

单词 coating
释义 coat·ing 英ˈkəʊtɪŋ美ˈkotɪŋAHDkōʹtĭng ★☆☆☆☆高TCOCA¹¹⁹⁰⁹BNC¹³⁹²⁷iWeb⁴⁴⁶⁹Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
涂层⁹⁸; 衣料²复数coatings
a thin layer covering something;

a second coat of paint

a decorative texture or appearance of a surface or the substance that gives it that appearance;

the boat had a metallic finish

he applied a coat of a clear finish

when the finish is too thin it is difficult to apply evenly

a heavy fabric suitable for coatsthe work of applying something;

the doctor prescribed a topical application of iodine

a complete bleach requires several applications

the surface was ready for a coating of paint

来自coat, 遮盖。zinc coating涂锌electrostatic coating静电喷涂surface coating表面镀膜,表面覆层,…rubber coating涂胶outer coating外敷层,外套…protective coating保护镀层,保护膜…refractory coating耐火,涂料,耐热层…ceramic coating陶瓷涂层anodic coating电极氧化罩面,阳极敷…metallic coating金属涂层,包镀金属,…oxide coating氧化镀层,氧化的涂层…metal coating金属保护,金属层敷涂…antifouling coating防污漆coating machine镀膜机, 涂漆机, …coating material涂层材料curtain coating幕式淋涂diffusion coating扩散涂层black coating黑涂料,镀黑…dip coating浸涂roller coating罗拉涂层,辊筒涂色法…
蒋争熟词记忆coat上衣-ing名词后缀;表示材料⇒上衣材料coat上衣-ing名词后缀;表示材料⇒上衣材料近义词 leaf页layer层shell壳coat外套skin皮肤cake蛋糕crust外壳sheet被单scale刻度luster光彩finish完成varnish油漆overlay覆盖glaze装以玻璃outside在外面covering覆盖物veneer薄片镶饰finishing最后的application应用undercoat内层油漆

This specialcoatingis designed to resist rust.这一特别的涂层旨在抗锈。
The high dampingcoatingreduces the harmful mechanical vibrations.高阻尼新型涂层材料降低了有害振动。noun.covering
同义词 blanket,coat,crust,glaze,layer,membrane,patina,sheet,skin,varnish,veneerbloom,dusting,encrustation,film,finish,lamination
blanketnoun cover, covering
coatnoun covering
covernoun wrapping
coversnoun wrapping, cover-up
enamelnoun paint, often shiny
envelopenoun wrapper
bag,box,case,casing,cloak,coat,coating,container,cover,covering,enclosure,hide,jacket,pocket,pouch,receptacle,sheath,shell,skin,vesicle,wrapping A sheet containing one layer, but with a coating of metallic lithium on the other side, acts as a lithium- ion battery.
如果单层纳米管道的另一面被覆盖了金属锂的涂层,这样的平板就颇似一个锂离子电池。 ecocn

A dentist performs in- office treatments by coating the teeth with a bleaching agent, then using periodic flashes of light to activate the solution.
所谓诊所治疗就是牙医用漂白剂给牙齿涂层,并周期性地用闪光灯来启动解决方案。 kekenet

Lining the lower lids with dark pencil and coating the lower lashes with dark mascara can bring out under- eye circles and crow’s feet once we’re past a certain age.
一旦我们过了某个年龄段,在下眼睑上用黑色眼线笔画眼线,以及在下睫毛上涂黑色的睫毛膏会使眼睛出现黑眼圈和鱼尾纹。 yeeyan

The number of times a digit appeared on the baited hook revealed crucial information about the bingo numbers underneath the latex coating.
一个数字在诱饵上面出现的频率透露了关于橡胶涂层下的数字的关键信息。 yeeyan

The building material of these stalls might have something to do with the paint coating that is required.
这些棚亭的建筑材料可能与要求粉刷的涂料有一定的关系。 yeeyan

As the heat feeds back to the fuel coating, a thermal wave is created that is guided along the nanotube.
随着纳米管里的热量反馈到燃料涂层上,一种沿着纳米管移动的热波就产生了。 yeeyan

But this new coating could change all this.
但是,新的涂层可以改变这一切。 yeeyan

Fluorescent lights use electricity to excite mercury vapour. This produces ultraviolet light that causes a phosphor coating inside the bulb to glow.
荧光灯用电激发水银蒸气,这会生成紫外线光而使得镀在灯管内壁上的磷涂层发光. ecocn

He realized that the singletons were almost always repeated under the latex coating.
他发现这些单次出现的数字几乎总是橡胶涂层下的数字。 yeeyan

His jacket is rainproofed by applying a chemical coating on it.

However, research have shown that the layer of wax coating on the noodles is quite harmful to our body and we should not consume it too frequently.
然而,研究表明,在面上的那层蜡涂层对我们的身体有非常大毒害作用,我们不应该过于频繁食用它。 ebigear

In 1874, Eastman became intrigued with photography, but was frustrated by the awkward method that required coating a glass plate with a liquid emulsion that had to be used before it dried.
1874年,伊斯曼对摄影产生了兴趣,但是他对之前笨拙的方法---即在玻璃板上必须涂上一层湿润的感光乳剂—-感到十分厌烦。 yeeyan

It is very important to wash away the wax coating while preparing a meal as we do not want our body to be in danger as it will directly impact on us.
这一点非常重要,在准备一餐的时候将蜡涂层除掉,因为我们不想让我们的身体将处于危险之中,因为它将直接影响我们的健康。 kekenet

Our new anti- reflective coating makes this possible.
我们新的抗反射涂层使之成为可能。 yeeyan

Research have shown that the layer of wax coating on the noodles is quite harmful to our body and we should not consume it too frequently.
研究表明,方便面上的那层蜡涂层对我们的身体有非常大的毒害作用,我们不应该过于频繁食用它。 iciba

Sanding off a protective coating on the flash unit allows the camera to illuminate its subject in UV.
把闪光灯部件上的一层保护涂层磨去后,照相机就可以用紫外线照亮拍摄物了。 yeeyan

The marines have been exploring ways to reduce that consumption by spraying tents with a foam coating.
海军陆战队已经在探索减少这种消耗的方式,为此他们给帐篷喷洒了泡沫涂层。 yeeyan

The artificial blood vessels are made by coating a biodegradable, plastic mesh tube with human or animal muscle cells.
这种血管是在能进行生物分解的塑料网管线上涂一层人类或动物的肌肉细胞。 www.voanews.com.cn

The prototype, slightly bigger than the size of a palm, features an outer coating that feels like human skin, ATR officials said.
这款手机的原型尺寸略大于手掌,表面涂层给人以人类皮肤的触感。 ATR官员这样介绍说。 yeeyan

The coating would be built into the windows or other materials as part of the manufacturing process.
这种涂层也可以在制造过程中直接做到窗户或其他建筑材料上。 yeeyan

This makes them useful for certain sorts of coating.
这使准晶体特别适合用作某些涂层。 ecocn

When this glass coating contact with sea water, it releases copper ions which inhibit adhesion of sea creatures.
当此玻璃涂层与海水接触时,释放出的铜离子阻止海洋生物附着在涂层上。 putclub




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