

释义 co·dec 英'kəʊdek美'kodɛk 
abbr.信号编解码器=decoder coder复数codecs A file format generally contains a video and an audio codec and has instructions for the computer on how to synchronize them.
文件格式通常包括一个视频和一个音频编解码器,以及一个操作指南,向计算机说明如何进行。 ibm

By all accounts, Google is poised to open-source its highly regarded VP8 video codec.
据说谷歌将坦然的公布其高度重视的 VP8视频编译码器。 ecocn

Engineers at Space Micro Inc. has finished their fast codec integrated circuitIC, which they developed under a contract from the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory AFRL.
日前,根据一项来自美国空军研究实验室 AFRL的合同, Space Micro公司开发生产出了快速多媒体数字信号编解码器集成电路。 www.etiri.com.cn

The fact that Android has severely limited video codec support is less of a problem on a phone, because, well, it's a phone.
Android只提供少得可怜的视频编解码支持。 这对于手机来说不是很严重的问题,因为,哦,那只是个手机。 yeeyan

The G.723 uses less network bandwidth, but consumes more CPU cycles than the G.711 codec.
使用的网络带宽比 G.711编码少,但是需要消耗更多的 CPU周期。 ibm

The Ogg codec's role in HTML5 is of particular interest to those concerned with the evolution of web-based video.
Ogg编解码器在 HTML5中的角色便让那些心系网络视频发展的人尤其关注。 yeeyan

A codec is the code that handles images, audio, or other data decoding. It usually includes the process for compressing the encoded data.
编解码器是一些代码,用来处理图像、音频或者其他数据编码格式,它通常包括压缩编码数据流程。 ibm

All in all, the situation reminded U.S. Amb. Robert Codec, who had served as an advisor to the transitional government in Iraq and signed the cable, of Uday Hussein's opulent lifestyle.
总之,这种境况让美国的安.罗伯特.扣德想起了尤德.胡塞因奢靡的生活,罗伯特是伊拉克政权过渡时期的一个顾问。 yeeyan

Chapter one describes the development of codec technology, DSP and network.
第一章论述了视频编解码技术、网络系统和 DSP技术的发展。 iciba

Developers using Flex can easily take advantage of Flash Player’s video capabilities which now includes the H.264 codec.
使用 Flex的开发者可以很轻松地利用 Flash Player视频能力的优势,它已经包含了 H.264编解码器。 infoq

Each D150 product can also run up to400 channels of any- to- any voice codec conversion with unmatched quality.
每个 D150产品还可以运行多达400个的任意到任意的语音编解码器具有无与伦比的质量转换通道。 voip88

Each reel contains pictures as MPEG-2 or JPEG2000 essence, depending on the adopted codec.
每个卷里包含有类似 MPEG-2或 JPEG2000精髓的图片,这要看采用什么样的编码方式。 yeeyan

High Definition Audio HDA codecs are not listed in the device lists. At this moment OSS supports all HDA codec chips and controller chipsets.
设备列表没有列出高精度音频 HDA编码译码器。现在, OSS支持所有 HDA编码译码芯片和控制芯片。 forum.ubuntu.org.cn

If the VOIP server can support GSM codec, we can enable this parameter to indicate MSS to paly greeting voice with GSM codec.
如果 VOIP服务器能够支持 GSM编解码器,我们可以启用此参数,以指示 GSM使用 GSM编解码器播放问候语。023java

It is also the growing codec of choice for distributing video online.
互联网上的在线视频播放,采用它的比例也正在不断上升。 cnblogs

Perhaps the most popular video codec on the street is H.264.
现在,最流行的视频格式是 H.264。 yeeyan

RIM Blackberry devices use the3GP video file format, which also uses the H264 codec.
RIM Blackberry使用3GP视频文件格式,也可以使用 H264编解码器。 ibm

Some people have set out to develop a new codec that delivers comparable quality to filesize as H.264, but is not encumbered with patents.
他们决定自行开发一种没有专利的视频格式,生成的文件体积要与 H.264相仿,画质也要差不多。 cnblogs

The next day, Microsoft weighed in, saying that Internet Explorer9 would only support the H.264 codec for HTML video.
在乔布斯说这话的第二天,微软宣布 Internet Explorer9只支持 H.264编解码器。 cnblogs

The removal of the H.264 codec may not come as a surprise to many as Google said they would cut it out earlier this year due to a patent issue with a group of companies including Microsoft.
取消 H.264解码也并不奇怪, Google说他们在今年早些时候将会剔除掉这个功能,因为涉及到包括 Microsoft在内的专利问题。 yeeyan

The result is a video codec that is unencumbered by patents and free for anyone to use.
结果,我们就有了一种任何人都可以免费使用、不用担心专利问题的视频格式。 yeeyan

The data from anti-virus software provider Rising revealed that at least28000 users had visited the webpage before the Storm Codec producer resolved the problem.
尽管暴风公司很快解决了这一问题,但杀毒软件制造商瑞星公司的数据表明,在此之前,至少2.8万名瑞星用户访问了该带毒网页。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The search giant has hinted as much ever since acquiring the codec’s maker, On2 Technologies, earlier this year.
这位搜索巨头在今年早些时候收购该编译码器的制作商 On2技术时,就已经给过多次暗示。 ecocn

Unable to use the codec and format you selected, please select another.
无法使用选定的编码解码器和格式,请另选一个。 dictall

Used to flush out status information when a reposition occurs. This is a virtual function that is provided should the codec require resetting prior to use.
用来冲洗出状况的信息时发生复位。这是一个虚拟的职能,这是应该提供的解码需要重新使用前。 jukuu




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