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cock 英kɒk美kɑkAHDkŏk ★★☆☆☆高四六研4八GCOCA¹¹⁶⁰³BNC¹¹⁵⁴⁵iWeb⁸⁴⁹⁵Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺⁴ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 🐓n.雄禽²;公鸡⁶⁸;阴茎;旋塞¹¹v.翘起⁸;竖起¹¹复数cocks过去分词cocked现在分词cocking三单cocks 动物叫声
n.名词 C公鸡adult male bird of the domestic fowl v.动词 vt. 使某物竖起cause sth to be upright or erect; raise sth vt. 使某物倾斜,歪斜cause sth to tilt or slant Noun: obscene terms for penisfaucet consisting of a rotating device for regulating flow of a liquidthe part of a gunlock that strikes the percussion cap when the trigger is pulledadult male chickenadult male bird Verb: tilt or slant to one side;cock one's head set the trigger of a firearm back for firingto walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others;He struts around like a rooster in a hen house n.名词 cock, rooster这两个词都表示“公鸡”,二者在意思和用法上没有区别,只是cock是英式英语用法,而rooster是美式英语用法。 cock乃古英语里就已存在的一个词,古英语作cocc,是通过模拟声音构成的。在英国英语cock指“公鸡”,但美国英语却代之以rooster.因在美国俚语cock乃禁忌词,指“阴茎”。由于同一原因,用于“龙头”、“旋塞”等义的cock被faucet所取代,haycock圆锥形干草堆被haystack所取代,还有cockroach蜂螂一词的前半部也被省略,仅以roach的形式出现。但另一方面舍cock的一类咒骂语,如cock-teaser,cock-sucker等,在美国英语中却相当流行。 用作名词 n. 名词+~fighting cock斗鸡,好斗的人turkey cock雄火鸡,摆臭架子的人~+介词cock of the loft土皇帝,地头蛇cock of the school学生领袖用作动词 v.~+名词cock ear竖起耳朵cock hat歪戴帽子cock head歪着脑袋cock leg抬起腿cock tail抬起尾巴 用作名词n.cock and bull story无稽之谈,荒诞的故事 sth that is impossible go off at half cock因冒失而失败,仓促行事 fail because of doing things hurry 用作动词v. cock up v.+adv.
把某物搞糟 spoil or ruin sth by incompetence; bungle sth cock sth ⇔ upThe travel agent completely cocked up the arrangements for our holiday.旅行社把我们假日安排搞得一塌糊涂。 Trust him to cock it up!保准他会把它搞糟!故事记忆有一个 Cock公鸡穿一双 Sock袜子想把人 Mock模仿脚被人 Lock锁住找一块 Rock岩石狠狠地 Knock敲把主人 Shock震惊故事记忆 Cock公鸡穿着 Sock短袜走, Mock嘲笑 Rock岩石 Lock锁 Dock码头 故事记忆动作 Quick迅速把只 Cock公鸡藏进 Sock袜子近义词 wind风up向上tap龙头prick刺shaft柄lift举起spigot栓turn翻转show证明putz阴茎tool工具hammer锤angle角度slant倾斜drake公鸭valve瓣膜twist缠绕chicken鸡gander雄鹅vane风向标leader领袖parade游行male男性的flaunt挥动tittup跳动prance腾跃ruffle褶饰rooster公鸡elevate举起incline倾斜captain首领chief主要的bristle刚毛weather天气oneself自己tilt使倾斜faucet水龙头show off炫耀strut高视阔步gobbler雄火鸡stopcock水龙头cockerel小公鸡sashay到处走动pecker会啄的鸟turncock供水栓chanticleer雄鸡wind vane风向标weather vane风标stiffen使 … 坚硬weathercock风向标swagger大摇大摆地走…flaunt oneself自我夸耀stiffen up形成僵持局面…off表示状态的关闭或离开…dick家伙Peter彼得男子名…反义词 hen母鸡slouch没精打采的样子… 用作名词n.A hen cackles. A cock crows.母鸡咯咯叫,公鸡喔喔啼。 The cock announces the morning.金鸡报晓。 Cocks crow at dawn.公鸡在黎明时啼叫。 I was roused by the crowing cock at dawn of day.拂晓时,我被公鸡的啼叫声惊醒了。 The old woman keeps a cock and several hens.这个老太太养了一只公鸡和几只母鸡。 The cock crows in the farmyard.雄鸡在农家院中啼叫。 What a big cock!好大的一只公鸡呀! Cock is bold on his own dunghill.公鸡总是在自己的粪堆上称雄。 He was the cock of the school.他是全校学生的领袖。 Don't say a word against him. He's the cock of the walk in their set.