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词汇 cod
释义 cod 英kɒd美kɑdAHDkŏd

the vessel that contains the seeds of a plant not the seeds themselveslean white flesh of important North Atlantic food fish; usually baked or poachedmajor food fish of Arctic and cold-temperate waters
payable by the recipient on delivery;

a collect call

the letter came collect

a COD parcel

collecting the charges upon delivery;

mail a package C.O.D.

fool or hoax;

The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone

You can't fool me!

harass with persistent criticism or carping;

The children teased the new teacher

Don't ride me so hard over my failure

His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie

来自PIE*geu, 块,圆块,词源同cod. 用以指代多种圆块状或圆鼓鼓的东西。cod liver oil鳕鱼肝油C.O.D.货到付款(=cash…cod鳕鱼black cod裸盖鱼silver cod银鳕Cape Cod科德角(美国麻萨诸塞…cod end囊网,拖网cod fillet鳕鱼片cod meal鳕鱼粉cod roe鳕鱼卵cod projection吊砂cod fat鳕脂pea cod豌豆荚壳rock cod岩鳕cod oil鳕鱼肝油blue cod蓝拟鲈pacific cod鳕鱼Alaska cod大头鳕
近义词 bait饵gull鸥ride骑pod豆荚rag破布fool傻瓜twit嘲笑rally集会taunt辱骂slang俚语put on穿上razz轻蔑声seedcase荚befool愚弄codfish鳕鱼take in接受tease揶揄者collect收集dupe受骗的人tantalise挑逗C.O.D.货到付款(=cash o…cash on delivery货到付款tantalize以可望而不可即之物逗…

用作名词Thecodwas salted away for future use.鳕鱼已用盐腌起留着日后吃。
He bought a cannedcodand a sandwich as supper.他买了一个鳕鱼罐头和一个三明治作晚饭。 Bottom trawling can target cod down to200 meters or so.
拖网作业则可捕到200米甚至更深处的鳕鱼。 yeeyan

The best fishermen returned for a second year in a row without their usual haul of cod and haddock, so the Icelandic government took radical action: they privatized the fish.
最好的渔夫连续几年捕不到他们往年数量的鳕鱼无奈而归,于是冰岛政府采取了激进的措施:他们把鱼私有化了。 yeeyan

These are the ones, cod, groupers, salmon, tuna and so on, that everyone likes to eat.
有些鱼类,象鳕鱼、石斑鱼、大马哈鱼、金枪鱼等等,是每个人都喜欢吃的。 ecocn

A shop in Portugal is reportedly planning to start selling special ice-cream in flavours like shrimp, cod, tuna and grilled sardines this month.
据报道,葡萄牙一家冰淇淋店打算从本月起售卖特色冰淇淋,口味包括虾、鳕鱼、金枪鱼以及烤沙丁鱼。 cri

All these explanations are plausible, but I think there’s also something else responsible for our continuing to feed children this latter-day cod-liver oil.

But cod remains the meal of choice.

Christensen advised his audience to try to turn that around and eat the smaller species instead of the bigger, more valuable tuna and cod.
克里斯滕森建议他的读者转变这种现象,不要吃大块的珍贵的金枪鱼肉和鳕鱼肉,改吃一些小鱼肉。 yeeyan

Down south, it’s usually cod, but wherever you find it, there are few things to beat the taste of fish steaming inside crunchy batter and chips doused in vinegar.
而南方通常用鳕鱼肉,好吧,不管你是在哪儿找到它的,坐下来咬上一口热气腾腾的松脆鱼肉,吃着浇上醋汁的炸薯片,这种美妙的滋味真是妙不可言。 yeeyan

For one thing, most companies use species of fish that are lower on the food chain, like cod and sardines, which accumulate less mercury.
原因之一是,大多数公司使用的种鱼类,都降低其食物链,如鳕鱼和沙丁鱼,它们积累及少量的汞。 yeeyan

Haddock, if not cod, have begun to recover in Georges Bank off Maine.
即使不是所有鳕鱼类,起码黑线鳕在缅因州乔治海岸水域已开始恢复。 yeeyan

His current studies range from researching the dynamics of salmon and cod populations to modeling plant and animal species' response to global climate change.

Kurlansky also believes the Catholic Church's policy against red meat consumption on religious holidays helped make cod, as well as other fish, commonplace at feasts.
克兰斯基同时还相信天主教堂反对在宗教节日期间吃红肉的条例帮助了鳕鱼和其他鱼类在节庆中的发展。 hjenglish

Like cod, eels used to be so plentiful that nobody believed they could be in trouble.
和鳕鱼一样,鳗鱼曾经是那么丰富,没有人相信它们会有麻烦。 ecocn

Many fish take years before they are mature enough to spawn: cod, three or four, sturgeon20, orange roughy32.
很多鱼在成熟到足以产卵前要生长很多年:鳕鱼是三或四年,鲟鱼是20年,罗非鱼是32年。 ecocn

Salmon, seabass, cod and tuna all have a different relationship with man.
鲑鱼,鲈鱼,鳕鱼和金枪鱼都和人类有着不同的联系。 ecocn

Salted and dried on the beaches, cod was New England’s biggest export.
海滩上晒干腌制的鳕鱼是新英格兰最大宗的出口物。 ecocn

So the cod can escape through the openings at the bottom.
所以,鳕鱼可以通过网底下的开口逃脱。 yeeyan

Susan rummages around for a cod and cuts off a fillet.
苏珊翻滚着一条鳕鱼并且切下了一块鱼排。 ecocn

The famous story of the demise of Newfoundland’s cod is a parable of all that is wrong with industrial fishing.
闻名于世的纽芬兰鳕鱼暴死只不过是所有寓言故事之一,它和工业捕鱼完全是两码事。 ecocn

The last fish turns out to be no cod or haddock but something eel-like, scary and toothy.
钓上的最后一条鱼不是鳕鱼也不是黑线鳕,而是鳗鱼样的,可怕的露出牙齿的东西。 yeeyan

WHEN John Cabot dropped anchor off the coast of Newfoundland in1497, his crew reported that they needed only to dip a bucket into the water to catch cod.
1497年,当约翰•卡博特的船在纽芬兰岛海岸靠岸时,据他的船员称,他们只需把一个水桶沉入海里就能捞到鳕鱼了。 ecocn

With experience, and with improved apparatus, it is now possible not only to locate a shoal but to tell if it is herring, cod, or other well- known fish, by the pattern of its echo.
根据经验和改进了的仪器,不仅能够确定鱼群的位置,而且可以根据鱼群回声的特点分辨出是鲱鱼、鳕鱼,这是人们所熟悉的其他鱼。 kekenet

Cod are easy to catch and nutritious; they consist of only.3% fat and18% protein.
鳕鱼很容易捕而且营养丰富;含有18%的蛋白质和仅仅3%的脂肪。 ecocn




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