

单词 cocoons
释义 co·coon·s 英kə'kuːn美kə'kuːn COCA⁵³⁶⁰¹BNC⁷¹¹⁵²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
silky envelope spun by the larvae of many insects to protect pupas and by spiders to protect eggs
retreat as if into a cocoon, as from an unfriendly environment;

Families cocoon around the T.V. set most evenings

She loves to stay at home and cocoon

wrap in or as if in a cocoon, as for protectioncocoon breaker破茧器cocoon cutter茧切割器cocoon filament茧丝waste cocoon下脚茧cocoon fiber蚕丝cocoon storage贮茧cocoon shell茧层cocoon stripping剥苗cocoon shape茧形wild cocoon野蚕茧cocoon weight全茧量cocoon process喷覆塑料膜法…tussah cocoon柞蚕茧perforated cocoon穿孔茧cocoon cooking煮茧colored cocoon有色茧whole cocoon全茧cocoon quality茧质white cocoon白茧cocoon drying烘茧
近义词 nest巢wrap包shell壳layer层sheath鞘case例子coat外套cover封面bubble气泡cosset宠爱envelop包封protect保护cushion垫子isolate使孤立shelter避难所covering覆盖物insulate使绝缘

用作名词Silkworms makecocoons.蚕做茧。
Acocoonis a kind of silk covering made by an insect.蚕茧是由昆虫制造的一种由丝组成的外包层。
The children tore thecocoonopen to see if there was a pupa.孩子们撕开蚕茧看看里面有没有蛹。用作动词Familiescocoonaround the TV set most evenings.好多家庭大部分晚上都围在电视机前看电视。
The last thing he wants to do is tococoonall weekend in that same house.他最不愿意做的事是整个周末呆在同一幢房子里茧居。 Nests and cocoons provide security for wide life. So people like the idea of nests and cocoons too.
槽或茧为野外生活提供安全。所以人们喜欢像槽或茧这样的想法。 putclub

Patching in their last spotted coordinates. Destroy those cocoons before they hatch.
迅速到达虫茧位置。在它们孵化成熟前消灭掉。 kuenglish

The bright smudges are dusty cocoons containing massive embryonic stars, which will grow up to10 times the mass of our sun.
明亮的色斑是尘埃茧,它们包含着巨大的恒星胎儿。这些恒星胎儿将长大到我们太阳质量的10倍。 yeeyan

A silk art project made of cocoons, with a silkworm of the Bombyx mori species that makes the cocoons.
一个由蚕茧构成的丝质艺术品,蚕茧是由家蚕属中的桑蚕所产生的。 yeeyan

Asian countries, formerly exporters of raw materials cocoons and raw silk, progressively began to export more and more finished garments.
从前为原材料蚕茧和生丝出口的亚洲国家逐渐地开始出口越来越多的成衣。 yeeyan

First cocoons are made into silk.
首先把蚕茧变成了丝。 hrexam

Healthy larvae form small cocoons, become pupae, then emerge as young bees.
健康的幼虫形成小茧,变成蛹,然后破茧而出,长成幼蜂。 yeeyan

I believe the painful nights that close in on all of us in some form are the cocoons from which we might shed our weaknesses.
我相信,我们每个人都经历过被痛苦包围的夜晚,不管这些痛苦是什么,我们都可以通过它们蜕去我们的软弱。 yeeyan

I can do so because there is sort of force that spurs me, the same as the one that spurs the silkworm to produce their cocoons.
我自所以如此,或许是因为有某种力量在鞭策着我——正如蚕被鞭策着去结它的茧子一般。 ebigear

I think I am now is the time being is not happy to allow changes in pain, such as breaking, like butterfly cocoons, and finally the rebirth!
我想我现在就是这样,暂时的不快乐正是为了让自己在痛苦中蜕变,像破茧的蝴蝶一样,最后获得重生! blog.sina.com.cn

Nests and cocoons provide security for wildlife.
巢和茧为野生动物提供了安全。 hxen

That is the challenge for the next decade— if they do not want shopping cocoons to go on emptying high streets and suburbs
假如他们不希望任由购物保护发展下去,对大街和郊区的商店构成威胁的话,那么这将是一项伦敦未来十年将要面临的挑战。 ecocn

The dynamic viscoelasticity has been tested and analysed for two kinds of raw cocoons with good and bad reelabilities under different cocoon cooking process conditions.
指出了有关文章所采用的煮熟茧动态粘弹性参数的一些问题,并提出了合理选用参数的方法。 cnki

The new ants with their cocoons torn open are gently helped out.
茧被撕开的新生蚁被轻轻地孵了出来。 qjmz

These prehistoric wasp cocoons, known as trace fossils among paleontologists, date back75 million years to what is now Montana.
这些史前黄蜂蜂巢——古生物学家称为遗迹化石——可以追溯到7500万年前的蒙大拿州。 yeeyan

Those who are ascending learn to dissolve the inside and outside of the form a little at a time and in small pockets known as“ cocoons”.
那些提升者学会一次一点点在被称为“茧”的许多小袋子里消解身体内部与外部。 tisheng.org




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