一句话也别顶撞他,他是那伙人中称王称霸的人。用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.The horse cocked its ears when it heard the noise.那马听到声音就竖起了耳朵。 The dog cocked its tail when it heard the master's footsteps.当那狗听到主人的脚步声时,它抬起了尾巴。 The dog cocked its leg against the lamppost.狗对着灯柱抬起一条腿撒尿。 She cocked her hat at a jaunty angle.她把帽子歪戴成俏皮的样子。Pplugcock旋塞Pcockaden.帽章Pwoodcockn.丘鹬Pcockfightn.斗鸡Pcockroachn.蟑螂Ppetcock扭塞小塞Pstormcockn.田鸫Pcockchafern.金龟Pcockereln.小公鸡Pcocklifter运垛机Pcockloftn.小阁楼Ppinch-cock弹簧夹Pbibcockn.弯嘴龙头Pcock-disc旋塞垫圈Pcockcrowingn.黎明Pstop-cock活塞管闩Pballcockn.浮球旋塞Pbib-cockn.弯管旋塞Pcockatoon.风头鹦鹉Pcockboatn.轻舟小艇Pcockspurn.公鸡的距Pcoldcockvt.把…打昏Pstopcockn.龙头开关Pcockfightingn.斗鸡Pbillycockn.圆顶礼帽Pblackcockn.雄黑琴鸡Pblow-cockn.放泄旋塞Pcockinessn.骄傲自大Pgamecockn.斗鸡好斗者Pgorcockn.雄苏格兰雷鸡Phaycockn.圆锥形干草堆Pacockad.翻卷着地歪斜着Pcockcrown.鸡叫拂晓黎明Pcockyleekyn.韭菜鸡肉汤Pmoorcockn.雄苏格兰雷鸟Pcockpitn.驾驶员座舱战场Ppinchcockn.弹簧夹节流夹Pcockerv.溺爱n.西班牙猎犬Pcockhorsen.木马ad.跨坐着Pcocktaileda.截短了尾巴的Ppeacockeryn.浮华服饰炫耀Pcock-upn.一片混乱毫无秩序Phalfcockvt.扣到半击发位置Pcockshyn.掷棒/石的靶子一掷Pturncockn.供水栓龙头开关员Pcockscombn.鸡冠鸡冠花鸡冠帽Pcockshotn.掷棒/石的靶子一掷Pweathercockn.风标随风倒的人Pcockeyeda.斗鸡眼的歪的荒唐的Pcockya.骄傲的自大的太过自信的Pcockilyad.趾高气扬地自高自大地Pturkey-cockn.雄火鸡妄自尊大的人Pcocksurea.确信的深信的过于自信的Ppeacocklikea.孔雀似的虚荣的炫耀的Pcocktailn.鸡尾酒开味品a.鸡尾酒会的Pcockeda.翘起的处于准备击发状态的竖起的Pcockupn.特高大写字母附在字母右肩上的字Pspitchcockn.剖开后烤制的鳗vt.剖开后烧烤Ppeacockya.孔雀似的炫耀的虚荣的色彩艳丽的Phalf-cockeda.已扣到半击发位置的愚笨的微醉的Pcockalorumn.高傲自大的小人物跳背游戏自夸的话Ppeacockn.孔雀好炫耀的人vi.炫耀神气活现地行走Pspatchcockn.杀后立刻烹调的家禽vt.杀后立刻烹调插入Pshuttlecockn.羽毛球一来一回的事物vt.往返递送vi.往返移动Ppeacockisha.孔雀似的艳丽浮华的过于自负的虚荣心强的虚荣的
cock的基本意思是指成年的雄鸡,即“公鸡”,与其相对应的阴性名词是hen。cock引申可指“头,领导者”。 cock是可数名词,后接介词of,指“…的头”。 v.动词
cock作动词时意思是“使某物竖起”,指原本平放的物体由于受到外界因素的影响而变得竖起来。cock还可指“使某物倾斜”,指使原来端正的事物变得歪斜。 cock主要用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。 名词92%,动词8% 用作名词Thecockhas brighter coloured feathers than the hen.雄鸟的羽毛比雌鸟的艳丽。 Thecockcrowed at dawn.公鸡在黎明时啼叫。 The testcockis on the inlet side of the shutoff valve.测试旋塞位于关闭阀的进口一侧上。用作动词The dogcockedits ears at the sound of footsteps.狗听到脚步声竖起了耳朵。 It's so noisy in the room that he has tocockhis ears to hear the phone.房间里乱哄哄的,他不得不竖起耳朵来听电话。noun.rooster 同义词 capon,chicken,cock-a-doodle-doo,cockerelchanticleer,cockalorumnoun.(vulgarpenis) 同义词 dick,manhood,pecker,peter,prick,shaftjohnsonpenisphallusrodschlongweeniewillywoodverb.set erect;turn to one side 同义词 draw back the hammer,perk up,raise the hammer of,upraiseraise,tipstand erect,stand on end,stand up,stick up chickennoun farm fowl banty,barnyard fowl,biddy,capon,chick,cock-a-doodle-do,cockalorum,cockerel,gump,heeler,hen,poultry,pullet,rooster fowlnoun domesticated bird bird,capon,chick,chicken,cock,duck,game,goose,hen,pheasant,rooster,turkey leanedverb bend, angle toward bank on,believed in,bet bottom dollar,bet on,confided,gambled on,had faith,hinged on,lay money on,put faith