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词汇 Coase
释义 CoaseEconomist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
By such reasoning the Coase result can be obtained without a market price.
如此推理,高斯的效果可以没有市价而达致。 cri

The economics profession was slow to recognise Ronald Coase’s genius.
赏识罗纳德科斯的天分,对于经济学界来说可不是什么一蹴而就的事情。 ecocn

The influence of Coase is clear and pervasive throughout these two collections of papers.

The influence of Coase is clear and pervasive throughout these two collections of papers.

The sticking point of the problem lies in that the founder of this theory, Coase misunderstands the substitution object of firm.
问题的症结就在于这一理论的创始者科斯误解了企业取代的对象。 jukuu

The young Mr Coase first grew interested in the workings of firms when he travelled around America’s industrial heartland on a scholarship in 1931-32.
1931年至1932年间,年轻的科斯拿着奖学金游历美国经济的中心地带,这一经历激发了他对企业运营的兴趣。 ecocn

But it was left to Mr Williamson to refine Mr Coase’s theory and clarify what features of certain transactions made carrying them out more efficient within a firm rather than in the market.
不过,直到威廉逊接手,科斯理论才得以精细化,另外, 也才弄清楚是某些交易的什么特征使得该交易在公司内部进行效率优于在市场上进行。 ecocn

But Mr Coase’s narrow focus on transaction costs nevertheless provides only a partial explanation of the power of firms.
但是同时,科斯又视野狭隘地仅仅把眼光锁定交易成本,而这也只能阐释企业之所以发展壮大的部分因素。 ecocn

But Mr Coase laboured on regardless: a second seminal article on“The Problem of Social Cost” laid the intellectual foundations of the deregulation revolution of the 1980s.
但是科斯排除一切阻力,勇猛向前,他的第二篇核心论文充分关注‘社会成本问题’,为上世纪80年代的‘放宽管制运动’奠定了理论基础。 ecocn

Economists including Mr Coase have tended to emphasise property rights as a solution to the problem of managing common resources.
包括科斯在内的经济学家们一直倾向于强调用产权来解决共同资源的管理问题。 ecocn

Eventually, Mr Coase acquired an army of followers, such as Oliver Williamson, who fleshed out his ideas.
最终,科斯终于吸引了大批追随者,威廉姆斯就在其列,他帮助科斯丰富充实了其经济理论。 ecocn

Far from resting on his laurels, Mr Coase will publish a new book in2011, with Ning Wang of Arizona State University, on“ How China Became Capitalist”.
但是,科斯可是绝不会止步满足于自己的成就的,科斯将于2011年与亚利桑那州立大学的王宁合作编著出版一本新书,致力于研究“中国是如何走上资本主义道路的”,这一问题。 ecocn

However, the Chicago School tradition has taken Coase's work to conclusions that many perhaps most modern Austrians find repellant.
但是芝加哥学派传统将科斯的理论作为大部分奥地利学派找到了防护剂的结论。 yeeyan

I blame Elton John himself, since he apparently did not clearly define property rights, contrary to the recommendations of the great economist Ronald Coase.
我要指责 Elton John,因为他显然没有清楚地规定产权,这和伟大经济学家 Ronald Coase的劝告相左。 yeeyan

I have been invited by Coase to write this lead-off paper on China’s economic reforms, not on himself.
但高斯已经邀请我写这篇关于中国经改的开场主题,不是写高斯本人。 cri

In doing so, I cannot avoid involving myself, because I alone was responsible for introducing Coase’s ideas to the Chinese people.
这样做,我无可避免地要牵涉到自己,因为把高斯的思想介绍给中国同胞的只我一人。 cri

In this, she too shadows Mr Coase, who argued that those who advocated government ownership of common resources ignored the transaction costs associated with collecting taxes.
科斯曾认为那些主张政府拥有公共资源的人必然忽略了税收的交易成本,所以在这方面,她也是科斯的追随者。 ecocn

It was here that Coase’s idea on the delineation of rights worked magic, especially since I as the scientific sales person knew that the same product can be sold with new packaging.
在这重要关键上,高斯的资产权利需要清楚界定这个思想大显神功。作为当时的经济科学推销员,我知道同样的产品有了个新的包装。 cri

Mr Coase’s theory continues to explain some of the most puzzling problems in modern business.
科斯理论仍然可以用来解释现代商业上的许多难题。 yeeyan

Mr Coase’s theory of“ market failure” needs to be complemented by a theory of “ organisational advantages”.
看来,科斯理论的“市场失效”原则需要增添一套新理论“组织缺陷”来支撑。 yeeyan

Mr Coase also pointed out that these little planned societies impose transaction costs of their own, which tend to rise as they grow bigger.
科斯同时指出,这些小型的计划经济社会也给自己施加了交易成本,而随着他们的发展壮大,其交易成本也会随之增长。 ecocn

Mr Coase argued that all economic transactions are costly— even in competitive markets, there are costs associated with figuring out the right price.
科斯认为所有的经济交易都成本高昂——即便是在竞争性市场中,搞清楚合适的价格水平仍需要成本。 ecocn

On top of all this are the seminal ideas of Coase, which at that time were easy to sell.
这一切之上是高斯的原创思想,当时容易推销。 cri

That, he said, made for bad scholarship: an economist faced with a business practice that he cannot fathom, according to Mr Coase, “ looks for a monopoly explanation”.
每当经济学家们遇到其无法深究的商业行为时,按科斯的话说就是,“他们就会寻求垄断来进行解释”,他说这样的做法只会影响学术研究。 ecocn

The broader research effort for which Mr Coase called has fostered a richer understanding of how firms respond to customers and rivals.
科斯倡导的扩展研究范围成效彰显,在公司如何应对消费者和竞争对手上,形成了更为丰富的理解。 ecocn

This question was first addressed in1937 by Ronald Coase, the winner of the1991 Nobel prize for economics and the intellectual forefather of both of this year’s winners.
早在1937年罗纳德•科斯便首次提出了这个问题,这位1991年度诺贝尔经济学奖得主也是今年两位获奖者的精神导师。 ecocn

Trustbusters have moved away from the practice that so concerned Mr Coase in the early1970s— of being too quick to condemn big firms on the basis of crude judgments.
科斯在19世纪70年代初所担心的做法,即不经认真判断就急于给大公司扣帽子,如今托拉斯破坏者已不再那般草率。 ecocn

Coase and North most contribute to the development of new institutional economics.

Coase is the founder of new law and economics.
科斯是新法律经济学的创始人。 cnki




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