

单词 cockfighting
释义 cockfighting 英'kɒkfaɪtɪŋ美'kɒkfaɪtɪŋ COCA¹⁰⁵⁷¹⁷BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
participation in the sport of matching gamecocks in a cockfight蒋争熟词记忆cock公鸡fighting斗⇒斗鸡cock公鸡fighting斗⇒斗鸡
用作名词Cockfighting is banned in many states in US.美国许多州禁止斗鸡。 Banna gamecock is one of the famous cockfighting breed in China.
版纳斗鸡是我国著名的斗鸡品种之一。 xb.ynau.edu.cn

During the festival, there are also many cultural activities, like cockfighting, the dragon boat race etc.
在节日期间,还有许多极富民族特色的活动,如斗鸡、龙舟赛等。 iciba

Henan cockfighting are very famous for its bold and powerful fighting. A series of features have been formed within some organs in the long process of breed selection and domestication.
河南斗鸡骁勇善战,在长期的选种驯化过程中,其内的一些器官也形成一系列特点。 cnki

However, cockfighting is now generally recognized as a form of animal cruelty.
然而,斗鸡现在人们普遍认识是一种形式的虐待动物。 blog.sina.com.cn

In many countries, the spectacle of cockfighting draws whole families, and in some countries, cockfighting is as popular as baseball and football are in the United States.
在许多国家,壮观的斗鸡提请整个家庭,并在一些国家,斗鸡是受欢迎的棒球和足球在美国。 blog.sina.com.cn

In North Viet Nam, the government allow people to hold cockfighting event to celebrate the New Year.
在越南北部,政府允许人们举办斗鸡比赛来庆祝新年。 hm16888

It mainly includes: cockfighting, pan making, childhood hoop, country fair return, knife and scissor grinding, barber, sugar ball sale and dough figure making.
主要有:斗鸡、烙馍、童年铁环、赶集归来、锵刀磨剪子、剃头匠、卖糖球、捏面人。 zbyysg

Market days are sometimes brought to a close with the climax of cockfighting.
斗鸡是市场日的高潮,也到了快收市的时候了。 yeeyan

Polymorphism in Exon6 of MAOA gene of Turpan cockfighting and Xinluoman was analyzed by PCR- SSCP.
研究采用 PCR- SSCP方法分析了吐鲁番斗鸡和新罗曼鸡单胺氧化酶A基因外显子6部分序列的多态性。 dictall

The rooster is a champion rooster that has won about four cockfighting bouts.
这只公鸡是一只“常胜将军”,已经赢得了四场斗鸡比赛。 cri




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