

单词 cocoa beans
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名词 cocoa bean:
seed of the cacao tree; ground roasted beans are source of chocolateChocolate is producedfromcocoa beans.巧克力是由可可豆做的。
West Africa was the pivot of the cocoa trade.西非是可可豆贸易的中心。 There's going to be a lot of money made by somebody in cocoa beans.
有人会在可可豆行业赚到很多钱。 yeeyan

According to the company, the rubs use roasted cocoa beans or unsweetened cocoa powders to complement the smokiness of the grilled meats.
据该公司所说,摩是用烤可可豆或不加糖的可可粉补充烤肉的烟熏味。 yeeyan

But what if the diamonds financed wars, the cocoa beans were harvested by children and the roses grown in a pesticide mist?
但是,万一钻石是被用去支助了战争了,收割可可豆的都是儿童劳动力;而玫瑰是在农药中成长的呢? bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Chinese teams are building one hydropower project in the Republic of the Congoto be repaid in oil and another in Ghanato be repaid in cocoa beans.
中国的建设队伍目前正在刚果共和国用石油还款和加纳用可可豆还款各建造一个水电项目。 yeeyan

Instead, farmers sell whole cocoa pods to the first of many middlemen who eventually export the cocoa beans to chocolate makers in Belgium or France.
取而代之的是,农民们将可可荚批发卖给第一级中间商,他们最终会将可可豆出口到比利时或者法国的巧克力制造商。 yeeyan

Michel Cluizel has been searching the world for plantations with rare, aromatic cocoa beans.
柯氏巧克力寻找世界上出产罕见且芳香可可豆的种植园。 blog.sina.com.cn

Most cocoa farmers have never tasted chocolate, and produce cocoa beans without any idea of how they will be used, says Timothy Childs, Tcho's founder.
Tcho的创始人 Timothy Childs说,大多数可可种植者从未尝过巧克力的味道,也不知道他们种植的可可豆会作何用途。 ecocn

On his fourth voyage to America, Columbus landed on30th July1502 in Nicaragua and was the first European to discover cocoa beans.
在1502年7月30日,哥伦布第四次美洲航行中,他在尼加拉瓜发现了可可豆。他成为第一个发现可可豆的欧洲人。 ebigear

Shapiro says the average West African cacao tree farmer produces only about400 kilograms of cocoa beans per hectare.
夏皮罗说西非农民种植的可可树平均每公顷的可可豆产量大约只有400千克。 hjenglish

The241,000 tons of cocoa beans purchased are equivalent to the entire supply of the commodity in Europe, and would fill more than5 Titanics.
该商人共收购了24.1万吨可可豆,相当于整个欧洲可可豆商品供应量,足以填满5艘泰坦尼克号。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Villajoyosa’s chocolate history began in the18th century when it began importing cocoa beans from Venezuela and Ecuador.
西班牙城市 Villajoyosa早在18世纪就与巧克力结缘,当时它开始从委内瑞拉和厄瓜多尔进口可可豆。 ebigear

Whole cocoa beans can also be purchased.
全可可豆在这里也可以购买到。 yeeyan

Cocoa beans, almonds and kola nuts are tree products.
可可豆、杏仁和可乐果都是树木的种子。 blog.sina.com.cn

Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted.
整颗或破碎的可可豆,生的或焙炒的。 china-customs




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