in,relied,trusted leantverb bend, angle toward bank on,believed in,bet bottom dollar,bet on,confided,gambled on,had faith,hinged on,lied money on,put faith in,relied,trusted nozzlenoun spout cock,faucet,spigot,spout,tap penisnoun male sexual organ cock,dickjohnsonmale genitalia,manhood,member,pecker,peterphallusprickputz schlongshaft,tool,weeniewillywood Just to confuse things, any pub called the Cock& Bottle has nothing to do with sport. 顺便提一句以防混淆,所有名为“公鸡和酒瓶”的酒馆均与体育娱乐无关。 yeeyan Most small people who take themselves seriously are a little ridiculous; but the bantam cock is respected in the barnyard, and so it was with Gerald. 凡是自己以为了不起的矮人,那模样大都是有点可笑的;可是一只矮脚的公鸡在场地上却备受尊敬,杰拉尔德也就是这样。 kekenet The passengers from the respective coaches would swap news whilst waiting for the change and it is from this that the phrase“ cock and bull story” is said to have originated. 各自车上的乘客会在等待期间相互聊天交换信息,据说这也就是俗语“公鸡和公牛故事”的最初起源。 yeeyan The sorcerer then took a black cock out of a basket, and cut its throat with one of the daggers, letting the blood fall into the large bowl. 接着,术士从篮子里抓出一只黑色的公鸡,用其中一把匕首割开它的喉咙,让血流进大碗里。 yeeyan The wings of a Confuciusornis above and a modern cock of the rock next photo convey the evolutionary distance traveled since the origin of flight. 孔子鸟上图和现代公鸡下一幅图的翅膀构成了自飞行起点尔始的进化距离。 yeeyan The cock has crowed for the third time. 鸡唱三遍。《新英汉大辞典》 The cock's feathers ruffled at the sight of the dog. 公鸡一遇到狗羽毛便直竖起来。《21世纪大英汉词典》 A barley corn is better than a diamond to a cock. 对公鸡来讲,一粒大米要比一颗钻石好。 hjenglish Around the walls were his accessories: zebra- patterned bowling bags and sensual shoes crowned with black cock feathers. 墙上是他的配饰:斑马纹保龄球袋和装饰着黑色公鸡毛的情色鞋。 yeeyan Or they need to add oatcakes to their range of smoked salmon and cock- a- leekie soup. 要么就要在现有烤大马哈鱼和用葱与鸡制成的苏格兰汤的基础上增加燕麦饼。 ecocn Peter then denied again: and immediately the cock crew. 彼得又不承认。 立时鸡就叫了。 ebigear Sometimes the houses are crack dens or meth labs, sometimes the sites of cock- or dog-fighting operations, sometimes the backyard is filled with pot. 有时,那些房子已经破败不堪,或者成为制毒窝点;有时,那些房子成为斗鸡斗狗场,有时,房子后院堆满了破锅烂铁。 yeeyan The tongue and cock and hand and asshole holy! 舌头公鸡手屁眼儿都神圣!163 The cock in the yard crowed its first round. 院子里的雄鸡已经叫头遍了。 for68 The cock crowed at dawn. 公鸡在黎明时啼叫。 ebigear There is a story that, in Stoney Stratford, the London coach changed horses at the Bull and the Birmingham coach across the road at the Cock Inn. 有一个故事是说,在斯通尼斯坦福德,从伦敦来的马车在“公牛”酒馆更换马匹,而从伯明翰来的马车在街对面的“公鸡”酒店更换马匹。 yeeyan These twelve animals are: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, cock, dog and pig. 这十二种动物是:鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗和猪。 ebigear To the cock, there is always defiance, challenge, danger and death on the clear air; or the possibility thereof. 对于公鸡,洁净的空气中总是存在着或有可能存在着对抗、挑战、危险和死亡。 edu.sina.com.cn |