

单词 cobbles
释义 cobbles 英'kɒblz美'kɑːblz COCA⁴⁷¹⁶¹BNC¹⁹⁹³⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
名词 cobble:
rectangular paving stone with curved top; once used to make roads
动词 cobble:
pave with cobblestonesrepair or mend来自cob, 圆石头。-le, 小词后缀。cobble圆石
用作名词The road to the park was paved withcobbles.去公园的路是以鹅卵石铺成的。
The cart clattered over thecobbles.大车哐当哐当地行驶在卵石路上。as in.manufacture
同义词 assemble,complete,construct,create,fabricate,mass-produce,synthesizeaccomplish,carve,cast,compose,execute,fashion,forge,form,frame,machine,make,mill,mold,prefab,process,shape,toolfudge together,make up,put together,throw together,turn out
反义词 break,demolish,destroy,divide,ruin,separate,abandon,fail,forget,neglect,razeas in.patch
同义词 rebuild,reconstruct,reinforce,repair,revamp,sewcover,darn,overhaul,recondition,retreaddo up,fiddle with
反义词 destroy,ruinbreak,damage,rend,tear
manufactureverb build, produce
accomplish,assemble,carve,cast,cobble,complete,compose,construct,create,execute,fabricate,fashion,forge,form,frame,fudge together,machine,make,make up,mass-produce,mill,mold,prefab,process,put together,shape,synthesize,throw together,tool,turn out
patchverb fix, mend
cobble,cover,darn,do up,fiddle with,overhaul,rebuild,recondition,reconstruct,reinforce,repair,retread,revamp,sew Cobble Bay Scenic SpotCobble Bay, in the west coast of Zhangzhou Bay, is500 meters long,100 meters wide, and5 meters high, whose round and shiny cobbles are truly masterpiece.

Jolted by the adrenaline rush, his heart beat faster and his muscles tensed, a reminder that even without goggles the brain cobbles together a world from whatever it can.
随着他的肾上腺素升高,他的心跳加速,肌肉也开始紧张。 这个试验提醒人们:即使不用护目镜,大脑也会自己制造出一个想象中的世界。 yeeyan

Master street artist Kurt Wenner's creations on cobbles and pavements across the world may look like they have been dug into the ground…
街头艺术大师科特温纳在世界各地的卵石路和人行道上的创作看起来就像从地面往下挖掘出的一样… cnnas

The carcass hit the cobbles so hard that it burst open, spattering her lower legs with entrails and maggots.
尸体狠狠地摔在鹅卵石上,以至于猛地被撞散,溅了她一小腿的内脏和蛆虫。 cndkc

Behind wrought iron gates, a small, cobbles-stoned courtyard, polished with AGE…
在大铁门后面,一座卵石铺砌的小庭院,日久天长磨得发亮… ebigear

For a moment, I was genuinely afraid that I would collapse on to the cobbles of the street. My eyes clouded over and the blood pulsated in my temples.
有一忽儿我真怕要倒在街上了。我眼前一片云雾,热血在我太阳穴里突突地跳动。 xddhy

It is vital, too, that whoever cobbles together a coalition ensures that the Sunni Arabs have a strong voice, otherwise alienation and violence could resume.
这是非常关键的:无论是谁组建联合政府都应确保阿拉伯逊尼派的充分发言权,否则疏远与暴力可能再现。 ecocn

The tools are known as cobbles, lumps of volcanic basalt Split by hitting them with another rock, leaving sharp cutting edges.
这些名为砾石的石器,是用另一块石头从火山玄武岩上敲下来的,具有锋利的刃。 ebigear

The stress ratio of CFG pile and soil which cushion used medium- coarse sand gravelly sand or cobbles has been studied.
利用载荷试验研究了 CFG桩桩顶的中粗砂、砾砂、碎石褥垫层的桩上应力比。 cnki

The cobbles underfoot were filthy, and there was so little space that the queen could not even walk around the puddles.
脚下的鹅卵石肮脏不堪,而且路上连让太后绕过水坑的空间都没有。 cndkc

To pick up the past gorgeous vision reflecting the colourful sunlight, I recall from the cobbles what has been for-gotten.
为了俯拾昔日映衬七彩阳光的绮幻,我又在鹅卵石上重复失去的记忆。 wxtsg

Tough brown grass and weed trees sprouted from the gaps between the cobbles, and the mossy walls of what once might have been a huge stone manse.
粗硬的棕色野草和杂树挤出石板缝,至于那长满了苔藓的墙以前可能是个牧师的宅邸。 blog.sina.com.cn




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