

单词 cocktails
释义 cocktails 英'kɔkteilz美'kɔkteilz COCA¹⁶⁹⁵⁵BNC²⁴⁷⁶⁸Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
n.鸡尾酒cocktail的复数原型cocktail的复数 Read on for great recipes and the history of these classic cocktails.
以下将为您介绍经典款鸡尾酒的酒谱及其历史轶事。 yeeyan

The Cosmopolitan is certainly the most contemporary drink out of all the cocktails included in this collection.
在这次的鸡尾酒集锦介绍中,柯梦波丹必然是出道最晚的鸡尾酒。 yeeyan

The patrons are escorted to their “ cells” before they are served cocktails named “ Lethal Injection”.
顾客先被领到“牢房”,接下来会被奉上一针“致命注射”——鸡尾酒。 yeeyan

To produce heterosexuals, distinctively different hormonal cocktails are needed for men and women.
产生异性恋的男性和女性需要不同的激素做鸡尾酒。 yeeyan

A sipper who tried both cocktails could not keep politics out of her judgement of the drinks.
一位品尝过这两种鸡尾酒的人表示,她对这两款酒的评价无法摆脱政治因素的影响。 ebigear

Apparently you can get drunk much faster by consuming cocktails this way, but it also greatly increases your risk of alcohol poisoning.
当你用这种方式饮用鸡尾酒很显然会醉的更快,但是这也会加大酒精中毒的风险。 yeeyan

Each bartender in Puerto Rico concocts his or her own favorite rum drink, but other island cocktails are made with fresh fruit juices.
波多黎各的每一个酒保,都有他或她自己最钟爱的朗姆酒,而其他品种的鸡尾酒则是用新鲜果汁调制的。 kekenet

For the vast majority of its gay residents, though, social life revolves around nothing more transgressive than cocktails and dinner parties.
但对于那里大多数的同性恋居住者来讲,社交的范围也只是局限在鸡尾酒会与餐会上。 ecocn

Homosexual orientation seems to be a matter of in the case of males the cocktails being more typical of those that produce heterosexual females.
同性恋取向似乎是一种鸡尾酒男性里有更为典型的异性恋女性激素含量。 yeeyan

I also really enjoy drinking alcohol, including some high- calorie cocktails.
我也非常喜欢喝酒,包括一些高热量的鸡尾酒。 yeeyan

Lady at party: Where is that pretty maid who was passing us cocktails a while ago?
女士在聚会上:刚才递给我们鸡尾酒的那个漂亮女招待在哪? www.chinadaily.com.cn

People often turn to wine, beer or cocktails to unwind at the end of the day.
一天结束之际人人常常通过喝葡萄酒、啤酒或者鸡尾酒来缓解一天的劳累。 yeeyan

She lived a pampered life of cocktails and dinner parties, never telling her secrets.
她的生活奢侈,有鸡尾酒,还有晚宴,但从来不提她的秘密。 ecocn

Sugar worsens the effect, so sweet cocktails are well known for the unpleasant hangovers they produce.
糖会让这种效果更糟糕,因此甜的鸡尾酒很出名,它能造成不舒服的宿醉。 edu.sina.com.cn

Then, after a few more cocktails and a little itinerary planning, I finally slipped off to my hired tent for the night, glad that my own little patch of Berlin was a mere few feet away.
接下来再花些时间品几杯鸡尾酒,制定旅游计划——很高兴地发现我的柏林之行完全符合当初的期望,于是,我最终决定钻进租的帐篷,美美地睡上一觉。 yeeyan

We have coffee, tea, juice, cola, beer and cocktails.
我们提供咖啡、茶、果汁、可乐、啤酒和鸡尾酒。 www.chinadaily.com.cn




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