,primer,quarto,reader,reprint,roll,scroll,speller,thesaurus,tract,treatiseopuscule,preprint,softcover,vade mecumas in.code
同义词 charter,constitution,convention,custom,discipline,method,regulation,systemcanon,digest,ethics,etiquette,manners,maxim
booknoun published document
Bible,album,atlas,bestseller,booklet,brochure,compendium,copy,dictionary,dissertation,edition,encyclopedia,essay,fiction,folio,handbook,hardcover,leaflet,lexicon,magazine,manual,monograph,nonfiction,novel,octavo,offprint,omnibus,opus,opuscule,pamphlet,paperback,periodical,portfolio,preprint,primer,publication,quarto,reader,reprint,roll,scroll,softcover,speller,text,textbook,thesaurus,tome,tract,treatise,vade mecum,volume,work,writing
codenoun law, rule
canon,charter,codex,constitution,convention,custom,digest,discipline,ethics,etiquette,manners,maxim,method,regulation,system The attendance of24 countries was supported by the Codex trust fund.
法典信托基金资助了24个国家参加会议。 who

The results of its work form the Codex Alimentarius Latin for “ food code”, a set of international food safety and quality standards.
委员会的工作成果构成食品法典“食品守则”拉丁语,也就是一系列国际食品安全和质量标准。 who

The road to Codex is a long and winding one, but there is a reward for draft Codex standards that complete the eight- step journey to final adoption.
通往《食品法典》的道路是漫长而曲折的,但是包含实现最终获得通过的8个步骤的《食品法典标》准草案是有回报的。 fao

The Codex Alimentarius Commission meets annually to discuss and adopt international food standards, guidelines and codes of practice.
国际食品法典委员会每年召开会议,讨论和通过食品标准、准则和操作规程。 who

“ I believe that the codex is one of mankind’s best inventions, ” said Jonathan Piskor, a sophomore from North Carolina, using the Latin term for book.
“我认为古抄本是人类最伟大的发明之一”,来自北卡罗来纳的大二学生乔纳森·匹斯卡谈到,说到“书”时,他用了拉丁词以示尊重——译者注。 yeeyan

“ I believe that the codex is one of mankind’s best inventions,” said Jonathan Piskor, a sophomore from North Carolina, using the Latin term for book.
“我认为古抄本是人类最伟大的发明之一”,来自北卡罗来纳的大二学生乔纳森·匹斯卡谈到,说到“书”时,他用了拉丁词。 yeeyan

A bacterium of special concern is E. sakazakii, for which Codex adopted specific criteria for powdered formula for infants0 to6 months in 2008.
一种特别令人关注的细菌是阪崎肠杆菌,法典委员会于2008年针对该细菌通过了的婴儿0至6个月配方粉具体标准。 who

Another issue before the commission is the question of geographical indication and the relationship of Codex to other international agreements covering this concept.
食典委面前的另一事项是地理标志的问题以及食品法典与涉及该概念的其它国际协定之间的关系。 who

Exporting food products requires meeting food safety and quality standards set by importing countries, which, in turn, are encouraged to base their regulations on Codex Alimentarius.
出口食品需要符合进口国家制定的食品安全和质量标准,而同时也鼓励后者按照《食品法典》来制定法规。 fao

Ezzeddine Boutrif, FAO Director, Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division, noted that Codex membership now represents99% of the world’s population.
粮农组织营养及消费者保护司司长Ezzeddine Boutrif指出,法典委员会成员现代表世界人口的99%。 who

FAO is also involved, through the Codex Alimentarius, in the development meat and meat products standards and codes of practice.
粮农组织通过食品法典参与了肉及肉类产品标准和行为守则的制定工作。 fao

In 1983 Italian artist and designer Luigi Serafini produced Codex Seraphinius— an encyclopedia of an imaginary world, written in an imaginary language which has yet to be deciphered.
1983年,意大利艺术家、设计师 Luigi Serafini虚构了一个神奇的百科全书和难以置信的世界—— Codex Seraphinius,书中描写的想象出来的语言至今仍未被破译。 yeeyan

Meeting Codex standards can open doors to new trading partners, so countries strive to do so.
符合《食品法典》标准能够向新的贸易伙伴打开大门,因此各国均朝此方向努力。 fao

Meeting Codex standards is not without cost.
要做到符合《食品法典》标准不是没有代价的。 fao

The 33rd Session of Codex Alimentarius Commission was attended by500 delegates from about130 countries.
约130个国家的500名代表参加了食品法典委员会第三十三届会议。 who

The answer to that question may come this week when the Codex Alimentarius CommissionCAC convenes for its annual meeting from4 to9 July2005.
这个问题的答案或许来自本周召开的食品法典委员会的年度会议2005年7月4-9日。 fao

The new Codex measures will help to minimize the risks.
新的法典措施将有助于减少风险。 who

The Codex meeting will also consider new quality standards for three regional food products from the Middle East.
食品法典会议还将对中东地区三种区域性食品的最新质量标准进行审议。 fao

WHO and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN FAO are organizing this expert meeting at the request of the Codex Committee for Food Hygiene.
世卫组织和联合国粮食及农业组织粮农组织应食品卫生法典委员会的要求正在组办这次专家会议。 who

WHO and FAO is initiating a thorough review of Codex primo2002.
世卫组织和粮农组织正在发起一次彻底的审查法典普里莫2002。 yeeyan

Codex Alimentarius Commission is the longest-standing example of inter- agency cooperation in the UN system.
食品法典委员会是联合国系统内机构间合作时间最长的一个例证。 who

Codex also created a Task Force to address the issue of antimicrobial resistance in food of animal origin.
法典委还建立了一个专题小组处理动物源食品中的抗微生物药物耐药性问题。 who

Codex officials say the draft standards of these foods may reach the final step eight in the process, where international standards are adopted, in about two more years.
《食品法典》的官员说,这些食品的标准草案再有两年便可进入该程序最后阶段的步骤八,即通过国际标准。 fao

Codex Standards form the basis of food legislation in many countries and are recognized as international benchmarks by one of the multilateral agreements of the World Trade Organization.
法典标准构成许多国家食品法规的基础,并且被世界贸易组织多边协定之一确认为国际基准。 who

Codex will reconsider the1981 standard on infant formula, which was based on scientific knowledge from the1970s.
食品法典将重新审议以上世纪70年代的科学知识为基础的1981年婴儿配方食品标准。 fao




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