

单词 coarseness
释义 coarseness 英'kɔrsnɪs美'kɔrsnɪs 高COCA⁷¹⁰⁵⁴BNC⁴⁶¹⁵⁹iWeb³⁹³³³

language or humor that is down-to-earth;

the saltiness of their language was inappropriate

self-parody and saltiness riddled their core genre

the quality of being composed of relatively large particleslooseness or roughness in texture as of cloththe quality of lacking taste and refinementcoarse粗糙的relative coarseness相对粗度fibre coarseness纤维粗度
coarsea.粗糙|俗-ness名词后缀⇒n.粗糙⁶³;劣等¹¹;粗度²⁶近义词 raunch粗野rudeness粗鲁vulgarity粗俗grossness肥满roughness粗糙thickness厚度stiffness僵硬crassness粗鲁vulgarism粗鄙saltiness碱度incivility无礼commonness普通uncouthness粗野graininess粒状的unevenness不平坦abrasiveness磨耗granularity颗粒度obscenity猥亵下流tweediness质地粗糙crudeness天然的状态harshness粗糙的事物smuttiness淫秽,猥亵nubbiness块状; 多节tastelessnesstasteless的名词…

用作名词He is well balanced and shows no legginess orcoarseness.它非常匀称,不会显得腿很细长或很粗糙。
The real Chinaman may be coarse,but there is no grossness in hiscoarseness.真正的中国人也许粗糙,但粗糙中没有粗劣。
The results showed that fibercoarsenessis changed duringbeating,thus greatly affecting the physical properties and opacity of handsheet.结果表明,打浆能改变纤维的粗度,从而影响手抄片的物理性能和不透明度。noun.rudeness, vulgarity
同义词 bawdiness,boorishness,callousness,crassness,crudity,harshness,indelicacy,offensiveness,rawness,ribaldry,roughness,smut,smuttiness,uncouthness,unevennessearthiness,poor taste,unrefinement
反义词 delicacy,manners,politeness,refinement,sophistication
awkwardnessnoun clumsiness;inelegance
barbarismnoun crudity, savagery, especially in speech
atrocity,barbarity,brutality,catachresis,coarseness,corruption,cruelty,impropriety,inhumanity,localism,malapropism,misusage,misuse,primitive culture,provincialism,solecism,uncivilizedness,vernacularism,vernacularity,vulgarism
bawdinessnoun obscenity
crueltynoun brutality, harshness
dirtinessnoun obscenity
disrespectnoun disregard, rudeness toward someone
boldness,coarseness,contempt,discourtesy,dishonor,flippancy,hardihood,impertinence,impiety,impoliteness,impudence,incivility,insolence,insolency,insolentness,irreverence,lack of respect,sacrilege,unmannerliness Each and every line of Wang Tong's works is a euphemism. It sometimes reveals helplessness that accumulates to become coarseness and even perseverance and tenacity.
王彤的每条线都委婉的诉说着。有时诉说着无奈,而无奈重叠起来又变成一种粗砺,变成了执着甚至坚韧。 www.artnow.com.cn

The growing coarseness needs to be headed off.
日益增长的粗劣低俗需要被制止了。 ecocn

The influences of the duration of polishing and the coarseness of surfaces on the readings of the Brinell hardness measurement of metallic materials are discussed in this paper.
本文讨论抛光时间和表面粗糙度对金属材料布氏硬度测试数据的影响。 iciba

Any tendency to coarseness or weediness is undesirable.
任何粗劣的或是瘦弱的都是不受欢迎的。 xabbs

From boundary to centre of the basin, the reservoir beds for exploring for gas are Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary and the lithology changes from coarseness to fineness.
从盆地边缘到中心, 有勘探意义的储层依次有渐新统、中新统、上新统和第四系,岩性由粗变细。 iciba

He felt no call to search for ultimate reality; whatever moved his heart served him for the time as the truth, even obvious coarseness not proving a deterrent.
他心里感受不到那种追求基本真理的号召;什么能够使他感动,什么对来说就是真理,甚至于很明显粗劣的东西,也不会妨碍他把它当作真理。 yeeyan

He seemed unaware that his coarseness might cause others to suffer.
他似乎不知道自己的粗陋不雅会叫别人难堪。 bab

Measurements include fibre length and width distributions, hardwood to softwood ratios, fines content, curl, kink, coarseness and vesselcell content.
测量包括纤维的长度和宽度的分布、硬木和软木的比例、.细小纤维的成分、纤维卷、纤维结、粗糙度、树干细胞成分。 yeeyan

Parameters, based on the NGLDM, such as fineness, coarseness, entropy, second moment, and non uniformity parameter were introduced to describe the texture of froth.
引入了基于该矩阵的细度参数、粗度参数、二阶距参数、熵参数及不均匀性等特征参数来描述泡沫的结构。 cnki

The results show that the bridge formation of the soil particles is related the shape and the coarseness degree of the granule, the shape of filtration opening, the relative open area.
试验研究表明,土颗粒成拱结构受颗粒形状和表面粗糙程度、滤层孔的形状和相对开孔面积等因素的影响。 cnki

The boy was rejected by his peers due to his coarseness.
这个男孩子因为很粗鲁被同侪排挤。 english-bbs

The tearing strength is increased with the improving of the fiber coarseness in a poorly bonded sheet.
在纤维结合较差的纸页中,撕裂强度随纤维粗度的增加而增加。 cnki

This study dealt with the effects of fiber length, coarseness and length distribution on the properties of paper produced from unbeaten HW & SW pulp.
本文研究了针、阔叶木未打浆纤维的粗度、长度及其长度分布特性对成纸性能的影响。 cnki

Though the treatment of enzyme combined with ultrasonic wave reduced the coarseness and fiber length to some extent, there was little effect on the strength of pulp.
虽然酶和超声波的处理会在一定程度上降低纤维粗度和纤维长度,但对纸张的强度影响很小。 cnki




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