

单词 coccidiosis
释义 coc·cid·i·o·sis 英kɒkˌsɪdiːˈəʊsɪs美kɑkˌsɪdiˈosɪsAHDkŏk-sĭd'ē-ōʹsĭs COCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb⁴³⁰⁶³

veterinary medicine infestation with coccidiacoccidiosis vaccine球虫病疫苗avian coccidiosis禽球虫病coccidiosis enteritis肠球虫病human coccidiosis人体球虫病
用作名词In order to compare the efficacy of Chinese traditional medicine and chemical medicine against rabbitcoccidiosis.目的为比较中药和化学抗球虫药对兔球虫病的疗效。
She said many producers traditionally use drug treatments and live parasite vaccines againstcoccidiosis.她说,很多养殖户使用传统的药物疗法和活的寄生疫苗来对付球虫病。 In the present study, some studies about those subject were carried out, so as to control coccidiosis in domestic goslings in practice.
为此,本研究进行了以下工作,旨为鹅球虫病的防治与研究奠定基础。 fabiao

It is especially important to have a high level of vitamin A liver storage in the event that young chicks contract a severe case of coccidiosis.
当幼雏患严重球虫病的情况下,高水平的维生素A肝贮量是特别重要的。 jukuu

The objective is to study the prevention effect of PCR on coccidiosis in chickens.
目的:观察白头翁水提液对鸡球虫病的预防作用,为临床用药提供理论依据。 cnki

According to ACI to appraise the efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine prescriptions against chicken coccidiosis.
依据抗球虫指数对中药复方治疗鸡柔嫩艾美尔球虫病的效果进行评价。 dictall

Avian coccidiosis is an important protozoan disease worldwide. The occurrence and epidemic of the disease are related with the methods of avian production.
禽球虫病是养禽业的重要疾病,其发生和流行与封闭式集约化饲养方式直接相关。 fabiao

Bovine coccidiosis is one of important protozoa diseases.
牛球虫病是牛的重要寄生性原虫病之一。 fabiao

Current control of coccidiosis relies heavily on chemotherapy.
现在的鸡球虫病控制主要依赖于药物。 cnki

For evaluating the efficacy of Halanmycin control of coccidiosis in chickens, it was done the preventing test and treating test of Halanmycin and Maduramicin against the infection of Eimeria tenella.
为评价海南霉素对鸡球虫病的防治效果,作者用海南霉素和马杜拉霉素分别进行了抗鸡球虫病的预防和治疗试验。 dictall

If he's infected with coccidiosis, he'll need to be treated with specific sulfa-type antibiotics.
如果他与球虫病的感染,他将需要与特定的磺胺类抗生素治疗。 blog.sina.com.cn

In order to compare the efficacy of Chinese traditional medicine and chemical medicine against rabbit coccidiosis.
目的为比较中药和化学抗球虫药对兔球虫病的疗效。 dictall

It could draw a conclusion that the Chinese traditional medicine had the effect of prevention and treatment of rabbit coccidiosis and improved the growth of rabbits.
结论本试验表明,中药对家兔球虫病有防治作用,并有促进家兔生长的作用。 cnki

Nanhumycin, a new polyether antibiotic, has potent growth inhibitory effect on hay bacillus and antagonistic activity against chicken coccidiosis.
南湖霉素具有抑制枯草杆菌生长和抗鸡球虫病效应,是个新的多醚类抗生素。 dictall

Objective In order to seek effective method which can control domestic rabbit coccidiosis and the coliform disease.
目的寻求一种高效、优质药物防治家兔球虫病和大肠杆菌病。 cnki

Quail coccidiosis is a common disease, may cause great losses in quail breeding.
鹌鹑球虫病是鹌鹑的一种常见病,给鹌鹑养殖业造成了巨大损失。 dictall

Testing Efficiency of anticoccidial drug and screening new anticoccidial drug or preparation at regular intervals would be best measure for control chick coccidiosis.
球虫对药物容易产生抗药性导致防治失败,不断进行抗球虫药物药效测试以及不断筛选新的抗球虫药物是鸡球虫病防治的有效措施。 dictall

Using younger cocks, the preventive result of artificial synthesize arteannuin to Chicken Caecum Coccidiosis was examined.
试验应用鸡公雏,检测了人工合成青蒿素对鸡盲肠球虫病的预防效果。 dictall

Coccidiosis in chickens, which shows a series of intestinal symptoms caused by Coccidiosis Eimeria, is a serious protozoan disease in the world.
鸡球虫病是一种由艾美耳属球虫引起的鸡肠道疾病,也是危害极为严重的全球性寄生虫病。 dictall

Coccidiosis can be caused by a variety of coccidian organisms in dogs, most commonly Isospora. There are usually no symptoms, but diarrhea and weight loss may occur.
球虫病可由多种球虫生物引起,最常见的病原为等孢球虫。通常该疾病无症状,但也有可能出现腹泻和体重减轻。 goumin

Coccidiosis can be serious in kittens because their immune systems aren't fully developed yet.
球虫病可在小猫严重,因为他们的免疫系统没有完全开发出来。 blog.sina.com.cn

Coccidiosis is a major parasitic disease in poultry and caused by several species of Eimeria that infect the gut of chickens.
鸡球虫病是由艾美耳球虫感染鸡引起的一种危害极其严重的寄生原虫病。 dictall




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